The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1645: Be blocked

There is only one hope base in the world, and at the same time there is only one Cai Ruichen. He can be responsible for every survivor, but for the other survivor base holders in the Wasteland World, that is too difficult to do. .

It is not easy to guarantee that no one will starve to death.

Knowing these basic conditions, Cai Ruichen also began to have a true outline of the survival of most humans in this world.

Of course, this is also very likely to represent a part of human beings. After all, there are good people and many bad people.

Especially under this kind of world structure, how many people will go to extremes because of this, I am afraid this number is really a lot.

What's more, people's hearts are separated by the belly. Cai Ruichen needs to fully understand everything in this world if he wants to integrate into this world, and at the same time be ready to deal with all the possibilities in this world.

For the distance of several hundred kilometers, if it weren't for the armored regiment's military trucks dedicated to transporting tanks, it would be difficult to reach the Taliban base that day.

When the guidance was set at dusk, the convoy saw the huge city wall that was so high in the distance.

Seeing the images captured by the truck's panoramic camera, Cai Ruichen suddenly felt that the one hundred-meter-high fence built by the Hope Base was simply a fence.

The extremely high city wall in front of him has truly reached a state of towering into the clouds.

In the setting sun, the entire city wall reflects a golden color, and the height is probably more than two hundred meters. This is a huge annular valley. The city wall is built between two high mountains at the mouth of the valley.

The tall surrounding wall is comparable to a sixty-story tall building with a height of two hundred meters, which is absolutely crazy.

Originally, Cai Ruichen felt that a one-hundred-meter-high fence was already high enough, equivalent to a thirty-story building.

The result is really like a small stream meeting a river, completely incomparable.

Moreover, a large amount of heavy firepower was arranged on the fence, and even Cai Ruichen saw several battery railguns. Various direct-fire type heavy firepower were simply a fortress of war.

But just after a few more glances, Cai Ruichen felt that he didn't have much interest. With the current level of human construction, it is not impossible to build such a city wall between two mountains.

After all, compared to those large dams, the difficulty of this city wall is much lower. And in terms of the building structure, it is only stacked on top of each other, which is completely different from the entire wall module of the base.

Even Cai Ruichen, if he wants to, can directly build the wall to the height of the low earth orbit, but it is not necessary to do so.

At this moment, on the top of the wall, a large number of figures and construction equipment, various hoisting equipment, are still busy, all kinds of steel bars and packages of cement are constantly hanging up. Obviously, the height of the city wall is still Will continue to increase.

Perhaps for the people inside the city wall, only a higher city wall will bring more security.

When the huge convoy arrives under the wall, the more you can feel the wall of more than two hundred meters, it gives people a great sense of oppression.

At the gate of the city wall that looked like a tunnel, the convoy came to a halt slowly.

Cai Ruichen’s motorcade was in the middle of the Taliban armored regiment, so naturally it stopped.


I saw Aterdan stepping out of the command vehicle and letting the convoy of Cai Ruichen and others move to the side, and then the entire three-kilometer marching team of the armored regiment slowly entered the tunnel under the city wall and entered inside.

Atdan and a small group of soldiers stayed outside the city. Cai Ruichen in the car gave Zhao Long a wink, and the two got off the car one by one.

"Please wait a moment, I have already contacted the chief executive, he will come out immediately and bring you into the base himself." Atdan explained when he saw Zhao Long.

"Then trouble Colonel Atdan." Zhao Long smiled slightly and continued to ask: "Do you need any conditions to enter? For example, weapons."

"There is only one condition, and that is that no injuries are allowed. No wounded person is allowed to enter the base." At this point, Atdan paused and continued: "But if you enter the inner base, you cannot carry any dangerous goods. Up."

When he heard the wound, Cai Ruichen frowned slightly, and the penetrating injury on the palm of his right hand was impossible to recover to the point where there were no scars quickly.

"We can't be inspected." Zhao Long said seriously after hearing this.

"But everyone who wants to enter here must be checked. This is for everyone's safety. Security is the same iron law, and everyone must check."

This sentence was not said by Atterdan, but by a man who walked over from behind Atdan.

When Atdan heard the voice, he turned around and looked at it, and said to the person who came: " If it weren't for these people today, we might not be able to come back."

Atdan was helping Zhao Long to speak, but it was obvious that the people who came here didn’t buy it, but scolded Atdan: “You think I’m stupid. What can several people change? You are deliberately biasing these people. Do I need to emphasize the importance of the problem?"

An injured normal human can become a mutant at any time within 24 hours, and anyone who has been scratched by a mutant will soon become a mutant.

Once a mutant person appears in the survivor base, it is indeed a very important safety issue. Once a person is injured, it is a tragedy.

As a decision maker, Cai Ruichen is also very clear about what such rules mean for a place where survivors gather.

Security issues are as serious as Mount Tai, and you cannot be careless at any time. Therefore, Cai Ruichen is not angry with the other party's attitude.

Obviously, Atdan also thought of this, and looked at Zhao Long apologetically, but did not continue to speak.

"Everyone, I am the Minister of Administration of the Taliban Survivor Base. You can call me Abdul, welcome to the Taliban Survivor Base. We treat every guest here with an extremely welcome attitude, but For security issues, please cooperate with you. Of course, we will never offend every guest." Abdul walked past Atdan and came to Zhao Long and said.

"How do you check?" Zhao Long asked.

Abdul cast a glance at Atdan behind him, and said: "Since you have helped us, they are our distinguished guests. Naturally, there is a way to treat distinguished guests. They are inspected by military dogs and monitored by us for 24 hours. We need our sergeant to be with you."

(To be continued.)

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