The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1758: Control bank vaults

In the deep underground corridor sewer well, two slender silk threads seal the passage from top to bottom, and two anti-infantry mines are connected to the two sides. They are all powerful models. Once they explode, they are heavy infantry. The armor is on the body, and it is difficult to survive in front of two such mines.

Brother Xiang held the ladder of the sewer well with one hand, and carefully touched the silk thread. The body was in the low well, turned upside down, his legs were clamped on the ladder, his fingers took out a small pair of scissors, and finally checked. After checking the safety of the two mines on both sides of the silk thread, the two silk threads were cut short in turn.

The whole process is not long. It is not too nervous to find the time to eliminate the danger. It is just that in a life-and-death situation, you need to be more careful.

For safety's sake, Xiang Ge also specially inserted the two insurance bolts back into the mine, and then turned over again and landed on the walkway of the underground corridor.

The dark underground corridors are full of unpleasant smells. Compared with the corridors of big cities in Western countries, the corridors here are much narrower, with at most five people walking side by side, and the narrow corridors on both sides are covered with moss. , Accidentally will be slipped at any time.

In the underground corridor, there are no people in sight, and no defensive arrangements are seen leading to the Jakarta National Bank.

The members of the ghost special commandos who came down were very cautious and vigilant. Urban battles, especially when others were at home, were no less dangerous than in the jungle.

I encountered booby thunder immediately after coming, and the opponent couldn't let it go. What's more, an elite infantry regiment was defending above, and the defense below was definitely not bad.

The life detectors of the individual combat system are all activated, scanning all life symbols along the corridor, excluding all non-human life features, locking down the signs of human life below, and combining the big data given by the mind detector to figure out The level of data, search for the enemies below.

With the clear presentation of the data, all the life forms in the entire nearby underground corridors appeared in the eyes of everyone. In the underground corridors, the Indonesian National Army also deployed a lot of troops, and they were all concentrated around the National Bank. The life characteristics over there The response was very strong.

"Release little baby." Brother Xiang didn't act in a hurry, turned around and ordered.

One of the fighters in the assault team immediately took off his rucksack and took out a small cage from the inside. Inside the cage, there were large rats.

This is not an ordinary mouse, but a mine-seeking mouse that has been trained and is particularly sensitive to explosives. Its genes and organs have been professionally modified, and it is worth 10,000 gold.

The mouse was very obedient, and would not make any sound when placed in the rucksack. When the soldier released him, he ran directly to the front. However, after only a few meters, he stopped, with his paw Scratched a few times on the corridor wall.

Brother Xiang waved his hand, everyone moved forward in a guard formation, and came to the side of the mine-seeking mouse. Upon closer inspection, he found a lead wire of a booby mine, and it was directly connected to the wall of the corridor. Inside the brick wall.

It was only ten meters away from the entrance that came down, and yet another booby trap was planted. It can be seen that these Indonesian national forces are not so easy to deal with.

In fact, Brother Xiang and the others didn't feel strange at all. The military of every country trains its troops according to their own national conditions. They don't blindly imitate the strong. The best for them is the best.

The Indonesian National Army has the most training in guerrilla warfare, jungle warfare and island defense operations. It is also the Indonesian National Army, which is constantly researching and upgrading constant topics.

Therefore, in terms of guerrilla warfare capabilities, the overall level of the Indonesian National Army is still very good.

In the underground corridor, the Ghost Special Commando only advanced nearly 50 meters and eliminated three booby mines. The first one was on the wall, and the other two were in the water of the sewer, and they were also anti-infantry thunder. .

The mouse cleared the way, while Brother Xiang and the others cleared the hidden landmine obstacles all the way.

If other troops come in, detonating these booby mines and causing casualties is still a small matter, but it is really dangerous to directly alarm the defensive troops of the previous infantry regiment.

Therefore, Brother Xiang was very careful along the way, his eyes did not miss every detail in the underground corridor, and the blaster in the ghost was not idle along the way, and some booby mines were also arranged in the corridor that he passed through. .

This is the safety alert habit of the Ghost Special Commando. After entering the battlefield, if necessary, some defensive devices will be deployed or trapped in all places where it walks.

Thirty meters further ahead, no defensive sinking was found, and messy footprints could also be seen in the corridors of the corridors. This was already the opponent's defensive circle.

Putting away the mine-seeking mouse, Brother Xiang cautiously continued forward. At the corner of the intersection of the street in the distance, there was a light footstep, and Brother Xiang and the others were about to turn and enter this trunk leading to the National Bank. Below the road.

A fist was raised, and then he made a silent attack gesture. The people in front all squatted down, and the four archer girls behind pulled up the air to kill, and the alloy long arrow hit the corner, looking directly at the corner where the footsteps came from. .

In order to avoid alarming the enemy, everyone even controlled their breathing, and at the same time they were as close to the walls of the corridor as possible.

A few seconds later, two Indonesian National Army soldiers walked over from the corner, and the low-light night vision device in front of them instantly saw the ghost special commando members in the narrow corridor, but they had not waited for them to make Regardless of any reaction, the attack of the archer girl has arrived, and the sharp long arrows penetrate the low-light night vision device, penetrate the eyeballs and even directly out of the head.

Brother Xiang, who was standing in the front, took a step forward, hugging the two corpses that were about to end one after another, and then gently placed them on the ground.

After killing the two patrols, Brother Xiang carefully used the corner camera to look at the corridors on the left and right sides of the corner. In the corridors on the left and right sides of the corner, there were many soldiers from the Indonesian National Army who were together in twos and threes. A certain defensive firepower point was also arranged.

The sewage from the sewer was cleaned up in that section, and heavy machine gun firepower points were arranged. A dozen soldiers gathered, and dim light spread out further away.

In the unobstructed underground corridor, it is almost impossible to kill so many enemies in one breath, and if the two patrolmen did not return on time, they would be exposed.

Brother Xiang didn't have much time to think about it. Of course, he didn't need to think about anything. The battle instinct had already helped him make the decision for the first time, and the four wasp drones were released from the archer girl.

At the same time, the blaster also released an underwater robot, following the sewage in the sewer, turning the corner, and approaching the Indonesian National Army on the opposite side.

The drone gave everyone a better perspective. The underwater unmanned vehicle quickly approached the opponent under the cover of sewage, and the weapon launcher on the body was automatically activated.

Flying needles with highly poisonous flying needles were shot out from the water. A dozen Indonesian National Army soldiers all around felt as if they had been bitten by words at the same time, and the feeling of being bitten was between the sewers and the jungle. Middle is the most familiar touch.

For the first few seconds, no one cared, but the breathing difficulties that immediately appeared made several National Army soldiers realize that they seemed to be poisoned. When they were about to make a sound, they found that their mouths were completely unwilling. , And I couldn’t breathe air at all, and I couldn’t even feel my own heartbeat. As a result of my eyes, all the comrades in the comrades collapsed, and the last gaze saw a corner, a figure came out from there. .

The tiny poisonous needles and the toxins on them are the deadliest chemical toxins in the world. They can completely paralyze the vital functions of the human body within ten minutes, and in the first few seconds of the onset, they have already paralyzed the human respiratory system and voice. Therefore, the poisoned person has no possibility of calling for help. Asphyxiation and weakness are the beginning of the poisoning.

Within ten minutes, these Indonesian soldiers will be able to save themselves, and ten minutes later, they will go directly to see God.

It is naturally impossible for Xiang Ge and others to rescue these Indonesian soldiers. After passing these unconscious Indonesian soldiers, they are already close to the National Bank.

Brother Xiang didn't intend to completely eliminate all enemies in the entire sewer, because there was no need at all, as long as he could reach the sewer exit next to the National Bank.

The first sewer line of defense was cleared, and the well head was above the head, and this well head still leads directly to the back streets of the National Bank.

The above is dangerous, but Brother Xiang has no better choice.

The corpse in the sewer will soon be found, and staying below is just as dangerous.

On the back street of the headquarters of the National Bank of Indonesia, eight Indonesian soldiers guarded the back near the back street. Outside the high back street fence, it was the focus of defense.

In the sky, eight hornet drones approached cautiously, and the eight Indonesian soldiers were completely unaware of it. After all, this thing was too small, and they did not have the consciousness to defend against this small thing like a hornet.

Until the Wasp drone released the attack, when the eight soldiers noticed it, it was too late.

The stiff muscles made them almost unable to move, and the standing body completely lost control, as if the whole body was not their own except for the head.

Under their gaze, the sewer manhole cover on the side was opened. Soldiers with the logo of the Middle East Federal Guard came out from inside without even looking at them. They re-covered the manhole cover directly from theirs. In front of him, he opened the back door of the National Bank and entered the building.

The eight Indonesian National Army soldiers just watched what was happening in front of them. Not only were they unable to stop them, they didn't even have the ability to issue warnings.

This method made them extremely frightened in their seriousness, but they were unable to change anything, because their bodies from below their heads can be said to be petrified. If they are not treated in time, all blood vessels will condense together. Die slowly.

The Ghost Special Commando has the best weapons and equipment, and has the most complete logistics and communications. Strictly speaking, it has never been a few people from the Ghost Special Commando who are fighting. There is a large group of personnel behind them who are cooperating.

Especially after the establishment of the entire theater network system, this kind of long-distance assistance truly connects every soldier as a whole.

Just like just now, there is no need for the ghost special commandos to do anything. There will naturally be small troubles outside, and the ghost can act directly after receiving a safe signal.

Controlling the absolute commanding heights of war can almost be said to be equivalent to dominating the war.

From the sniper’s bird’s nest, to the air superiority, to the current air, space and earth commanding heights, these three elements are controlled, and the difference between victory and defeat will be difficult to reverse.

Cai Ruichen, who was far away at the base console, also saw the scene of Xiangge and others entering the back door of the building. Everything was a seamlessly connected complete picture. The source of the control of the Hornet drone attack was not Tanya. It’s the command from the top command of the base.

Cai Ruichen, who is far away from the console, has truly grasped every detail on the battlefield.

At this moment, with a light movement of his finger, two global transport planes are about to arrive in Jakarta. Two companies of heavy infantry are ready for the final airborne landing. They will assist Xiangge and others to protect everything in the National Bank. wealth.

In the building of the National Bank, Xiang Ge and others approached directly toward the underground safe of the bank. Where they passed, many heavily armed Indonesian National Army soldiers had fallen.

When they arrived at the gate of the bank safe, many Indonesian National Army soldiers were carrying a large amount of ammunition into the safe. The huge safe door was in an open state.

These busy National Army soldiers were stunned when they saw the enemies appearing. At this moment, life and death had been determined.

The long arrows of the four archer girls and the bullets of the silencer submachine gun quickly took their lives.

" Brother Xiang gave an order and started to check the explosives inside.

Inside the vault of the National Bank of Indonesia, there are huge shelves, which are filled with gold bricks cast by modules, and a large amount of precious metals. On the side are piles of foreign exchange currencies neatly arranged.

A large amount of explosives were piled on the edge of the safe. These explosives were enough to blow up the entire building.

When Brother Xiang was preparing to dismantle the bomb, a harsh police whistle sounded outside, and it was clear that the corpses had already been discovered.

At the entrance of the stairs leading to the safe, a large number of Indonesian soldiers had already rushed down here, and fierce fighting was on the horizon.

The intensive firepower blocked the entire stairway, and Brother Xiang didn't have the energy to assist his team members, because the bomb fuze inside could be detonated by the opponent at any time.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users, please read. )

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