The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1670: Spoilers for the overlord

"It cannot be resisted, and it cannot be reversed."

Cai Ruichen replied simply.

"Like the lightning storm, when the real disaster comes, it is also impossible for manpower to contend." The overlord said helplessly.

This made Cai Ruichen suddenly speechless. Although the overlord didn't say what was going on in the wasteland, from the overlord's tone, he could feel the deep helplessness.

Just comparing the source of the catastrophe with the lightning storm, Cai Ruichen seemed to understand something in an instant, but he could not grasp the point.

"What's your mission?" Cai Ruichen shook his head, did not continue to pester the source of the wasteland disaster, but asked a question that had always puzzled him.

This question has been lingering in his mind ever since Cai Ruichen owned the Red Police Corps base vehicle.

In this world, there are few real accidents, and everything has antecedents and consequences.

The base vehicle chooses itself. Cai Ruichen did not think that this was his luck. What is the existence of the base vehicle?

These are all troubles, as if there is no answer.

"My mission, I don't know now, but I believe that my mission should be your mission and the mission of predecessors."

The overlord replied with certainty: "But one thing I can be sure of is that we are all just pawns played by a certain black hand, and neither of you nor I can escape."

This answer from the overlord surprised Cai Ruichen, even a little incomprehensible, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I don't know what I mean now, this sentence was said by the predecessor." The overlord shook his head and said.

"Since you didn't find it yourself, why are you so sure?" Cai Ruichen didn't believe that the overlord was such a blind person.

"The reason is very simple. Senior is a man who has owned a base vehicle for a hundred years." The overlord said in a shocking voice.

Having owned the base vehicle for a hundred years, Cai Ruichen suddenly felt quite speechless.

The overlord can appreciate Cai Ruichen’s shock. Why didn’t he do so at the beginning, and continued: "The predecessor is a complete world emperor, not in reputation, but the monarchy has ruled the world for a hundred years, without aging, without degradation, On the contrary, as time goes by, the trajectory of life becomes more and more perfect."

"I still can't understand." Cai Ruichen shook his head. It was difficult for him to understand everything in the overlord's mouth, as if he was listening to the heavenly book.

"It's normal that you can't understand it now. When the appointment period comes in four years, seniors will also appear. You will understand at that time."

When the overlord said this, he shook his head and continued: "But I'm afraid you will still not be able to let me speak."

Cai Ruichen did not respond to this question, but curiously asked: "Military pays attention to united operations. What's the use of a strong one? What's more, as a commander, can you still charge yourself?"

"What you have is what you really own, and no one can take it away." The overlord did not make any explanation, but said ambiguously.

"Then can you tell me, what are you afraid of, or what are you avoiding?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"I haven't avoided anything, nor have I been afraid of anything. I'm waiting for the opportunity, waiting for a suitable time to shoot." The overlord said.

"When is it?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"Waiting for your growth, waiting for the appearance of the fourth person." The overlord said.

"The fourth person? The fourth base vehicle commander?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"Yes, you and I are in the position of linking up and down, and the fourth person is the key to victory." said the overlord.

"I feel that you are planning a lot, but I'm very curious, how do you think I will work with you?" Cai Ruichen shook his head and asked.

"It's very simple. Everything we face is the same. If we want to completely solve the future troubles, only a complete unity can have a chance." said the overlord.

"When you say that, I feel like a fool, I don't know anything." Cai Ruichen shook his head, took a sip of wine, and said.

"Knowing too much, the more pressure you will endure, and knowing a little less will make it easier." The overlord patted Cai Ruichen on the shoulder and said.

"I'm very curious, where is your base car?" Cai Ruichen asked with a glance at the overlord.

"The base vehicle is in another world." When the overlord said this, he glanced at Cai Ruichen weirdly and asked: "You don't think that only you can cross to another world!"

The gaze of the overlord at this moment seems to say, young you are too tender.

This made Cai Ruichen quite speechless. He suddenly felt that he was really too tender.

"Ahem!" Cai Ruichen coughed twice, alleviating the embarrassment in his heart, and asked: "I am even more curious, what has happened in this world?"

"I can be sure that your curiosity will be experienced by yourself within ten years," said the overlord.

"It seems that my world will not be spared?" When Cai Ruichen is a little worried, could it be possible that everything similar to the wasteland world will appear in this world.

"Not necessarily, not necessarily the same as the world here, it may be more miserable, but it is not completely impossible to resolve."

Speaking of this, the overlord said bitterly: "It's just that sometimes, resolution is not necessarily a good thing. Let the flow take its course and give up space to buy time is the right choice."

"It seems that you have chosen to give up space and buy time?" Cai Ruichen seemed to understand something and asked.

"It can be said just relying on me and seniors, there is no ability to resist, the enemy's ferocity and cunning, you are now unimaginable." The overlord said.

The heavy weight of the overlord's tone made Cai Ruichen a little uncomfortable. He changed the subject and asked: "Have you ever thought about getting rid of the identity of a chess piece?"

"So we need a fourth person. Senior knows many things. He concluded that there will be a fourth person. And we should fully believe in our base vehicles and our corps, because only our base vehicles and corps do not Will betray us." The overlord said seriously, of course, he did not directly answer Cai Ruichen's question.

As for the enemy that made him extremely jealous, the overlord did not reveal a word about what it was.

"I feel that way too." Cai Ruichen nodded and said with a slight smile: "Since I know that I am not alone, I feel that everything in the future will definitely not be too bad."

"With your auspicious words, your growth has always been beyond my expectations. I believe there will be miracles in the future." The overlord nodded, and Cai Ruichen's self-confidence made him appreciate it sincerely.

(To be continued.)

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