The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1644: The life of human beings in the wasteland

A few hundred kilometers, in the wasteland world, is actually quite a long distance.

Because the road is very insecure, humans have fallen from the top of the food chain to almost the bottom. The breathing time also gives humans time to adapt, but the pattern has not changed.

On the same day, Cai Ruichen and his party followed the armored regiment of the Taliban base along the Eastern Highway.

As a result of helping the Taliban armored regiment, all Taliban soldiers, to Cai Ruichen and others, are very polite.

It also allowed Cai Ruichen to learn a lot about the situation, especially this road and the situation of the Taliban base.

Cai Ruichen even asked why the Taliban armored regiment attacked Mashhad's strategy.

In fact, this is not a secret. People also took the initiative to tell Zhao Long, because the commander of the armored regiment also planned to get some information from them about the Middle East and Western to the Mediterranean. After all, Cai Ruichen and the others came from there.

Both sides just take what they need, but Zhao Long didn't say too much, only that there is a very safe passage from Mashhad to Iraq. In Iraq, there are almost no mutants.

This made Atdan very shocked. Under his inquiry, Zhao Long only vaguely explained with what he heard. I heard that there is a very powerful human organization in Iraq that has gradually eliminated the territory of Iraq. A lot of mutant people.

Zhao Long also emphasized that this is just something to say, they have not seen it.

As for other things, Zhao Long didn't say much, and from what Atdan knew, since most of the mutants in Iran have been missing, the Taliban base has also begun to try to open up the road to Europe.

Although countries still harbor ghosts, and the hatred of the Third World War has not been completely temporarily put down, more humans are willing to unite in the face of the basic survival of mankind.

Especially in the exchange and deployment of materials, countries are very clear about each other's needs, so they are very cooperative.

The existence of the Taliban base is like the distribution center of the ancient Silk Road. There are also many distribution centers of different sizes between the channels between China and Russia.

This type of transaction is not to say that it is the materials needed by China. It is to send troops to the Taliban base and other countries for transactions. It is a one-stop relay transportation.

For example, the core control area of ​​China is near the capital circle, and the base of the capital circle is the most transporting materials to Lanzhou, or even Inner Mongolia, and then passing it to the last stop of the Taliban.

If a route connecting Europe is opened in the future, the entire transaction will be able to penetrate the entire Eurasian continent.

This one-stop material delivery method enables various localities to form cooperation and be responsible for the safety of a section of roads, which can reduce a lot of safety pressure.

Building such a safe passage is not a simple matter. Over the years, for the birth of this passage, it is no longer known how many people have been sacrificed.

And the replacement materials are all quite high-level, not simple civilian commodities. As long as those things are barely usable, such precious transportation resources will not be wasted.

The materials transported are all equipment or technical drawings that are closely related to military and technology. [Lu Zhen]


At present, there are not many memories that can be used in the wasteland. Many things are restored to the ancient recording method of drawings.

And some drawings are not just a few, many times, there are many, even a large car.

There are also special materials such as depleted uranium ore, rare earths, carbon fiber, etc., which are also key transactions.

Of course, food is the most traded. If it is not the equivalent exchange of relative items, it is traded food.

However, the grains traded in wasteland are not just like the rice in imagination, and canned and vacuum-packaged foods. They are all nutrients that humans can really rely on for survival.

Regarding all the normal foods of mankind, unfortunately, those things in the wasteland world are truly absolute luxury items.

Every pack of rice appears on the market, no matter whether it is moldy or not, no matter whether it has passed the shelf life, no human being can resist such temptation.

Nutrients, although they can replenish the body's calories and most of the nutrients, they are difficult to swallow. Many people use them when they are very hungry or even feel a little low blood sugar.

And the nutrient can't get enough, let alone live a healthy life, just barely keep the body's nutritional balance.

If ordinary people want to survive in the wasteland, they must have the value of existence. Although there are very few survivors gathering areas now, they are all merged into bases to warm each other and resist mutants and ordinary people at the grassroots level. More The decision-makers naturally need to consider public opinion.

Otherwise, if the majority of ordinary people feel that they can't survive, it will definitely become a mess.

Therefore, in those large bases, the survival of ordinary people is still guaranteed to a certain extent, but in this world, only a half of the work can be gained, so ordinary people choose to join the army and receive rigorous military training. Or just be a manual worker.

Building defenses and maintaining facilities for communication lines, as long as they can create value, a single labor force can keep a family of four people from starving.

The so-called salary is the amount of work done every day and the amount of nutrients you get.

Nutrients are also like currency, which can buy some ordinary consumables. As for house furniture, those things are completely worthless, and they are everywhere.

This is also the biggest difference from Cai Ruichen's establishment of a base. In the Hope Base, everyone has their own identity information and earns points through labor. Points are equivalent to currency, but they are different from virtual currencies.

Virtual currency has zero value, and points represent how much contribution this person has created and how much value has been brought to the development of the entire base.

This value can be reflected in practical aspects, and the points have become a currency that can be circulated, because Cai Ruichen does not generate points, and all the points are created by everyone's labor.

Points can do everything that used to be currency, and you can buy a lot of things in the base. Every Sunday is a day when you want the base to rest and a day to go to the market. There will be a pile of goods on this day. People in the base buy.

Therefore, I hope that the people in the base have actually returned to the pace of life.

(To be continued.)

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