The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1646: The greatest cruelty to humans

Cai Ruichen could not see the emotion of the Abdul administrative officer in front of him, and he did not give Zhao Long any instructions.

When away from home, since he has planned to give priority to Zhao Long, Cai Ruichen will not say anything about Zhao Long's decisions, and there is no need to remind him.

Zhao Long, who understood the plan of the trip, did not directly refuse to leave, but nodded, but his tone was very tough: "We can accept your request, but don't go too far."

Zhao Long's toughness caused Abdul to frown instinctively. He firmly believes that people who can live to this day are definitely not fools, nor arrogant stupid people.

To be able to live in the wasteland to the present, and to live such a healthy and moisturized life, is certainly not a simple role.

These people in front of them dared to go out and wander around. It was definitely not a simple role.

But Abdul could not understand why the opponent was tough at this time.

Although the Taliban base is not a large-scale survivor base, nor is it a super survival circle established by a superpower, it also has more than 100,000 elite divisions, and its combat power is second to none in this area.

Abdul could not understand the opponent's toughness and self-confidence, but this is not important. Once the opponent enters the base, everything will be under control.

"For every guest who comes from afar, we will be very enthusiastic to entertain you. I believe that our leaders will also be very willing to meet you as soon as possible." Abdul simply put a word down, and then began to work. Directly to Atdan for execution.

When Abdul left, Atdan also explained to everyone: "Please don't mind, this kind of rule is fixed in any area where survivors gather. Within the scope of my power, I let the soldiers Instead of the military police, you enter the base, and you can tell my soldiers what you need."

"Thank you, Colonel Atdan." Zhao Long expressed his gratitude to Atdan briefly, and then both sides began to enter the Taliban base.

The length of the tunnel is nearly 150 meters, of which more than 20 meters is the gate under the city wall. The tunnel behind is through a hill between the valleys, and then the convoy enters the Taliban base.

Like the hope base established by Cai Ruichen, the inner wall is also divided into several layers. In the middle of the outermost wall, all piled up with building materials like a hill, a large number of construction vehicles and mechanical equipment are constantly busy. in.

In the construction site, there are also busy figures, everyone is wearing heavy work clothes, it can be said that the whole body is protected to the end.

This is also the greatest helplessness of mankind at present, because as long as there is an obvious wound, it is tattered.

If the construction personnel are not careful, they will have no life. Once injured and transformed into a mutant, they will be supervised. When they become a mutant, they will be killed immediately.

However, the construction team is also the best welfare job in the entire base. Although it is very tiring, it can get as many nutrients as other jobs every day, and many people are eager for it.

After all, as long as you be careful, injuries can still be avoided, not to mention that you are fully protected.

Just as Cai Ruichen and their motorcade passed by, they saw a middle-aged man with a dead face. He was carried out of the construction site by two military policemen. Father and mother lost her memory again.


When all the workers in the vicinity looked at this middle-aged man, they all showed sympathy and pity.

As the convoy passed by, Cai Ruichen clearly saw that this middle-aged man was constantly begging for the two military policemen.

Cai Ruichen understands most of the languages ​​in the world, and has also learned lip language. The middle-aged man who was pulled out is not begging for mercy, but hopes that the base can treat his family well.

There is no pain or sorrow on his pale face, and it is more like a pure pale that he is about to die.

And on his foot, a steel bar that runs through the entire instep, dripping blood along the way...

Cai Ruichen is no stranger to such a picture. At this moment, Cai Ruichen also remembered many young faces. Each of the faces in these memories is a pride in his heart.

The wasteland world bestows on human beings, it is extremely cruel, and the Red Police Corps is no exception.

How many soldiers, because of a trivial wound on their bodies, even under normal circumstances, they don't even need band-aids, but because of this mosquito-sized wound, they had to die.

This has always been Cai Ruichen's most painful memory deep in his heart.

The first official battle against mutants was in Mozabi County. That war was an active defensive operation. It was also the first time the Red Police Corps really faced the mutant war. , The Red Police soldiers who died directly at the hands of mutants did not even reach twenty, but the final death number exceeded two hundred.

The vast majority of soldiers died from a small wound inadvertently caused by the virus, and other soldiers had to dispose of all of these soldiers.

In the subsequent war, 98% of the death toll of the Red Police Corps in the Wasteland were caused by the virus.

But unlike the first time, Cai Ruichen was not willing to watch them become mutants one by one, or understand themselves.

What Cai Ruichen remembers most is the three words euthanasia. This is the only request made by all wounded soldiers to Cai Ruichen.

But Cai Ruichen couldn't do it. At the same time, he knew better than anyone that under normal circumstances, euthanasia was indeed the best relief for these soldiers, but he never really gave such orders.

All the wounded soldiers, Cai Ruichen agreed to their euthanasia, but in the end, the execution was not euthanasia, but frozen.

Cai Ruichen firmly believes that in the future, his soldiers will be able to heal healthily. He is willing to spend more resources to freeze them and the viruses that have invaded in his body, so as to find a solution to the virus in the near future. Unblock them and heal them.

But for all mankind, there are a few more who can do Cai Ruichen like this, just like this scene before us.

Seeing the wound of the middle-aged man, Cai Ruichen already understood that waiting for the fate of the middle-aged man might be euthanasia, and then the body was burned by the heat immediately.

This is the greatest compassion for this middle-aged person, and the process of becoming a mutant is quite painful... (To be continued.)

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