The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1703: Nuclear fusion technology comes into practical use

The space technology competition announced by Cai Ruichen has officially opened a page in the history of human space development.


   Whether this page is important or not is completely unclear at present, because whether there are other life in the solar system is still a matter of considerable distance for human science and technology.


   And this competition issued by Cai Ruichen is equivalent to installing a turbocharger on the original pace of human exploration technology.


   The speed will definitely increase because of this, but for many companies, this is actually of little value.


   is just to satisfy a curiosity of human beings.


   Of course, this discovery will also formally establish the clearest attitude of mankind towards the universe, that is, whether there must be other life forms in the universe.


   This meaning to humans is absolutely irreplaceable.


   Once it is confirmed that there is alien life, it will definitely change the fundamental attitude of mankind towards the exploration of the universe.


   Although the current human beings generally believe that there will be other life in the universe, before they are clearly discovered, believing is believing, and facts are facts.


   Cai Ruichen initiated this technological competition to prove to humans that there are other life in the universe.


   Cai Ruichen did not bother to prove the existence of time and multi-dimensional reality, nor did he want to prove the existence of the wasteland world and other worlds.


   But it is not difficult to prove that there are other life forms in the universe.


   The Enceladus he chose is a planet with liquid water. According to the super radio telescope at the base and the observation of neutrino detection, the probability of existence of life on it exceeds 95%.


   But the lives above should all be the most basic life forms, there is no intelligent life.


   In the next stage, Cai Ruichen will also start the Mars landing plan. The future science and technology space station will begin to play an important role after this launch.


   After the announcement of the main news, Cai Ruichen was about to step off the stage, but the hundreds of scientific elites present did not intend to miss such an opportunity.


   As soon as he saw that Cai Ruichen was about to leave the podium, someone asked, "Excuse me, Dr. Cai staying. Can you tell me some details of the space shuttle's data and subsequent development plans?"


   The world calls Cai Ruichen a lot, because he is not the president, and he has not determined a basic name. In the Middle East Federation, almost everyone calls him Mr. Cai, the leader of the Federation.


   Among foreign countries, under normal circumstances, Ruichen Cai is called Mr. Cai, but in the scientific community, they are called Dr. Cai.


   Cai Ruichen also expected that the following people would not let themselves leave the scene so easily. After hearing someone asks, Cai Ruichen also stopped to come down, turned back to the microphone, and replied:


"I believe many people can see that this launch center has been preparing for the Future One Space Shuttle from the beginning of its design and construction. The launch platform and the large-scale transportation track are all for the assembly and launch of the Future One Space Shuttle. ready.


At present, the Future Technology Group has begun to build a professional space shuttle base in the territory of the Principality of Iran. The base can accommodate multiple space shuttles at the maximum, and will undertake the main mission of space flight between the earth and Mars in the future. It is a true meaning Spaceship base. "


   Cai Ruichen's words caused a great shock to everyone. If this matter was not what Cai Ruichen said, everyone believed that when the spaceship base was actually built, the world would be shocked again.


   The content of Cai Ruichen’s answer also reflects many questions. One of them is that the future space shuttle is preparing to produce more ships, and the Future Technology Group is about to start landing on Mars.


   In fact, when the Future Technology Group first press conference, Cai Ruichen has already released a series of super bold plans to the world at the press conference site.


   Many of the projects announced by Cai Ruichen have been fully realized. For example, the super radio telescope, which is also the world's largest radio telescope, is quietly arranged in the deep grasslands of southern Iraq, where the open space is strictly sealed off.


   Another example is the Super Particle Collider, which has reached a staggering 84 kilometers in length. It has been built underground in the mountains of northern Iraq and has become the world's largest particle collision laboratory.


   Both of these are experimental hardware that requires a huge investment. At the beginning, countless people in the world commented that the future technology group will go bankrupt.


   However, it has been proved that the wealth of the future technology group will continue to grow, and these two super experimental institutions, which even countries may not necessarily be able to build, have been completed silently.


   At that time, the whole world broke through a lot of glasses. From that time on, people gradually stopped thinking that Cai Ruichen's plans were just whimsical or blindly optimistic about the future.


What the world does not know is that these large-scale test equipment are just test institutions established by Cai Ruichen in order to improve his own science and technology tree. In fact, these test institutions are completely unnecessary. The base has a complete scientific and technological system and can already solve the problem. Part of the problem.


   "Then Dr. Tsai, what will be the driving force of Space Shuttle One in the future?"


   After seeing Cai Ruichen's answer, he didn't walk down directly, so someone immediately asked.


   How to fly such a huge space shuttle, this is the most curious place for everyone at present.


   The problem of the power of large-scale launch vehicles has always been the key to severely restricting the development of human space. It consumes too much and is absolutely unaffordable.


A three-hundred-meter-long space shuttle is definitely the world’s first even if it is the world’s largest transport aircraft Antonov-225 or the Middle East Federation’s own Kunpeng transport aircraft, in such a super large In front of the plane, there was a child who had not grown up at all.


  How to ensure sufficient power for such a large aircraft is really important.


   The relationship between the engine and the aircraft is like the human heart.


"Future Space Shuttle 1 will have six nuclear fusion reactors to provide power. Except for boosting when it lifts off, all other space shuttles can have autonomous flight capabilities and have a continuous endurance of up to 80 years. During the endurance, there is no need Replace and add fuel.


However, due to the current lack of helium III, the fuel in the future space shuttle 1 can only be allowed to fly for nearly three years. The theoretical speed in vacuum can reach one hundred times the speed of sound. This launch is also the first test flight of the space shuttle. After the capsule, a series of test flight missions will be carried out. "


   (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )


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