The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1704: Space shuttle

Cai Ruichen's words caused almost all the technological elites on the scene to exclaim.


   Cai Ruichen was the first person in the world to formally perfect the theory of nuclear fusion reactors, and the first person to completely perfect large-scale nuclear fusion reactors.


  The outside world is not too surprised or surprised that the Future Technology Group can build a nuclear fusion reactor and enter it into practical use.


   After all, nuclear physics was originally one of Cai Ruichen's main majors, and his doctoral title was not covered.


   Previously, before Cai Ruichen arrived, many people predicted that such a huge space shuttle would most likely be powered by a nuclear fusion reactor.


   Cai Ruichen replied to confirm this speculation, but the shock to the world was that the value of the power system in this space shuttle to mankind was inestimable.


   Helium III, the global reserve is 500 tons, most of which are in China.


   In the Middle East, there is no Helium III at all. Therefore, most people's eyes are on the several Chinese scientists present. It seems that, besides, you already have a leg.


   It's just that these Chinese scientists are all very puzzled, because they have not even heard of this matter. It is simply a matter between countries and has nothing to do with the scientific and technological circles.


  At the same time, everyone was amazed at Cai Ruichen's confidence and boldness. The space shuttle has not conducted a test flight, so he must conduct field operations and then conduct a test flight in space.


   The atmosphere of the scene, also because of Cai Ruichen's two answers, began to become enthusiastic.


   Cai Ruichen is also always willing to come, and he answers all kinds of professional questions, even if it is a world-class problem, he can give certain insights.


   These are the results of his study with the base, and they are used to deal with the current human technology problems. There is no problem at all.


   This made everyone on the scene even more admire Cai Ruichen's knowledge.


  The major media around the world are all crazy to record everything on the scene, because these are not only the best news materials, but also the most precious historical materials.


   Maybe in fifty years, when mankind really walks out of the earth, no one will forget this moment when he looks over it.


   In the more distant one hundred or two hundred years later, this will surely become the most memorable historical moment in the history of human exhibition.


   There is a person who really opened the way for mankind to explore the starry sky, and at the same time, on the day when he took a historical step, he faced countless scientific and technological problems, an important picture of answers.


   And the satellite launch has not yet begun, and the major media have begun to report everything on the scene frantically. This was originally an internal exchange and viewing event, but it has unknowingly turned into a high-end space technology exchange event for mankind.


   When everyone reacted, the whole world was flooded with pictures and news of this internal question and answer, and the major media were constantly broadcasting it like crazy, so that the whole world had a clearer understanding of the current human space technology.


   Cai Ruichen stood on the stage for two full hours, and the originally scheduled rest time was simply ignored.


   If it hadn’t been for the time for the Space Shuttle to launch the Future One, this would have ended this grand science and technology question-and-answer meeting. I’m afraid it’s impossible to stop until night.


   When the countdown to the shot interrupted each of the questions, everyone's faces were filled with immense regret.


   It’s just that many people have discovered that in these two hours unknowingly, the small notebooks in their hands are almost impossible to remember.


   And Cai Ruichen is also a little bit unfulfilled. The satisfaction brought by this honor made him temporarily forget Hua Meixue. In the last two hours, he felt the most relaxed.


  The countdown to shooting came. When Cai Ruichen focused on the shooting field, the engineers had already begun to evacuate from the edge of the shooting field, and all inspection lines had been separated from the space shuttle.


   In the entire shooting center, a notice of the last ten minutes countdown sounded.


   For ten minutes, a huge augmented reality projection appeared over the entire shooting center.


   Under the gaze of countless people’s expectations, the ten-minute countdown slowly cleared.


   Following the countdown of the last ten seconds, the eight fishbill-shaped tail nozzles and eight large boosters of the Future One Space Shuttle were successfully ignited at the same time.


  The huge artificial lake below the shooting site was under the high temperature of the tail vent, a large amount of lake water was vaporized, and the water mist instantly covered hundreds of meters in height, covering the entire shooting site.


   Less than two seconds after the vision of Space Shuttle Future One was blocked, the huge body of the Space Shuttle had rushed out of the water mist blockade, quickly left the ground, and soared straight into the sky.


  The huge body, like a flying hill, shrouded everyone's head.


   Hundreds of thousands of people on the scene couldn't help but cheer. Almost all waved their hands and cheered for the smooth lift-off.


   Thirty seconds later, although it is difficult to see the space shuttle in the sky with the naked eye, no one lowered their heads.


   At this time, the augmented reality full projection system is to project the space shuttle's flight image over the entire shooting center.


Everyone once again saw the space shuttle flying out of the huge space shuttle flying up to the sky, forty-five seconds later, all eight huge booster engines shut down, and at the same time Separated from the space shuttle.


   The next flight of the space shuttle will be completed entirely on his own power.


   The entire boost process is only forty-five seconds, and within these forty-five seconds, the energy consumed by eight boosters is more than the energy consumed by launching the launch vehicle eighty times.


   After the eight huge boosters separated from the space shuttle, they slowly landed towards the ground. After a minute, they all landed steadily on the eight shooting platforms.


   In the future, aerospace companies will also design all boosters into a retractable carrier platform. In fact, there is no difference between boosters and rockets.


   But in front of the most dazzling star of Space Shuttle, all the light of the eight boosters was covered up.


   At this moment, the space shuttle has successfully entered the atmosphere. The space shuttle's cabin has also changed from an active flight attitude to a semi-manual driving state. The hidden small delta wings of the space shuttle have also slowly opened.


There is no need for the wings in space. This time the opening is just to test whether the wings can be opened and whether the system is normal during the propulsion process. It also tells everyone that the space shuttle needs to return to the atmosphere and land, so it is also Winged.


   (To be continued.)


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