The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1702: Start the space technology race

"It is a rare opportunity for you all to get together, and I am very honored to be able to invite every elite in the global space field. Taking this opportunity, I propose to establish a global space field special development foundation, which will be jointly invested and established by the world’s major space industry leaders. , Which specifically provides financial assistance for space science and technology projects, promotes human beings to enter space faster, and takes the common progress of mankind as the purpose..."


   At the viewing platform scene, on the prepared podium, after Cai Ruichen and the main staff greeted each other, after reporters entered the viewing platform, Cai Ruichen walked up to the podium and said.


   This foundation is the space science and technology foundation with the highest degree of human union. The foundation was not established by Cai Ruichen alone.


   At the same time, this is also the first personal foundation involving governments of many countries.


The main investors of this foundation are Future Technology Group, American Space Technology Exploration Corporation, European Space Agency, NASA, China Academy of Aerospace Sciences, Russian Space Agency, Amazon Group, Microsoft Group, Alpha Group... etc. Members jointly invest and plan to support at least one billion U.S. dollars each year for global aerospace technology development projects.


The foundation will also award a total of 20 million US dollars in special prizes to the projects or individuals with the best contributions to the annual space technology every year, and will hold a global space technology competition every year. The prizes for the competition are customized according to the difficulty of the project. All can participate.


   In fact, the true purpose of this foundation is to further enhance human cooperation in the field of space technology.


   The foundation was actually promoted by Cai Ruichen. Originally Cai Ruichen did not intend to involve the outside world. He planned to complete it alone, and plans to integrate it with the Future Science and Technology Support Foundation in the future to improve the global technology support and competition fund.


   However, the big boss hoped that China would participate. As a result, Russia would also come in. After the United States knew this plan, it could not sit still.


  The reason why countries take the initiative to participate in this kind of personal foundation is very simple. No matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible to exceed one nation, let alone all mankind.


   Cai Ruichen has continuously invested funds in the development of global science and technology over the years, and has also absorbed a large number of achievements of global science laboratories, which has made countries a little unable to sit still.


   In fact, every country in its own country is constantly supporting scientific and technological projects, but national support and personal support are completely different and cannot benefit all scientific projects.


  A country is a country after all. Therefore, in this world, there is a phenomenon that a large number of scientists are holding technology and cannot find investment.


   In the world, there are at least hundreds of thousands of cutting-edge science and technology laboratories. Although there are too many technical duplications, there are too many mid-stage experiments due to the lack of follow-up funds every year.


   Cai Ruichen’s global investments are not savage, but every investment has been successful. These are the accumulation of technology for the future.


   The most important thing is that with Cai Ruichen’s investment, many laboratories are willing to move to Marin City and become an independent laboratory under the Future Technology Group.


  Because the Future Technology Group will provide better test equipment, better test data and development stage.


   Therefore, in the past few years, the promotion and harvest of the future technology group in the global technological development are obvious.


   But Cai Ruichen is personal if he has money. He can use it whatever he likes. The country is different.


And now, human beings are beginning to go to space, and the future technology group will once again aim at technology in the space field. The big boss has a unique vision and naturally wants to bring a better technology development environment to the country and promote the self of domestic scientific and technological talents. Innovation.


   China has fallen far behind foreign countries on this point. Although there has been a lot of technical support from the Future Technology Group in the past two years, it is too weak after all.


   To give the simplest example, in the United States alone, there are more than 10,000 technical laboratories related to the aerospace field, while in my hometown, there are not even 1,000.


   This is the most fundamental gap. The development of science and technology also pays attention to the richness of the people. The development of folk science and technology and the concentration of national wisdom can achieve rapid progress.


The news announced by Cai Ruichen has also aroused great interest. Prior to this, the development of the space field was almost entirely dependent on the investment of various large groups, but the ones that can really get attention are large-scale laboratories, and they need to have certain The results.


   But there are too many experiments, all of which are in the process of experimentation. Cai Ruichen’s investment in the global science and technology field is obvious to all. Many scientists who are hesitant to establish research projects suddenly lost one worry.


  Once the experiment encounters a middle-stage risk due to capital or laboratory equipment, it is equivalent to a good retreat.


   This has made many people start to have ideas. Many technologies and techniques are explored through experiments. Experiments cost money, sometimes a lot of money.


   But more people are paying more attention. Cai Ruichen’s announcement is about the science and technology competition in the space field that will begin.


It is not the first time that Ruichen Cai has conducted a global science and technology competition. There are currently more than 20 science and technology competitions held in Ruichen Cai. Four science and technology competitions are opened every year, attracting more than 50,000 scientific groups around the world to participate, because the prize money is really huge. It's too tempting. Confusing, just a finalist award is enough to attract people.


   And the cost of the space race is greater, of course, the bonus will be relatively more.


   Cai Ruichen did not keep everyone and began to announce the main items of the space technology competition on the spot:


  "The first space science and technology competition project will be officially launched next year. The competition project mainly focuses on the exploration project of life beyond the Earth in the solar system. The main goal of this competition is not Mars, but Enceladus.


  The specific competition schedule, awards and registration procedures will be officially announced at the Future Technology Group Space Technology Forum this year. All individuals or laboratories who sign up will be provided unconditionally with all scientific and technological support in the future.


   The main technical support of Future Space Company includes assistance in transporting the spacecraft to Enceladus.


   I hope that all aerospace laboratories in the world can register actively. This time the prize money will be very generous, but the difficulty of winning the prize is not small. For us, it is a serious challenge. Of course, the purpose of scientific development is to overcome every problem..."


   (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )


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