The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1699: Crazy space program

The future aerospace launch center ushered in an extremely grand launch ceremony today.


   The eyes of the world are all focused at the same time, because today’s launch will greatly change the development of mankind in the aerospace field.


   The closed aerospace launch center is also rarely opened to the outside world today. You only need a Middle East federal resident ID card to enter it for a visit and watch the launch event directly.


  Future Aerospace Launch Center also held a grand technical exhibition, exhibiting all the technical achievements of the Future Aerospace Corporation.


On the day when    officially opened, there were nearly 200,000 visitors. Among them, only 80% were citizens of the Middle East. Tens of thousands of them were foreigners.


   The open central exhibition hall is a huge augmented reality space where various technological achievements are played in a continuous loop.


   One of the most acclaimed is a promotional video. The augmented reality projection video mainly promotes the future space station.


   Since the war, the future space station has been halted construction and launches. In low-Earth orbit over Iraq, the future space station has been idle after the first phase of construction is completed.


   The first phase of the future space station is mainly used as the hub of the future space station, just like a multi-interface space platform.


   The subsequent construction projects of the future space station will start from the first phase of the interface, and then gradually take shape, eventually becoming a huge super space station like a space city.


   All the construction plans for the future space station and the role of each cabin are in this promotional film.


   This aerospace exhibition was not specially held, and there was no news from the outside world before. Unlike other aerospace exhibitions, preparations and publicity were carried out six months or even a year in advance.


   It was decided to open up something valuable based on the flow of people, so that the outside world can truly understand the courage and strength of the space company in the future.


   The core of the exhibition is the future space station. The construction goals of this space station have been speculated by the outside world over the years.


   It's just that there is no accurate figure. From the outside world, the value of this space station is less than experimental. It is more like an attempt by a future technology group to enter space. The ultimate fate is estimated to be the natural burning of the Mir space station in the atmosphere.


   However, when this promotional film came out, countless people around the world were all shocked by the huge ambitions of the Future Technology Group.


   The first phase of the future space station in space, in the complete space station plan, is equivalent to a small part of an airplane.


   is completely incomparable. The size of the future space station is terrifying, and even the future space station is no longer regarded as a space station in the world, but as a space city.


   This is a very ambitious space construction project. The entire space station has a total area of ​​nearly 100,000 square kilometers. It will simulate gravity and can meet all the life needs of tens of thousands of people on it.


   is a self-sufficient space city, and this space city is also the highest space power station on the earth. If it meets its own needs, it will be able to further transmit electricity to the ground.


  In the eyes of many technological madmen, this kind of plan is not crazy at all. Technology is not impossible to achieve, but unfortunately, no one has the ability to develop such a huge space station project.


  The reason is very simple, the construction of such a huge space station requires nonsense money, which will be inestimable. No country can intervene to bear such a huge financial pressure and put it on a plan with little real value.


   This point is also the reason why the Future Technology Group has made another crazy move in the international community. However, the current international reviews are all cautious when facing the Future Technology Group.


   It has been proven time and time again that behind the seemingly crazy plans of the Future Technology Group, there are huge economic benefits. This is also the reason why the world has to admire and control its mouth.


   often gets slapped in the face when uttered, and fewer people say it.


   Therefore, when the propaganda film of the entire future space station of the Future Technology Group came out, the international evaluation was to position it as a crazy plan, and the relative evaluation was much less.


And more people are more enthusiastic about the analysis of this space station. The overall layout and design of the space station are open to the public. There are many technical features and design plans that have made many space exploration scientists and companies see some future technology groups in space. Explore the ambitious development of the field.


  The large-scale fuel supply station of the space station, and the multiple independent flight modules owned by the space station, large-scale maintenance center...


  Combine all the above modules. In the eyes of those insiders, this is a large space transit station.


   As we all know, the most critical part of the launch cost and carrying capacity of the launch vehicle is the stage when the launch platform leaves the earth. The fuel effect and power generation requirements of this stage are very strict.


   Because the carrying capacity of many rockets is really not very good, because there are still some materials reserved for space flight.


   But if there is such a space station, it is equivalent to a carrier rocket transported from the earth to space. You can replenish fuel at the sky station without reserving any fuel, which can increase the carrying capacity a lot.


  Comparing the carrying capacity and the relationship between rocket thrust and engine consumption, this kind of carrying method saves more the efficiency of rocket carrying every time and greatly reduces consumption.


   And once the space has a relay fuel supply, it will be able to make the space shuttle similar to the United States capable of long-range space flight.


   The combination of the various functional space modules above is simply to move a space center into space, which is of inestimable value for human exploration of space in the future.


And this time the real highlight of the Future Aerospace Launch Center is also to start the second phase of the future space station formation and launch work. The launch vehicle used by it will be the largest and most complex super-large launch platform in human history. .


   Otherwise, just launch an ordinary carrier rocket, it is impossible to attract such a large degree of attention.


  Its significance is no less than that of human beings in space for the first time, because the carrier platform launched this time, its carrying capacity in the Earth's low-Earth orbit has reached an incomparably terrifying kiloton level. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )


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