The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1642: Cai Ruichen's Fantasy

Back in the car, the weapons were recovered in the equipment counter inside the car. Cai Ruichen himself was quite satisfied with the whole battle process just now.

In order to more quickly adapt to all the possibilities that will appear on the wasteland battlefield in the future, the Red Police Corps has constantly formulated tactics and improved tactical tactics, and formulated hundreds of targeted combat modes for mutants.

Among all the tactics, the sniper's tactics accounted for one percent of them.

Because the best way to kill high-level mutants is to kill them remotely. This is the most efficient and practical method.

And Cai Ruichen, Natasha, and Tang Zuwang, the three of them almost represent the highest sniper level of the entire Red Police Corps.

With your own weapons and equipment, you can fully display the level of sniping.

It’s just a pity that Cai Ruichen’s sniper rifle is just a temporary upgrade and modification of the 20-type heavy sniper rifle. When it comes to the quality of a sniper rifle, it’s not even a tenth of Black Star. on.

And Tang Zuwang's exclusive sniper rifle is also quite good. Any sniper rifle at the current base, even if it is modified, cannot be compared with Tang Zuwang's exclusive sniper rifle.

Cai Ruichen has always wanted a sniper rifle of his own, and even a set of equipment specifically his own.

But until now, the base has not prepared a set of exclusive equipment for the commander, and although Cai Ruichen has used it smoothly with the upgraded equipment, it is not exclusively his own.

Perhaps from the base's point of view, the commander himself always wanted to take the lead, and he was not a qualified commander.

It's just that Cai Ruichen is also one of the strongest combatants in the Red Police Corps after all. When necessary, he should still be shot.

If a group of mutants of ranks 6 and 7 enter the dangerous range of the base, how can Cai Ruichen let ordinary soldiers go to death? Naturally, he needs high-end combat power and his own shopping mall to solve this trouble.

As a commander, Cai Ruichen is naturally impossible to win the love of others. The weapons and equipment of a superhero must naturally be in the hands of the superhero to be able to fully play out.

Cai Ruichen just hopes that one day, the base will understand his own mind and prepare a set of exclusive equipment for himself.

As a master, he is very eager to improve his strength. Cai Ruichen has even repeatedly imagined what kind of performance his equipment should have.

But no matter how much I think about it, the base is not satisfied, and it is just a fantasy, and Cai Ruichen also decided that if the next level of authority is reached, the base has a higher level of technology, or does not have its own exclusive equipment, then let the scientists in the combat laboratory, Customize a set for yourself.

It doesn’t require exclusive equipment comparable to superheroes, but it can’t be too bad, right?

In fact, Cai Ruichen has fiddled with the exclusive equipment of superheroes and used them very well. He doesn't require much of the base, and it is enough to clone a set for himself.

Two super rapid-fire pistols, a super sniper rifle with the same function as Black Star, and then creating a super weighty melee weapon, the front is not sharp, but it is best not to be light in the hand, it has no feel at all .

Of course, if he could make another set of Lieyan's equipment for herself, Cai Ruichen would really satisfy the fierce concubine until the prince died.


Then combined with the super nano armor that the base has prepared for him, Cai Ruichen feels that he can single out the super boss of the wasteland world. Of course, this super boss needs to be a person.

It's like playing a game. After more than ten years of hard work, I finally reached the level. The equipment is also the most powerful in the game. Naturally, I have to single out the strongest boss...

Just when Cai Ruichen fancied to build his own equipment, the intensity of the battle on the battlefield had begun to drop.

The entire outskirts of Mashhad are full of mutant bodies. The firepower of the Taliban is also rapidly declining. The mutants give people a feeling of powerlessness.

With the loss of the third-level and fourth-level mutants, most of the ordinary mutants lay directly on the corpses of their companions and gnawed at them, completely unaware of continuing to attack.

Perhaps it is also the biggest difference between mutants and humans, that is, low-level mutants have no discipline at all.

The slowing down of the pace of war also means that this battle was won by the human side.

Just such a small victory is not worthy of any pride at all.

Cai Ruichen can't really be interested in this kind of battle that is only a scale of hundreds of thousands of mutants.

After all, most of these hundreds of thousands of mutants are ordinary mutants. In large-scale combat, human firearms are not something ordinary mutants can resist.

"The battle is over, do we really want to go to the Taliban base with each other?" Tan Ya asked Cai Ruichen in a low What do you think?" Cai Ruichen did not immediately answer, but asked instead. .

"The other party's attitude is not clear. As the transportation hub connects China in the east, Russia in the north, Europe and the Middle East in the west, and India in the south, I feel that I can go. This is the only safer channel. The Taliban bases dare not casually. Offend other forces." Tan Ya thought for a while and said.

"In fact, I really want to see that the Taliban base has a unique geographical advantage in the wasteland environment. Since it can connect Russia and China, India and Pakistan, then I believe it will be quite interesting. It may also be the most important trading point in this area.” Cai Ruichen nodded and said.

The development and integration of human civilization is inseparable from the most basic trade needs. Trade has promoted the integration of human civilizations and has lasted for thousands of years. From the ancient Silk Road to the sea trade route, it constitutes the appointment and development of human beings. Road of development.

The Taliban base is located right in the middle of the crosshairs. In the wasteland world, a relatively safe passage can be opened up, which requires an extremely heavy price.

Therefore, this channel should also be very precious.

And now the Taliban base has attacked this Mashhad several times. Cai Ruichen can imagine it. The first one is the only way to go west. If the Taliban base wants to have long-term development, it needs to get through to Europe as much as possible. the way.

A large number of mutants in Iran have disappeared, allowing the Taliban base to see an opportunity. Mashhad is like a damaged bridge. Passing through the city is the only option. Therefore, the mutants in the city need to be eliminated before the traffic line can be used. Safely established.

(To be continued.)

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