The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1728: Naval Intelligence System "Red Queen"

"The Red Queen, do you like the environment here?"

In the control room of the floating island fortress, Cai Ruichen glanced at the control room and asked the air in front of him. ??

As Cai Ruichen's voice fell, in front of him, a little girl in a red Tang suit emerged and gave Cai Ruichen a blessing, saying: "Respected master, people like this place very much."

The Red Queen, when the cannibal safe zone was attacked in the Wasteland World, the intelligent system found from the cannibal security, after these years of improvement, the Red Queen has become the second most intelligent system in the base after the panda. It is now a special command and combat system for the Red Police Corps and the Navy.

At this time, the Red Queen’s hardware cores are all in the Korean base vehicle in the floating island fortress, and the quantum computer in the Korean base vehicle is directly used as her server terminal. The sub-base’s stronger computing power is only the quantum of the main base vehicle. The computer is a bit lower, the dialect is global, at least half a century ahead.

With the highly intelligent program of the Red Queen, the navy's intelligence and command system, as long as the hardware is not directly invaded and destroyed, the outside world cannot do anything about the entire command and weapon system.

The most important thing is that the Red Queen still exists in every naval fleet. From the current first fleet to the tenth fleet in the future, the entire system will be under the coordinated command of the red queen.

The previous six aircraft carrier battle groups can also be added to this system at any time. The biggest difference between the two generations of aircraft carrier battle groups is that half of the main combat capabilities of the first-class aircraft carrier battle groups are Sky Knight UAVs.

The Sky Knight UAV is a brand-new UAV opened under the advanced authority of the base. It is the most professional combat UAV. It is not a small aircraft with a take-off weight of ten tons or even a few tons developed by other countries. A heavy-duty professional multifunctional drone.

All the tasks that a manned fighter jet can perform can be performed by the Sky Knight UAV.

The control of the Sky Knight UAV is not the remote operation of the ground controller on the aircraft carrier, nor the command of any ground personnel, but the Red Queen's sub-system, which directly controls the UAV’s take-off and landing and target recognition strikes. , Even high-intensity air combat can be carried out.

This is a bit similar to the autonomous driving system on the MiG, which is very autonomous, and controlling all this is the Red Queen. The Red Queen can perform millisecond-level analysis based on big data, which is thousands of times faster than the judgment of the human driver’s brain. And according to the task briefing and the specific execution process, self-analysis can be carried out to determine the nature of the target, and finally self-determine whether the task can be performed.

According to the established procedural regulations, the Red Queen has a number of principle restrictions, one of which is that it cannot harm the innocent. Therefore, the Red Queen has strong analytical capabilities.

And the computing power of the Red Queen is naturally needless to say, all drones have cloud computing controllers, and data transmission relies on the neutrino transmission signal of the base, which almost realizes zero delay of light.

At present, the Iraqi aircraft carrier of the First Fleet is equipped with forty-eight Sky Knight drones. Only ground crews carry out maintenance and load ammunition. For the rest, the Red Queen can control the drones on the aircraft carrier. Drop work, perform security and patrol tasks.

It can combine all naval equipment and satellite data to make reasonable analysis and judgments.

Therefore, although there are drones on the aircraft carrier, there is no ground control center, and there is no need for manual control.

This enables the personnel requirements on the aircraft carrier to be further reduced to a minimum. If a 150,000-ton aircraft carrier meets all the combat capabilities, only a little more than two thousand people are needed.

Compared with American aircraft carriers, the increase in combat effectiveness is not a little bit.

The saved living space of personnel will bring a more comfortable living environment on the ship to the crew, and reduce the pressure on food storage and logistics. Almost every soldier has his own private cabin, which will be provided to every soldier. , Bring more comfortable life convenience.

This point is unmatched by all navies in the world. Although life on aircraft carriers is very fortunate, compared to the lives of aircraft carriers in other countries, the life of the Red Police Corps on aircraft carriers can almost be described as happiness.

An aircraft carrier is a small city floating on the sea, and the same is true for a national-level aircraft carrier. There will always be complicated when there are many people, and a certain willful arrangement can be made with a few people.

The Red Police Navy soldier can also be called the most comfortable in the global navy.

Part of these are the convenience brought by the Red Queen. An intelligent system that serves a single unit is part of the military reform that Cai Ruichen has been planning from the beginning.

This part is very important. The revolutionary changes brought by an advanced artificial intelligence to a service are too obvious.

If the outside world knows about this, I am afraid that many people will come forward and express their concerns.

As one of the most powerful navies in the world, the Federal Navy of the Middle East, with such a destructive force, is actually controlled by artificial intelligence systems. This will inevitably cause great concern. After all, there are too many people among humans. I am worried that in the future humans will be ruled by more and more intelligent robots.

Even Cai Ruichen is worried about this. After all, the computational and intelligent development potential and powerful learning capabilities of artificial intelligence will make everyone a little worried.

However, unlike most of them, Cai Ruichen said he was worried. In fact, he knew it. It was just groundless worry, because he knew the nature of artificial intelligence too much. Even if it is a base, it is impossible to have the same thinking as humans. Intelligent thinking is a situational ability established from the beginning.

Artificial intelligence that does not have complete thinking or emotions, everything that can be learned is based on the fixed line of defense of the program system.

It is like drawing a line on a blank piece of paper, and if the person drawing the line does not continue to write, there will only be this line on this piece of paper.

The human mind has as many nervous systems as the stars of the universe.

The most important thing is that Cai Ruichen can completely paralyze all artificial systems at any time, and everything is in his hands, so he doesn't need to worry about anything.

After the navy became popular, other services also have their own intelligent systems. Of course, all of these intelligent systems depend on the capabilities of the base system itself, and they are only divided to provide the most professional service to a certain branch.

"Captain, received the docking instruction code of the first fleet, is it allowed to dock?"

As the Floating Island Fortress entered the Arabian Sea through the Strait of Hormuz, the First Fleet also gave instructions to stop and enter the port. The Red Queen immediately asked Qi Jingjing in the control room for instructions.

"The first fleet is allowed to dock in the No. 1 port area, and the port department is notified to prepare to welcome the fleet to port."

Qi Jingjing did not naturally give the order because Cai Ruichen was around him.

The order was passed on directly by the Red Queen, and at the same time an order to allow the first fleet to call at the port was issued.

This will be the first voyage of the Floating Island Fortress, and also the first time to welcome the docking of the fleet, especially at night, and in order to test the docking mechanism more, the port has been controlled by lights, and today the sky is particularly gloomy. On the surface of the night in the dark, it can almost be said that you can't see your fingers.

At the same time, the marine climate is not very good. In the Arabian Sea, the gusts have reached eleventh level, and the wave height is nearly two meters. All these have brought great obstacles to this kind of mobile docking.

However, everyone now knows very well that the more such an environment, the more it can test the fleet's overall coordination capabilities in port.

With the order, the closed control tower in the Port 1 area of ​​the Floating Island Fortress is like a circular chimney. No light can be seen from the outside, but the inside is bright.

At this moment, in the command room of the port's control tower, on the sea outside the floating island fortress, through the night vision equipment, you can clearly see the sea, and it is already close to the first fleet within one nautical mile.

There are twenty floating docks of different sizes in the entire Port No. 1. These docks are used to dock and fix warships. Five of them are dedicated supply docks. The role of the supply docks is to fast supply ships. Supply supplies, and also load and unload supplies from the Federation to the floating island fortress.

The remaining fifteen are professional naval ports, which are used to berth warships. In addition to the berths for aircraft carriers, these fifteen floating docks also have several large berths capable of berthing less than 100,000 tons. All kinds of warships, as long as they are between 30,000 to 100,000 tons, can be docked here.

Therefore, for the current First Fleet, there is no need to open all floating docks for Port One.

The command room of the control tower has given the port number of the dock to the first fleet, and the first fleet has also begun to change its sailing formation from the original wide sailing front to a straight sailing front.

The largest Iraqi aircraft carrier happened to be in the middle of the fleet, and once again slowly approached the floating island fortress.

As the first fleet approached, a new command sound came from the command room: "Open the gate of the floating dock."

After the order was issued, in the No. 1 port that the First Fleet was close to, floating docks were like huge open-air water tanks. The huge gate on the side close to the outside slowly descended toward the sea, floating like a large water tank. The original sea water in the dock merges with the sea outside.

If you can see from under the sea at this time, you can see that gate has been lowered to a depth of sixty meters below the sea, and the draft of the entire floating dock is almost seventy meters deep.

This water depth is specially prepared to accommodate the aircraft carrier, and the draft of the first class aircraft carrier is nearly fifty meters deep.

With the opening of the gates, it was like a large water tank hanging on the side of the floating island fortress, all of which opened a huge opening.

At this moment, the First Fleet has approached the floating island fortress less than a hundred meters away. In the area where the two sides are close, the laser ranging radar is refreshing the position distance in the control room of both sides at a frequency of almost milliseconds.

The fleet has also reduced its speed to eight knots at this moment, completely synchronized with the speed of the floating island fortress.

The distance of thirty meters is already the limit of the control of both parties. At this limit distance, even if the joystick deviates by the slightest bit, it may cause an extremely serious collision.

At this moment, the floating island fortress was advancing in an absolute straight line, and the aircraft carrier also began to adjust its course to the angle most parallel to the floating island fortress.

The fleet at this time has absolutely no intention of continuing to approach. The reason is very simple. With the power of large warships, it is impossible to rely on its own power to dock in the port. The power of large ships cannot be controlled so finely. degree.

Because no matter whether it is a warship or a large vessel, if you want to dock in the port, all of them need the help of tugboats. Even when they enter the narrow waters in front of the port, they have to stop their own power and rely solely on tugboats to enter the port~www. If you want to rely on the ship's own power to dock in the port, it is almost impossible. This is not as simple as parking. A little excess power is a disaster.

As the routes of the two sides paralleled, from the depths of the floating dock, a number of robotic arms with suction cups emerged from the depths of the floating dock. The extended length of these robotic arms was exactly about 30 meters.

These robotic arms stretched out and slowly approached to the side of the warship 30 meters away. As small as a sea scorpion, only one robotic arm is needed, while a class aircraft carrier needs twelve such robotic arms.

These mechanical arms close to the side of the warship, when they are close to the hull of the warship, they are all adsorbed like magnets, and then the reinforcement device is deployed from the side to be further fixed on the warship.

After that, all the warships shut down their power systems. It can be seen that all warships are still moving forward with the floating island fortress after shutting off their power.

Relying solely on the mechanical arm to drive the warship forward is too test the hull structure of the warship.

After the warships turned off their power, the mechanical arms of the fixed warships began to slowly pull back. In just one minute, all the warships were pulled into the floating dock, and the opened gates rose again, as if Like an aquarium, the warship is locked inside the floating island fortress.

More fixing devices protruded from the four corners of the four docks to fix every corner of the ship in the dock, and the port work was successfully completed.

Although the whole process was carried out for the first time, it was as smooth and proficient as it had been done countless times. The Lieutenant General did not hesitate or pause.

At this moment, the first fleet fixed on the floating island fortress has also completed the mission indicators for the first sea trial, and the hull structure can fully withstand this mobile pulling force. (To be continued.)

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