The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1700: Space Shuttle Future 1

As we all know, if a launch vehicle has a carrying capacity of tens of tons, it is already quite powerful.


   The world can carry tens of tons of carrier rockets. Those two or three are concentrated in China, the United States, and Russia. The technical problems are too great.


This time, in the external publicity of the Future Aerospace Corporation, the second stage of the future space station is a new carrier platform, which can transport the assembly modules of the space station weighing up to 1,000 tons to the near ground at a time. On track.


   The appearance of this news really frightened many people. The thousands of tons of assembled modules are nothing at all.


   But it is the first time that such a module is to be transported to space, and it is like a step to the sky, breaking the record of the largest weight of a human launch vehicle.


  Almost all outstanding contributors in the field of aerospace and aviation in the world, as well as related personnel, have all received invitations to visit this significant launch.


   The temporary aerospace exhibition is just a small episode, in order to let the outside world know more about the strength of the future aerospace company, of course, it does not rule out the use of propaganda to deter those colleagues.


   It’s just that even Cai Ruichen did not expect that the attention this time would be so huge.


  In the first three days of the official launch of the launch vehicle, the exhibition attracted half a million tourists, of which more than 150,000 foreign tourists.


   On the day of the official launch of the launch vehicle, more than 300,000 people entered the future aerospace launch center in one fell swoop.


   If the space is limited and access is restricted, I am afraid the number of people will exceed 500,000.


   However, the restrictions did not dampen people’s curiosity. More people gathered outside the launch center, waiting for the launch of the super launch vehicle.


   On the day of launch, this super launch vehicle had already towered in the launch center.


  As soon as its shape was exposed, it made countless people feel an extremely unexpected feeling at the same time, because the shape of the launch vehicle that appeared on the launch platform did not have much in common with the rocket.


   is more like an incomparably huge space shuttle. It has many similarities with the American space shuttle launched, but there are also many differences.


At a height of nearly three hundred meters, like a hill, on all four sides of the space shuttle, there are eight rocket boosters. Each of the eight rocket boosters has a length of 160. Ten meters, and the size is larger than the size ratio of conventional launch vehicles.


   The space shuttle surrounded by the middle can not see the wings, but the vertical tail fin that adjusts the direction can be seen. Under the tail wing, on the artificial lake under the launch platform, there are eight huge fish-mouth-shaped tail nozzles.


   On the exterior painting of this space shuttle, the LOGO of the Future Technology Group and the name of this space shuttle are clearly painted: Future One Space Shuttle.


   is not the name of the launch vehicle, but directly named after the space shuttle. It also fully explains the main purpose of this space shuttle.


   is just such a huge space shuttle. It is the first time that the outside world has encountered it. The length of 300 meters is equivalent to the length of a heavy nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the Federation of the Middle East.


   It was also at this time that the world did not know why the airport built by the Future Science and Technology Group had a super runway. It turned out to be prepared for this thing to make an emergency landing.


   However, until now, Future Technology Group has not released relevant data about this space shuttle.


   Such a huge space shuttle, once successfully launched, will also completely change the pattern of human space development.


   This makes countless people feel the inner contradiction deeply. After all, the future technology group is also a member of human beings, but things do not appear on their own body, sadness and jealousy are inevitable.


   But until now, many people have not understood why the launch platform of the future aerospace launch center is not a separate launch platform.


  Why do the launch center have to build so many large-scale far rails? Why are the eight launch sites evenly arranged around the artificial lake in the launch center?


Now they realized that the eight launch platforms that had been preconceived before were actually a complete launch platform, and the artificial lake in the middle was the real main launch platform. The eight launch platforms on the side were just secondary platforms. , Used for additional boosters.


   The 10,000-ton lifting device under the artificial lake is also exposed to the outside world for the first time. Only a 10,000-ton hydraulic lifting device can erect such a huge space shuttle.


   This made everyone realize that when the Future Technology Group began to explore space technology, the space shuttle had already begun to be designed, and when the aerospace launch center was being built, it was also specifically designed and deployed.


   Otherwise, such a huge space shuttle would be unusable to any satellite launch center in the world.


   The operating difficulty of a large-scale launch vehicle can be regarded as super difficult. The difficulty of preparing and operating such a huge space shuttle before launch is even more predictable.


   But what everyone admires most is not how to prepare for launch, but that the future technology group can actually send such a huge device into space. This is the most important thing.


   A gathering of journalists all over the world are looking for answers to countless questions, but unfortunately, the official personnel of the Future Technology Group have never appeared. Fortunately, in the launch center, there is absolutely no shortage of news materials at this time.


  As the scheduled launch time approaches, VIPs from the space exploration field all over the world also arrived on the scene one by one.


   The gate of the launch center was directly blocked by the army to the launch viewing platform. Rows of convoys arrived, and hundreds of reporters also gathered at the gate of the viewing platform.


   This time, the space experts from all over the world and the major investors who can be called almost by name, have not fallen behind.


   Hundreds of distinguished guests, large and small, are scientists with outstanding contributions in the field of space technology, as well as many major venture capitalists in the space field.


   The arrival of Elon Musk and Hawking, the technology madmen of the American Space Technology Exploration Company, also made countless reporters press the shutter frantically.


   Even the presidents of Microsoft and Alpha Group, who have been vigorously developing space in these years, have all arrived on the scene, and many media titles have even changed to "Future Technology Group launches satellites, Google is here."


   The elites in the field of human space science and technology have all come over and raised the height of the launch of this satellite to a higher peak.


   But the play has to be sung well, if there is an accident, it will be a big shame.


   (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )


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