The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1729: Bloody peace concept

"When I came into this world in the form of a life, I would like to thank my parents for turning me from a small cell into a living life-even though I still don’t know that my parents are Who.

When I can sit in a bright classroom with my schoolbag and study, here, I want to thank my motherland——Huaxia, because it is the motherland that allowed me to grow up in such a beautiful country and enjoy kindness and care;

When I sit with my friends and chat happily, I want to thank this wonderful world even more, because it allows me and everyone around me to have sunshine, peace and peace.

When facing all this, I have to bow my head sincerely to thank-peace.

In China, young people like me are a lucky and happy generation. We have not experienced the long march of the older generation, the years of millet and rifle, and we have not experienced the flames of war of that era.

My fathers used the blood and enthusiasm of a whole generation or even two generations to create our beautiful and peaceful home today. So when I started to know the sun, the river, and the mountains, I knew the flag and the national emblem, and I knew it. I am a peace-loving Chinese descendant who grew up along the bloodline of the Yellow River, the Yangtze River, and the dragon, and is a Chinese who always puts the happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy of everyone first!

At this point, perhaps many people are asking, as the supreme leader of the Middle East Federation, why on such occasions, they have been talking about another country outside the Middle East Federation.

My answer is that I grew up in my home country. I know my home country and my current Middle East Federation. I think the two have the most obvious common ground.

Although I have never met my parents, I lacked the love of father and mother since I was young, but I am happy. It is my motherland that makes me feel the meaning of the word happiness.

In the history textbook of my elementary school, while recording the ancient civilization of the Eastern culture, it also recorded the humiliation and wars. I learned knowledge and understood the motherland that was so traumatized, but I also saw cruelty and blood.

Maybe what I want to say next, many people will sneer, but I always have a clear conscience.

I hate war, long for peace, long for my motherland to be always peaceful, long for the sky of the world to be always floating with blue sky and white clouds. Among all the places of interest in the motherland, the one I can't bear to see is the ruins of the Old Summer Palace. It often shows me the ferociousness of foreigners and often reminds me of the pain when it was ravaged;

Among all the news and newspapers I read, I don’t want to see that there will still be gunpowder and smoke in the beautiful blue sky and green grass today, and there will be people who have to be displaced because of bullets and cannons.

Since 1840, the motherland has been forced to be involved in one after another ruthless fight, from the Opium War to the Eight-Power Allied Forces invading China, from the September 18th Incident to the Japanese germ war, will the motherland still have an inch? There are no traces of bullet shells left in the land. Will one of my most kind fathers still be "baptized" by the gunpowder? Will anyone of my thousands of brothers and sisters remember that the sun is brilliant during those years? Life is beautiful;

I don’t know if God is fair or cruel. In the first fifty years of the 20th century, every country in the world has taken old and heavy steps. They not only have to bear the right to life endowed by life, but also the death imposed by life. Obligations.

The cruel killer of war has caused many people to lose their warm homes, how many wives have lost their loved ones, and how many children have become little homeless people on the streets.

The ending of the war is that justice defeats evil, but the kind-hearted people suffer from the destruction of their homes left by the war! After walking through the mud of history and opening the door of modernity, I always naively thought that China’s pre-Qin “kindness and kindness” "The treasure of the country" is the common thought of peace among people all over the world, but the Iran-Iraq War and the Gulf War have made the people of Iran, Iraq, and Kuwait once again taste the bitter fruits of the war;

What followed was NATO air strikes on the Yugoslavia, bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, bin Laden’s 9.1l terrorist incident, and the smoke of the US army’s attack on Baghdad, Iraq, which made the mirror of peace even more obscure today.

If Zhonghua Xia was humiliated in the first 50 years of the 20th century, when the sun of peace can illuminate every corner of the world today, some areas of the world are firmly caught by the shadow of war.

Who doesn’t long for a family reunion dinner in peace, who doesn’t want their parents, wives and children to spend every rushed day with peaceful smiles, who doesn’t want to have a sweet and sweet meal on a starry night Dreams

But all this was crushed by the war. How I longed for those war-torn old people with two temples to drink a cup of coffee peacefully in the sun, childish children to hide and seek happily, and tough young men to stop holding their rifles and wait in battle;

How I longed that there would be no more new "widows' buildings" on the originally peaceful land, no more murderous, no more wars;

We humans only share one home. Every member of us who lives here has a similar face, and our blood vessels are filled with red blood.

This is my ideal. For the sake of my ideal, I made a choice. I came to Iraq and devoted my hard work. After ten years of trials and hardships, I completed a part of my ideal of life and brought peace to the Middle East world.

The best way to deter war is not to rely solely on naive ideals, but to work hard to wash away the original sin of greed with blood and force, otherwise peace will always be just a slogan, two extremely empty words, without the slightest nourishment.

Peace is not a naive prayer, but requires countless people to unite and work hard to achieve it. I have never felt that a few appeals can really make the world peaceful. My philosophy of life has also been improved step by step as my ideals mature. Only when war is completely eliminated will it be possible to truly achieve peace for all mankind..."

At the Global Peace Conference held in Marin, as the leader of the Middle East Federation, Cai Ruichen stood on the podium, facing the entire Federation and the world, and gave a speech based on his understanding of peace.

The speech lasted almost five minutes, and the result was that it shocked countless people. In this age of advertised himself, Cai Ruichen was able to speak so clearly about war and the elimination of war. He is the number one leader among all nations. He also officially told the world about his ideas.

The key to peace is to eliminate war, and the only way to eliminate war is to use war.

The Peace Conference is the first global peace conference held in the Middle East Federation after the Middle East Federation formally joined the United Nations.

This conference has attracted more than one hundred countries from all over the world, including all the major countries in the world. It is the largest UN conference in recent years.

In fact, the main purpose of this meeting is to reconcile the relations between the various superpowers as much as possible.

Last time when it was the Syrian-Israel Federation, Cai Ruichen's battle with NATO shocked the whole world. Fortunately, both sides exercised restraint at that time and the war did not escalate to a full-scale war.

But this does not mean that there will be no new conflicts in the future. This makes the United Nations very worried. If the Middle East Federation rapidly rises, the US hegemony will not be maintained. This is a super dangerous signal.

Whether the United States will be willing to step down from the altar and whether Cai Ruichen's ambitions can be satisfied, these two issues are directly related to global peace in the next few decades.

The first peace conference for major powers was organized in Marin immediately after the federation of the Middle East joined the United Nations. The main member states of the United Nations, and most of the country representatives, directly participated in this conference.

It's just that everyone present was taken aback by Cai Ruichen's first speech.

No one thought that Cai Ruichen would say something like this on such an occasion, and the entire Peace Conference was a global simultaneous webcast. Among them, the global webcast of the future media company alone had more than 500 million viewers.

In other words, Cai Ruichen's speech was also spread to the whole world for the first time. Together with the live broadcasts of other media and TV channels, the number of people who directly listened to it probably exceeded one billion.

Beforehand, no one expected that Cai Ruichen would speak such amazing language. In the eyes of many people who long for peace, peace should be the elimination of war, and the use of war to eliminate war will only bring more casualties.

As soon as Cai Ruichen's voice fell, the head of the Swiss delegation at the conference stood up and asked Cai Ruichen: "Mr. Cai, what you said about using war to eliminate war will only bring more hatred. There are more unresolved hatreds. The US weapons operations in the Middle East have not only failed to improve the peace situation in the region, but have created more chaos. This is the biggest reality, so we dare not agree with this."

"Mr. Swiss Special Envoy, you have seen the security failure of the United States’ peace strategy in the Middle East, but don’t you see the success of the Middle East federal policy? My rules of war have always been directed at executioners’ military operations, for all global needs Help, for those who are in desperate need of getting rid of war, I have always only had daily necessities and committed to changing their living environment. This is my successful experience, and I believe that in this world, people who desire peace are definitely far more than hope People who saw the war." Cai Ruichen shouted and answered simply.

The head of the Swiss delegation seemed to want to say something, but the microphone was on his lips, and eventually he just shook his head and sat down.

The successful experience of the Middle East Federation has indeed surprised countless countries. Cai Ruichen seems to have magical powers. In just a few years, the chaotic Middle East has become an extremely peaceful country. These years, even in the Middle East Federation. There are few crimes in the territory.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen used the successful results of the Middle East Federation as the basis for his views. Although the outside world is unable to understand such a thing, he can't find any reason to refute it.

In fact, Cai Ruichen himself knows very well that using war to eliminate war is an extreme method, but it is the most direct method of all methods.

The most straightforward way to recover a rotten wound is to clean up the entire wound, and then regenerate new life tissues. However, this method is more painful than mild methods.

Cai Ruichen can use this method, because he has a cheating super weapon, the mind controller, and Israel has been destroyed. Those Jews living in the Middle East Federation are not the same stable. Now the Jews in the Middle East Federation, which one There is also the idea of ​​restoring the country.

The human heart is the most terrifying thing, and controlling the human heart is even more terrifying.

On such occasions, Cai Ruichen preached his own ideas in order to tell the world in advance what his ideas were.

Of course, he has never asked the outside world to accept his own ideas. Cai Ruichen never imposes his ideas on anyone. If others agree, he will agree, and he will follow his own ideas if he disagrees. .

Even if there is a big gap between his own views and the global mainstream values, Cai Ruichen's adherence to his own ideas cannot be shaken.

Today’s speech, in Cai Ruichen’s words, means very simple, that is to give the world a Cai, does this mean that the Middle East Federation will further expand its foreign military operations in the future? , Whether actions like Somalia will appear frequently in the future. "The Norwegian representative immediately stood up and asked Cai Ruichen.

"The Middle East Federation does not want to interfere in the internal affairs of any country, but no matter who it is, once you want to aim the gun at the civilians, it is a pity that I cannot tolerate such a thing, and force is often the best way to solve this kind of trouble."

There is no direct recognition, but the meaning in Chinese, I am afraid that a three-year-old child can almost understand it, that is, once similar things happen again, the Middle East Federation will certainly not sit idly by, and military means are an inevitable result.

Cai Ruichen's simple answer caused obvious changes in the expressions of thousands of people at the conference. The Middle East Federation really began to show a tough side. The indisputable and firm tone of Cai Ruichen's words made everyone shudder. a feeling of.

Especially in Africa and some of the more chaotic national delegations, some people couldn’t help but wipe their sweat-spilled foreheads. Cai Ruichen’s words were completely a statement of no position. Even if it is a government agency, once civilians are injured, the Federation of the Middle East You have to intervene directly.

What I feel a little scared about is the many African countries present. African countries are generally chaotic, with unsound laws, tribal armed separatism, and civil wars are frequent occurrences. There are no undead people in war, and the death of a few innocent people. It is very common.

The most common massacres in Africa are massacres. It can be said that all kinds of massacres are staged in turn. In the future, these massacres are very likely to become excuses for the Federation of the Middle East to send troops. Look at the current Somalia and the government representatives of some African countries. I was fidgeting.

(To be continued.)

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