The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1660: Large avalanche

The Pamir Plateau, which was called Bu Zhou Mountain in ancient China, passed through the ancient Silk Road. It is located in the southeast of Central Asia, the westernmost point of China, and straddles Tajikistan, China and Afghanistan.

Pamir means the roof of the world in the language of the local Tajik people. The plateau is between 4,000 and 7,000 meters above sea level and has many peaks with an average elevation of more than 6,000 meters.

Through the Pamirs, you can reach the Kunlun Mountain transportation line to China, because Kunlun Mountain starts from the Pamirs in the west, connecting Xinjiang and Qinghai to the country of Sichuan.

This plateau is the node between the Himalayas and Chukotsi, the two largest mountain ranges on earth, and the main mountain range of the Greater 6 and Central Regions of Asia, including the Himalayas, Kunlun Mountains, Tianshan Mountains and Hindu Kush Mountains, etc. .

Rolling ups and downs, snowy peaks standing in groups, towering between the sky and clouds, belong to the real roof of Asia Big 6.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen's convoy is heading to the highest peak of the Pamirs, the Chogori Peak in the Kharkunlun Mountains. This is the junction of China and Pakistan, with an altitude of 8,601 meters, the second highest peak in the world.

Through here, you can enter the highway to the Kunlun Mountains, and then pass through the Tianshan Mountains, you can reach the territory of China, which is the most important road transportation line between China and the Middle East.

It's just that this place is currently abandoned and abandoned. Cai Ruichen's departure here is actually quite unsafe.

The Pamirs continue to the east. The roads are built on cliffs, winding and winding for thousands of kilometers. Walking in such places is quite dangerous in peacetime.

Even with the automatic driving of armed mining vehicles, there is no way to drive on such a road. A narrow highway can only barely allow two trucks to cross, and a narrower place can only barely allow a truck to pass alone.

The most important thing is that in eight years, no one has been covering such mountain roads, and the extreme mountain roads that go up to the kilometer are still passable.

It is possible that a heavy rain, or a large amount of snow in the cold winter, will cause severe rock landslides, or road collapses, which are all natural conditions.

That's why this highway, there are obviously not many mutants, but it is not the current choice of human beings, it is too complicated.

Mankind currently has no personnel and energy to maintain such a long road line.

Therefore, the safe passage descends from the north, bypassing the most complex mountain terrain in the world.

Cai Ruichen chose here for a very simple reason, and that is to follow intuition.

Of course, this kind of intuition may be simply due to the inner longing for the Kunlun Mountains and Tianshan Mountains, or the conquest.

But the most important thing is that Cai Ruichen really wants to pass this second highest peak in the world and see the world outside Genting.

The convoy stopped at the foot of the Chogori Peak. There were hardly any mutants in sight. In the deserted town, it was unknown how many layers of snow were covered.

The truck was locked, everyone carried their backpacks, left the truck, stepped onto the snow and headed towards the top of the mountain.

There is no heavy down jacket, and no cold protection measures armed to the eyes. Everyone is very cool.

Carrying a backpack nearly one person high, leaving deep footprints along the way, all the way towards the Chogori Peak.

Along the way, no one spoke, no one made a sound, only the snow that fell into the legs and the rubbing of the feet.

Cai Ruichen had turned off the load, and his personal terminal projected a topographic map of the entire Chogori mountain range, leading everyone forward.

There is heavy snow, no vegetation, and mountains and rocks are almost covered by snow. Therefore, we can only use previous topographic maps to match and find a safe way to the mountain.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen's eyes are a virtual mountain map, guiding a safe road on the deserted snow.

On the map, accompanied by danger warnings, the mountains are too thick, and any loud noise may cause huge avalanches.

This is a long mountain climbing without rest, and everyone's degree is very fast. This kind of physical exhaustion, hypoxia and other problems will not affect Cai Ruichen and others at all.

It's just that with the increase in altitude, personal terminals are more and more severely affected by electromagnetic radiation. When they climb to one-third of the height, the personal terminals are completely unusable.

Turning off the personal terminal, Cai Ruichen stopped for the first time. At this moment, the sky was completely dark, and the surrounding white snow-capped mountains stretched to the end of the world.

Not far away, one should be a resting place opened by previous climbers, and a cave dug out manually.

This is a rest point and a refuge point on the mountain. Cai Ruichen gestured behind him with a gesture to rest, and then changed the direction of came to the location of the cave and opened the entrance of the snow mountain. Completely appeared in front of everyone.

The cave is very disturbing. The moisture here is more than 20 degrees below zero, all condensed into frost, and the air inside is not unpleasant.

The space in the cave is not small, it can accommodate hundreds of people, and after reinforcement, there are many simple facilities, but they are currently unusable.

After taking the rucksack, there was no mouth to talk for a day, all exhaled a mouthful of heating.

"Take a break here. The electronic map is no longer available. I will draw the follow-up map later. We will continue up the mountain tomorrow."

Cai Ruichen's words made everyone busy, cleaning the place and preparing food.

And Cai Ruichen is also ready to draw a picture of the route in his mind, and then everyone will give a copy.

If he is alone, there is no need to draw a map at all, but to prevent accidents, communication here is extremely difficult, so each person should have a map, and then set the emergency assembly point for each area. In case of accidents, you can Wait or search at the assembly point.


When everyone was busy, there was a roar outside, and then a roar came from the entire mountain.

"It's an avalanche, all gathered together."

Cai Ruichen hurriedly yelled, a large amount of snow rolled down from the peak, and the cave was constantly shaking.

A large amount of snow rolled down from the top of the mountain, sweeping everything like a tsunami, and the entrance of the cave was instantly covered.

And the murderer who caused this avalanche is still roaring, and the layers of snow are constantly sliding down, like a raging mountain torrent, crushing everything in front of you, the rocks are rolling down, and the roar is endless.

When everything was calm and calm, the top of the mountain also showed a lot of surface color.

To be continued.

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