The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1671: The overlord really came

"I'm curious, why did you take out the complete design of the aerospace carrier?" Cai Ruichen confronted the overlord щlāΔ

The aerospace aircraft carrier that spreads in the wasteland world is designed to be a masterpiece of base vehicles.

And it is completely impossible for himself, the only possibility is the overlord here.

It's just that Cai Ruichen can't understand, what is the point of taking this thing out and spreading it?

"This can be regarded as a bit of compensation for the human survivors, but unfortunately, humans still prefer to intrigue." The overlord shook his head and said.

"Then Zhonghua No.1, you told him what I did." Cai Ruichen asked the overlord.

Everything he encountered at the Taliban base made him realize that he had not yet understood the world, and the world already knew himself quite well, which made him feel quite depressed.

"Number One is my only confidant. There has never been any political transaction between us. Some of us share the same beliefs and have national sentiments at the national level." The overlord nodded without denying, and said:

"This time, in this disaster, Zhonghua suffered the least damage, but it is not easy for Zhonghua to get rid of the disaster completely. You still need a lot of help. That's why I told him."

"Just be sure, I will help China?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"Of course, I absolutely believe that you and I are all the same kind of people." The overlord said with certainty.

"Well, you have already convinced me." At this moment, Cai Ruichen also thought of the big boss. Maybe something was already destined from the beginning.

Destiny is sometimes so arrogant, as if everything is not destined, but it often gives people a kind of destiny that has determined a person's life.

The words of the overlord made Cai Ruichen agree with him from the bottom of his heart that at this point, the two are really the same kind of people.

"But I can't understand, why do you indulge mutant people?" Cai Ruichen has been thinking about this. Mutant people are still human enemies after all.

"A race without a past is destined to have no future. Mutant people have the same wisdom as ours, and also have the same emotions as ours. They hesitate about the past and fear the future."

Having said that, the overlord paused and continued: "Moreover, things about mutants are not that simple. Don't you think that mutants are always by your side?"

With the words of the overlord, the corners of the woman in red on the side's lips slowly turned up, her eyes swept over the people next to Cai Ruichen, and she immediately took it back.

"I don't understand." Cai Ruichen shook his head.

"Don't understand, or don't want to think about it?" The overlord pressed hard.

Cai Ruichen didn't answer, because he didn't know the answer in his own heart. As for the meaning of the overlord's words, he understood very early.

The so-called mutant in the overlord’s mouth is in fact the dream team following him this time.

It's just that Cai Ruichen has always been reluctant to think about these things, but there are some things that can be avoided by avoiding them.

In fact, there is no difference between the qualities of Natasha and others and the mutants who have grown up.

From another level, Natasha and others are actually mutants.

Even including myself, is also a kind of human mutation.

But Cai Ruichen has always been instinctively avoiding this question, because the cruelty of mutants is far from the unity and kindness of everyone in the Red Police Corps.

"This is not important, just like Qianhe. As long as he is a good person, no matter what race he is, he is my relative." Cai Ruichen said a long time later.

"The situation of the mutant is very complicated, and it is still uncertain whether it is an enemy or a friend." Hearing this, the overlord did not continue to say anything, but brought the topic to the mutant in this world.

"But I feel that their existence is always a threat to us." Cai Ruichen said.

"Then believe in your own feelings, don't be bound by any emotions, and do what you want to do." The overlord said.

Cai Ruichen heard the words and nodded. He didn't need to say from the overlord, he also knew what to do.

"By the way, did you come to meet with me today to answer my curiosity?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"Is this bad? I am not a superior existence. You and I are always equal. I also want to help you grow up quickly." The overlord said.

"You just said the fourth person, when will he appear?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"I don't know, when the real decisive battle arrives, maybe the fourth person will appear." The overlord shook his head and said.

"I don't know anything, expect a fourth person who doesn't know if there is a real number like this?" Cai Ruichen thought for a while, shook his head, always feeling a little unreliable.

"There is a fourth person for sure, but when and where he will grow, we have to wait." said the overlord.

"What's your name?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"I said before that I can only tell you when you beat me, but now I can let you know, my name is Li Lan." The overlord said with a slight smile.

"Li Lan, don't know." Cai Ruichen shook his head after hearing the real name of the overlord. He really had no impression of this name.

"That's very natural. I used the mind controller to modify all the memories of this world about me." The overlord said surprisingly.

"This is almost the same as I expected, otherwise there would not be so many memory holes." Cai Ruichen said with a look that I already understood.

"If you can't even think of this kind of thing, it's really a tragedy."

The overlord stood up and said, "I'm I have told you enough today."

"Then I wish you a good journey." Cai Ruichen did not stay, because there is no need at all: "When will the next meeting be?"

"Not necessarily, it is possible that I will come to your world to find you." The overlord once again said astonishingly.

"How did you get there?" Cai Ruichen asked curiously.

"You send materials and personnel to and from each other every day, do you think the coordinates are still secret?" The overlord said with a curled mouth.

"I hate this feeling." Cai Ruichen said with a shrug.

"I know it doesn't matter, but the problem is, I'm not the only one who knows it. Because the space fluctuates, it's impossible to hide it, I'm afraid the mutant has already known it." After the overlord finished speaking, he left directly.

And this sentence made Cai Ruichen's face suddenly extremely serious. At this moment, he felt strongly that the overlord met with him, and this sentence before leaving was what the overlord really wanted to say to him.


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