The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1685: War on the youth army

In the town of Karl, the last shot recalled that the Super MiG slowly landed at the door of the mosque in the center of the town.


  With the departure of the Super MiG, there is no more alive in the town of Karl.


   On the Super MiG No. 1, Cai Ruichen issued three commands in a row:


   "Order the First Brigade of the Airborne Division to change the target itinerary, airborne Mogadishu, and armed control Mogadishu."


"Order the Navy’s Baghdad aircraft carrier battle group and the first amphibious formation to provide all necessary firepower and air support for the first brigade of the airborne division, block all the waters around Mogadishu, and accompany the marines to cooperate with the first brigade of the airborne division to land. Control Mogadishu."


   "Order the ban. The guards are deployed in full force to completely wipe out the Somali youth army."


   Three commands, each with a strong killing intent, regardless of right or wrong, Cai Ruichen will not have the slightest pity for this country or the Somali youth army.


   And this time, it is not a time to hesitate, Hua Meixue is very likely to have been taken to Somalia, and must control all the gates as much as possible.


   The most likely direction to leave is naturally Mogadishu, where there is the largest port in Somalia, and there are complicated ships, which is the best direction to leave.


   Cai Ruichen did not intend to inform Somalia, but to take military action.


  The reason is very simple. In a place like Somalia, the government is useless at all, almost as if it does not exist.


   It’s not that the government alone has insufficient influence. Another point is that the government is essentially no different from the tribes and warlords that control the place.


The biggest difference between a government and a warlord is whether it has been recognized by the outside world. Somalia’s growth rate is now even smaller than that of Mogadishu. It is a government because it is recognized by the United States and Western countries. A downturned warlord dressed in the cloak of government.


   Others can give face to the United States and Western countries, as well as a little bit of face to the United Nations, but Cai Ruichen is not buying it now.


   It is imperative to control Mogadishu in Somalia. Any resistance will be the target of destruction.


   It happens that the First Fleet is performing a training **** mission near the waters of Somalia, not far from Mogadishu, otherwise it would be difficult to quickly control the situation in Mogadishu with an airborne brigade alone.


   As soon as Cai Ruichen gave the order, the Red Police Regiment of Marin City banned. In the barracks of the Guards, a harsh battle alarm sounded.


   After the thirty-second alarm, within two minutes, all the guard soldiers in the barracks had assembled outside the barracks.


   The development of the Red Police Corps to this day, the development of the Guards has been very slow, and there have always been few opportunities for actual combat.


   has long been responsible for the security work of Cai Ruichen and important personnel, protecting the high-level of the Future Technology Group, protecting the high-level of the Red Police Corps, and assuming the task of vigilance and image.


   The Ban Guard is definitely the highest strength representative of the Red Police Corps, and only a few special commandos can rival the Ban Guard.


   At this time, all members of the Forbidden Guards have undergone genetic mutation transformation and growth, and have truly become the most powerful combat team in the Red Police Corps. Everyone is a veritable ultimate soldier king.


   And this is the limit of their growth, it can also be said to be the peak state of life strength.


In the Ban. Guard, there are 100 personnel directly responsible for Cai Ruichen’s security. Fifty of them are currently in South Sudan. However, the Ban. Guard is not just one hundred. There are also many action teams. Nearly five hundred.


   This time, Cai Ruichen issued a combat order to the ban guards for the first time, and it was also the first time that the ban guards fought.


  The battle alarm sounded, the line was neatly formed, and the captains of each action team also came to the front of the team at the same time, ordering: "Fully armed, go to the airport and gather."


  Prohibition. The guard camp has its own airport. There are various aircraft in the airport. At this moment, the tanker in the airport has already set off, and the ground crew in the airport is adding auxiliary fuel tanks to the peacekeeping transport aircraft.


   A team of guardsmen, armed with various weapons and equipment, boarded the peacekeeping transport plane neatly. The heavy infantry and magnetic storm infantry in the team also assisted in moving large ammunition boxes into the peacekeeping transport plane.


   In just twenty minutes, one peacekeeping transport plane began to take off one by one.


   Forbidden. The staffing of the guard is the same as the special commando team in the Red Police Corps. It consists of a comprehensive commando squad of twenty people, which can take on most combat tasks.


   Twenty people happened to be a peacekeeping transport plane, weapons, ammunition, and supplies were all on the peacekeeping transport plane.


   The unit configuration is similar to that of a squad like the Ghost, two sniper teams, two archer girl teams, one heavy infantry firepower team, and the rest are the assault team, command team, logistics team, and blasting team.


This configuration allows the team to have strong battlefield combat capabilities. The logistics team is also responsible for battlefield medical care, material supply contact, communication support, satellite data exchange, information support, etc., which is quite heavy, and it is also responsible for the support of ammunition. .


   After all, once you go out to fight, it is really inconvenient to have time to supply ammunition, so you need to prepare sufficient ammunition to maintain long-term combat effectiveness.


   In a peacekeeping transport plane, every team leader received the combat mission briefing when the transport plane was flying in level. At the same time, the crew of each peacekeeping transport plane also received the flight briefing.


"Now let’s inform about the combat mission. This is the first foreign combat mission issued by a commander to us. It is not a security nor a peacekeeping operation, but a pure attack. I hope that no matter who it is, Don't let me lose the chain. Remember, we are the strongest team and the true elite of the entire corps. Once someone makes a mistake, I'm sorry, but I can only leave the guard."


   The ugly words are all said in the front, and the captains of the forbidden and guard squads began to announce the combat goals.


"This time we focused on the complete elimination of the Somali youth army, and at the same time shouldered the great responsibility of finding the first lady. In the face of the youth army, we don’t need to be merciful at all. The commander’s meaning is very simple, don’t have any survival, but in our actions, It is necessary to leave key figures for battlefield interrogation, and find clues related to the first lady as much as possible, do you understand?"


   "Understood..." Inside the cabin, all the soldiers of the Guards roared in unison.


   "Very good, the specific execution target has been issued to the personal terminal. The tactics are arrived on the scene and then combined with the suggested tactics in the combat briefing. The battle will start within an hour and a half. Now we will check the weapons for the last time..."


   (To be continued.)

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