The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1701: The 8 Hexagrams on Cai Ruichen

   In the awaited hope of hundreds of reporters, Cai Ruichen's special car also slowly came to the front of the red carpet at the observation deck of the Future Space Launch Center.


   The reporters on both sides of the red carpet kept pressing the shutter at the special car. Ralph got out of the car and opened the door for Cai Ruichen. Before Cai Ruichen’s feet stepped on the red carpet, the reporters beside them kept asking:


   "Mr. Cai, can I really find Ms. Hua Meixue?"


   "Mr. Cai, has Ms. Hua Meixue been killed? Will the Middle East Federation expand its military operations in Africa next?"


   "When will the Middle East Federation stop seeking work for Ms. Hua Meixue? Will this affect the future national policy formulation of the Middle East Federation?"


   "If Ms. Hua Meixue really loses contact, will Mr. Cai still consider looking for a partner again?"


   "It is rumored that you have an inexplicable relationship with several senior women generals of the Federal Supreme Council of Rights in the Middle East. What do you think of Cai Ruichen?"




  All kinds of questions, almost all revolved around the disappearance of Hua Meixue and Cai Ruichen's personal issues. All reporters were possessed like gossip media reporters. Cai Ruichen was also constantly questioned by entertainment reporters just like those scandals were obvious.


   As a head of state, this kind of encounter is probably hard to see once in a hundred years.


   There is no way. Cai Ruichen’s international reputation is almost known to women and children. Compared with serious politics, most people are more willing to pay attention to Cai Ruichen’s personal problems.


   This time Hua Meixue’s disappearance spread quickly all over the world, at an amazing speed, because it contained some gossip elements.


After all, regardless of Cai Ruichen’s identity, the combination of Hua Meixue and Hua Meixue is a golden word that countless young men and women are extremely envious, but before the marriage storm has passed, Hua Meixue has disappeared. There is almost nothing like this. Not concerned.


   At this moment, even those large-scale media, it is inevitable to want to gossip, any small news can be put on the front page, and the attention is definitely very high.


   Across the red carpet, twelve meters away, Cai Ruichen heard no less than a hundred questions, and none of these questions were about the launch of the Future Space Shuttle 1 today. They were all about his own personal issues.


  As a global public figure, Cai Ruichen has long been prepared to be spied on by the outside world.


"As the supreme leader of the Middle East Federation, as well as a husband, I can be responsible for announcing to the world that my wife was kidnapped. The entire Federation will not compromise on the murderer, and will not give up under any circumstances. Investigating the incident, and at the same time, will not give up the search work. As for my personal issues, I officially stated today that Hua Meixue will always be my wife, my only wife in this world."


  Leaving a word to all the reporters, Cai Ruichen turned around and walked into the observatory gate of the space launch center.


   In the viewing platform, all the invited people have arrived, standing together two or three, discussing something.


   Opposite the huge glass balcony in front of the observatory is the giant launch platform of the launch center.


   At this moment, the 300-meter-long Future One Space Shuttle is undergoing the final system inspection before launch.


   There are a large number of wires connected to the space shuttle, all of which are on the ground inspection center to inspect the connectors of the system.


   After Cai Ruichen came in, everyone's eyes turned to him.


   Aside from Cai Ruichen’s political identity, his status in the science and technology industry is also quite lofty. Outside the world, the Future Technology Group he founded has become a veritable super technology aircraft carrier and has officially become a leader in leading the development of human technology.


  It is just this identity. Some people have even predicted that Cai Ruichen will become a great scientist who can compete with Einstein after all. Although he is a Chinese, he cannot conceal everything he has created when he is young.


   In academia and science, Cai Ruichen's identity is more valuable than his political identity.


   When Cai Ruichen walked in, everyone greeted him with greetings, and there was no lack of worship inside, and most of their gazes were also with sincere respect.


   The development of science and technology is a process without real luck. Cai Ruichen's status is enough to be respected by everyone.


Of course, the outside world does not know that Cai Ruichen is actually just empty theory, and everything that is left is actually a matter of the base. Everything about the future technology group today is absolutely a miracle from the outside world, but in fact, it does not rely solely on One person can do it.


   is like the Space Shuttle Future One that will be launched today. This is not produced by the Future Technology Group at all, but a space shuttle directly produced by the base.


   Otherwise, the production of this space shuttle alone, with the construction capabilities of the Future Technology Group, would be difficult to complete, let alone a short time production.


   However, Cai Ruichen is now able to accept all this with peace of mind, because all of this is his own.


   Entering the observatory, Cai Ruichen also began to greet everyone. Many of them had substantial contact and cooperation with Cai Ruichen, and many of them could be regarded as old friends.


   It includes several major members of the European Space Agency’s space research team, major investors and scientists in the US space field. These are groups or individuals that have cooperated with the Future Technology Group.


   In the past two or three years Cai Ruichen has invested more than 20 billion U.S. dollars in global space technology, and has invested nearly 30 billion U.S. dollars in his hometown Tiangong project alone, and provided technical support.


Its investment scope involves every aspect of space technology. Two days ago, Cai Ruichen also made a third round of investment in the European Space Agency’s extraterrestrial life detection project with an investment of 200 million US dollars. He is the largest individual in the project. investor.


   is also based on Cai Ruichen's degree of importance to space projects in the world, and therefore can attract so many technical experts in the space field.


   The most important thing is that Cai Ruichen's achievements in the field of space technology that he developed are the most worthy of attention.


   The research successes of various laboratories and invested space companies around the world will serve as a reference for future technology groups in the field of space exploration.


  Everyone is also very clear that the future will be a comprehensive future technology group, and it will go faster and farther.


  Who makes Cai Ruichen rich and willing to invest everywhere in the world, and many laboratories need funds to maintain the experiment, which can be said to be a result of mutual benefit and win-win. (To be continued.)

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