The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1684: Merciless killing

A child and a modified shell killed all the elite combat squad of the Red Police Corps. This is a **** lesson.


   And in the report at the time, the sniper team of the combat squad wrote the whole process with blood and tears. At that time, the main sniper of the sniper team had discovered something wrong.


   He made a judgment at the time that the child's chest was most likely a bomb, but as a soldier, the kind heart told him that it might be a toy or a piece of bread.


The opponent was only a seven or eight-year-old child, so the main sniper hesitated. He released his finger that was about to pull the trigger, and then watched his eight comrades in arms. They were bombed to death, even a complete body. No.


   This lesson of blood and tears is not the only one, but many.


   In the U.S. anti-terrorist operations forces, there are actually the same rules. In the eyes of the U.S. anti-terror soldiers, they are God’s executioners and do things that God does not go far away.


   Terrorism, extreme thinking and brainwashing make this world so strange.


   In order for more people to live a stable life, Cai Ruichen had to acquiesce to this kind of inhumane behavior.


   Idealistic beliefs are ridiculous in the real battlefield, but there is no belief in killing innocent soldiers, but it is no different from terrorists.


   But sometimes when facing terrorists, you need to deal with more cruel methods.


   This is a very contradictory question. Even Cai Ruichen has no clear definition or idea in his mind.


   Therefore, it is necessary for the soldiers on the battlefield to make self-judgment. When the soldiers are required to take action, they must not hesitate, even if it is really wrong.


   At the same time, we must not kill innocent people indiscriminately. As a soldier, you need to have the morality and belief of a soldier, not an executioner or a cold war robot.


   For this reason, the Red Police Corps has also formulated many rules that must kill under certain conditions. For enemies armed with weapons and capable of attack, they can be killed regardless of their identity, gender, or age.


  And difficult to define the goal, make the decision whether to kill through his own judgment.


   These armed men in Karl Town, in Cai Ruichen's view, none of them are innocent.


   In the intelligence of the Somali Youth Army, the members of these youth troops, whether they are Boy Scouts trained since childhood or terrorist members recruited from outside, are executioners with blood on their hands.


   Especially the Boy Scouts. They have been trained to kill since they were young. They are trained to kill people, not just teaching them how to kill, but letting them kill real people.


   Year-round conflicts and wars between warlords are often accompanied by massacres. Such massacres are very incredible in a civilized society.


But in places like Somalia, it's normal. A very simple example. For example, if a village helps the government army, the Somali youth army will organize an attack on the village. Once the village is attacked, the village does not matter whether it is male or female. Both young and old will be slaughtered clean.


  The time of massacre is when the Boy Scouts are trained to kill people. The weapons used are not firearms, but some cold weapons such as knives, daggers and axes.


After one or two times, these children have completely gone astray. Killing is no longer a strange thing to them, and the brainwashing education from an early age allows them to grow up with this childhood concept Infinite zoom.


  Understanding this, Cai Ruichen has no mercy for every armed person in the Somali Youth Army.


   The most important thing is that the Somali Youth Army is very likely to be funded by the mysterious organization, and it may even be a helper cultivated by the organization.


   Now it is directly involved in the kidnapping of Hua Meixue. In public or private, Cai Ruichen will not allow such organizations to continue to exist.


  Along the way, regardless of men, women, children, as long as they are holding weapons, Cai Ruichen will not show any mercy.


   The icy flying knife kept throwing out of his hand without any hesitation. Even if it was a child soldier who was about the same size as his body, it did not stop Cai Ruichen from taking his shot.


   At the same time, he also left a flattened bullet in the place he passed.


   Ten minutes later, the gunfire in the town had subsided. According to the guidance in the intelligence, Cai Ruichen walked into the mosque in the town.


   In the mosque, all the armed resistance was quickly eliminated by him, but the people inside did not die.


   After the gunfire in the whole town subsided completely, Cai Ruichen also began to take care of the leaders of the youth army.


   From the beginning of the battle to the present, these bosses really saw the appearance of the enemy, and it was clear that Cai Ruichen's appearance made them feel like a ghost.


   "It seems that you all know me. In that case, let's make a short story. Where is my wife."


   Cai Ruichen asked as soon as he entered the mosque and saw the expressions of several people present.


   "Mr. Cai, we have no conflicts with the Middle East Federation, and even many ideas are the same. There must be some misunderstanding..."


The appearance of Cai Ruichen really scared them. Cai Ruichen may not know ordinary soldiers, but how can they not? This is a very fearful head of state who dares to fight against the United States. .


   And such a guy actually rushed into the camp alone, killing everyone in the camp, and in their eyes, they were already hooked with the devil.


   What makes them unable to understand is that God would not make such a joke about how Cai Ruichen appeared here for no reason.


   However, Cai Ruichen's expression and the killings all the way in, there is nothing false, and it is not a dream at all.


   "Twenty minutes ago, a group of people left here with a woman and told me their whereabouts and destination." Cai Ruichen asked in a different way.


   "I don't know." Cai Ruichen saw one of them hurriedly said.


   Cai Ruichen heard the words, bent down and picked up a pistol from the ground, and shot this guy in the head.


   Then he turned his gaze to the next one. These bosses were brainwashing others, not brainwashed. They were not so determined when facing death.


   When facing the gun, he immediately asked for mercy. Unfortunately, Cai Ruichen didn't want to hear the begging for mercy, and another shot ended the second man's life.


   shot one after another, Cai Ruichen only left the first person to speak out, instead of asking coldly: "Can you tell me the answer?"


   (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )


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