The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1659: Leaving the Taliban


Seeing the misfortune that just appeared, he directly teleported away in time and space, and Cai Ruichen laughed directly.

He hadn't planned to leave the curse, the ability of the curse was really disgusting, and he couldn't keep it.

Just behind the laughter, Cai Ruichen also knew very well that he couldn't stay here anymore.

"Mr. Cai, who was that just now?"

The sudden appearance of the mutant made Ahmed and the others shocked, and then the mutant suddenly disappeared, making people start to fidget again.

"He is the eighth-level mutant in Iran at the time, with spatial stealth and spatial teleportation capabilities. From the time you invited me here, I felt his presence." Cai Ruichen said.

This explanation made everyone present pale. Only Ahmed was okay. After all, he already knew about Iranian eighth-level mutants, but the others were different.

At this time, the gazes looking at Cai Ruichen were all a little unnatural.

Cai Ruichen said so calmly, but how can it be easy to provoke an eighth-level mutant? Even now, most of the people present have heard of the eighth-level mutant for the first time. Mutant people are simply unprecedented.

Nikolaev’s transformation into a sixth-level mutant has made them scared, let alone an eighth-level mutant, and he has special spatial teleportation and stealth abilities. That is not the rhythm of whoever wants to die, whoever wants to die. .

This is the means of the gods...

At the same time, when everyone thought of Cai Ruichen's dialogue with this eighth-level mutant called Bane, it was obviously an old grudge.

An eighth-level mutant who can teleport and hide in space has given Cai Ruichen such nourishment. Then who exactly is Cai Ruichen?

When I think of this question, everyone understands that this is really a thigh, no wonder Ahmed is holding such a grand dinner.

"Everyone, I hope you don't go out and talk nonsense, now we need to say goodbye." Cai Ruichen clearly felt everyone's thoughts. Although the confidentiality requirements will not be effective at all, Cai Ruichen can't help but remind.

"Mr. Cai, are you leaving now?" Ahmed asked strangely.

"If I don't leave, believe me, it won't be until tomorrow. The mutants around Afghanistan will immediately surround this place. I don't want to cause any trouble here. The evil is looking for me. Once I leave, You will be attracted to me." Cai Ruichen explained.

Thinking of the horror of the eighth-level mutant, Ahmed was about to open his mouth to hold back, instantly disappeared.

"Next time, I hope that without external factors, you can stay here for a while. Before you travel, if you have anything you need to add, you can speak as much as possible." Ahmed patted his chest, and then immediately addressed himself The subordinates said: "Pack these two goats and give them to Mr. Cai."

"I don't need it, you will understand later. Before leaving, I can tell you that I have let my subordinates start to establish a safe passage to Mashhad." Cai Ruichen shook his head and rejected Ahmed's kindness. .

It was not that he was polite, but that he was really not interested in these two goats that had been frozen for more than eight years.

When Ahmed heard the latter sentence, his mind was not on this at all, and he said excitedly: "Well, I will also let people establish a safe passage from here to Mashhad as soon as possible. I look forward to working with Your official cooperation."

Cai Ruichen nodded and bowed his hands to everyone as farewell.

Leaving the castle, Cai Ruichen took everyone and returned directly to the hotel parking lot. Under the **** of Atdan and Abdul, he simply left the Taliban safe base.

Cai Ruichen wanted to leave, first of all, one didn't like that occasion, and the other was someone who really didn't want to compromise the base of Taliban survivors.

Bane is not an ordinary mutant. At the eighth level, he can completely control all the mutants in this area, so he cannot take risks.

What's more, inside the Taliban survivor base is actually no safer than outside.

Bane can sneak in, and it will be able to send more mutants in stealth. Under the attack of those fifth and sixth-level mutants, it is more convenient to be outside.

The convoy left the Taliban base, Atdan also handed a map to Zhao Long. This map shows all the safe passages that have been established.

The so-called safe passage is a safe traffic line. The traffic line will be patrolled by troops every day. All mutants who are close to the traffic line within a radius of three kilometers will be cleared.

At the same time, safe passages avoid major cities, and there are places to refuel and water along the way, as well as safe stations for rest.

All the way to the east, Cai Ruichen did not take the safe passage, because he would check the passing vehicles along the safe passage, which made him feel very troublesome. After all, he did not want to be too Besides, he learned the situation from the Taliban Look, Chizuru doesn't seem to pass this place.

Immediately after leaving the Taliban base, Cai Ruichen opened the map and drew the route for Qianhe to leave, and said to everyone: "Leave the safe passage to the south, enter Pakistan, and go directly to the Kunlun Mountains."

"Commander, the road in the Kunlun Mountains is not easy to follow. Once you encounter an attack, it is too dangerous. I suggest you go north through Turkmenistan and follow the safe passage to China." Natasha suggested.

"The purpose of this trip is not entirely to go to China. I have a feeling that Qianhe may be in the Kunlun Mountains." Cai Ruichen said.

This sentence closed all the suggestions, and Ralph, who was driving the truck, immediately reset the route of automatic driving.

"Let the troops retreat and quickly establish a safe passage from the base to Mashhad. I hope that when I come back, I can see a safe and worry-free transportation line." Cai Ruichen saw that everyone no longer objected, so he ordered Tao.

The elf flew out of the car and conveyed Cai Ruichen's order back to the base. At this time, the car also turned directly over the mountain road of the safe passage, passed the dangerous warning signs, broke the roadblock, and entered the mountain road going south.

This passage can directly cross most cities and directly enter the Kunlun Mountains.

This mountain road has a history of thousands of years. It was originally part of the Silk Road, leading directly to the part of the Kunlun Mountains near Pakistan, and then into China.

Along the road is a plateau climate, the highest place, the altitude has exceeded four kilometers.

There is no oxygen cylinder in the car because no one needs it.

The armed mining vehicle can adapt to most of the harsh weather, and there is no problem with ultra-low temperature and plateau.

To be continued.

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