The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1759: Loot the vault

At the headquarters of the National Bank of Indonesia in Jakarta, the sound of fierce fighting came from inside the building. A large number of Indonesian soldiers all gathered towards the bank building. The fighting from the rear of the defense made the defense strength of the perimeter of the Indonesian National Army Infantry Regiment weakened. Down.

At this moment, inside the bank building, it was hard to dig through the channel connecting to the bank's underground vault, which became the main battlefield.

The reinforced hangar channel makes it difficult for bullets to leave traces, and the intensive firefights make the surrounding buildings feel as stable as Mount Tai.

The explosion of grenade and bullets flying across the download channel, the Indonesian National Army, which cannot be used at all, is really difficult to play the role of superior force. It is not too wide stairs and channels, but only tactics like fueling. Attack forward.

And no matter if you use tear gas, shock bombs, or smoke bombs, you can't confuse the enemy on the opposite side. Such weapons have no effect on enemies on the ground.

In the corridor full of gunpowder, hundreds of Indonesian soldiers have fallen down, and the firepower of the opponent has not weakened at all.

In fact, the ghost special commando team can’t last too long. Although the exoskeleton system of the individual suit allows them to carry enough ammunition, in order to suppress the firepower of the opponent as much as possible, the consumption of ammunition is equivalent per second. It is huge, and there is no supply here, it is difficult to stick to it for a long time.

At this moment, Brother Xiang is still nervously removing the explosives placed inside by the Indonesian National Army.

Fortunately, the detonation method adopted by the other party is wireless signal detonation, so only the signal needs to be shielded to prevent the other party from detonating the explosive inside.

However, in order to prevent other detonation methods, Xiang Ge needs to ensure that all the explosives inside are in a safe state, otherwise the funeral is not only the wealth in the entire vault, but also the members of the entire special commando team.

At the same time, directly above the headquarters of the National Bank of Indonesia, two huge global transport aircraft are in the hatches under their belly.

In the headquarters of the Elite Infantry Regiment of the Indonesian National Army, the colonel of the Indonesian National Army, holding a detonator in his hand, looked at the two global transport planes in the sky, his face was horribly gloomy, and his fingers had already pressed down. The detonator was used, but the explosives in the bank building did not respond.

Under his feet, the battalion commander in charge of perimeter defense fell in a pool of blood. This was the masterpiece of the colonel just now. It was a shame that the solid defense established by a regiment was silently infiltrated into the bank vault by the enemy.

In the words of the colonel, if it were not for the incompetence of the battalion commander, it would be impossible for the Middle East Federal Guard to attack here with great fanfare. The explosives buried in it were enough to cover at least two nearby streets, and its damage was not inferior to that of September 1st in New York. The destructive power of an incident.

"Order the air defense battalion to conduct air defense operations." The colonel clenched his fist and said.

The soldiers of the air defense battalion arranged nearby had torn apart the camouflaged air defense equipment for the first time. There was nothing too advanced. They were ordinary air defense guns and some individual air defense missiles. In addition, some of them were destroyed by air raids before. Not many.

The loose anti-aircraft fire exploded in the sky, and the delayed fuze detonated the anti-aircraft guns that fired in the sky. Soon black smoke appeared in the sky, and the core of the firepower was all aimed at the two global transport aircraft.

The huge global transport aircraft is the best target for anti-aircraft guns. However, relying on the solid fuselage, although the two global transport aircraft are a bit shaky, they have no plans to leave.

After the anti-aircraft artillery exploded, the shrapnel hit the global transport plane, leaving only a shallow trace. As long as it was not hit directly, it could not threaten the normal flight of this super transport plane.

In the cabin, one by one heavy infantry hanging on the cabin slides, under the flashing red light, their legs are tightly pressed together, their hands clasped in front of their chests, carrying weapons and ammunition boxes, waiting for airborne. The signal is coming.

In the cockpit, the captain finally compared the target position and pressed the button to allow airborne.

The cabin crew, who was waiting nervously, immediately pressed the airdrop button when they saw the signal.

The function of this airdrop button is a bit similar to the manual drop system of an old bomber, but when this button is pressed down, instead of bombs, they are dropped one by one heavy infantry weighing more than one ton.

Arriving at the National Bank of Indonesia, the two global transport planes above the sky dropped a series of heavy infantry like bombers carrying out carpet bombing.

The heavy infantry who broke away from the transport plane adjusted the posture of the individual equipment in the sky in the second second of the stall. The first safety parachute opened, and at the same time slowed the impact of a fall, adjusted the posture to ensure the fall. The posture is the normal body standing posture.

The safety parachute can't play the main role of a parachute at all. The only function is to help the heavy infantry adjust their posture when falling in the sky, and really slow down the impact of the landing, making the heavy infantry fully armed up to more than one ton of weight to safely land is Two individual flying devices.

These two individual flying devices are the latest equipment, so that the heavy infantry can complete the air landing at high altitude without relying on parachutes.

The flying device is installed on the back waist of the individual armor, which can well support the heavy weight of the entire armor and weaponry.

Although this flying device cannot allow heavy infantry to fly, there is no problem in reducing the impact.

Moreover, this flying device can be widely used. It is not only used in the process of airborne. In combat situations, it can also make the heavy infantry have super jumping ability and movement speed, which can be between the buildings in the city. Flexible up and down movement.

One by one huge heavy infantry fell from the air, which caused the Indonesian National Army soldiers waiting below to be stunned. The paratroopers did not appear, but one heavy armored infantry.

Heavy infantry, the high-tech arms in the new era, has always attracted the attention of the outside world when it appeared on the Israeli battlefield. Although it has always been criticized by Western countries with subjective emotions, it is undeniable that this equipment is in The lethality and effect on the battlefield are being established step by step in actual combat.

Especially for a country like the Indonesian National Army that is generally infantry, and for such advanced high-tech infantry equipment, it is simply envy and hatred. When faced with it, fear will inevitably breed continuously.

The intensive firepower was pouring toward the heavy infantry who fell in the sky. This was a natural reaction of fear, because the heavy infantry in the sky was still one or two kilometers away from the ground. At this distance, it was completely beyond the range of the rifle.

Only those individual anti-tank missiles can threaten the safety of heavy infantry when they fall. The most dangerous ones are the air defense machine guns on the ground.

Just how long can the air defense weapons on the ground exert their firepower when exposed?

The surrounding area was full of high-rise buildings, and the angle of air defense firepower on the ground was limited, and I did not dare to arrange it on the roof. The main air defense weapons were all arranged in the shadow of the street and between the small alleys.

With this arrangement, it is impossible to get a large shooting angle, and it is impossible to quickly aim at the target in the air.

The air defense firepower on the ground has a limited attack angle, and the heavy infantry falling from the sky is not an immovable cargo. When all the heavy infantry open their flying devices, they can already control their flight direction when they fall.

The angle of avoiding these anti-aircraft firepower is not a problem at all for heavy infantry.

When falling quickly to the ground for about one kilometer, all the heavy infantry also rushed to the ground with dense bullets. At a distance of 100 meters, the flying device emitted a long tail flame, and the smoke was The surroundings were filled, blocking the heavy infantry.

The streets and the roofs were all covered by smog. All the Indonesian National Army found that the heavy infantry who fell down on the streets outside were all covered by the smoke.

In the smoke, the heavy infantry quickly picked up their weapons, checked the individual armor system, and began to suppress the surrounding firepower points.

The dense bullets passed through the smoke and counter-suppressed the firepower towards the firepower points on the surrounding buildings. The heavy infantry who landed on the roof all drew out the alloy swords and rushed down the stairs on the roof.

This is a battle of great disparity in strength. The infantry regiment of more than two thousand people will face nearly two hundred heavy infantry opponents.

At the same time, this is also a battle of great disparity, because the combat power of two hundred heavy infantry surpasses a pure infantry regiment.

As soon as the powerful fire broke out, the Indonesian National Army soldiers were all dumbfounded. The large-caliber special assault rifle can easily penetrate the concrete buildings in the city. The bullets are like small cannonballs. Inferior to those rapid-fire cannons.

The ear-splitting sound of guns quickly filled the entire street. On the ground, small groups of heavily armed infantry, while suppressing the enemy's fire, moved quickly toward the position of the National Bank.

More than a dozen heavy infantry who landed directly at the entrance of the National Bank of Indonesia, have already rushed into the National Bank, and began to eliminate the enemies inside.

The battle on the street has entered a white-hot stage from the beginning.

A Barrett sniper rifle was aimed at the heavy infantry on the street in a six-story private house next to the National Bank. The sniper inside pulled the trigger, and the crosshair reloaded. The entire body of the infantryman went backwards two steps, and the armor on the front of the chest was cracked. A round hole appeared in the center of the crack. You can see the bullet stuck in the armor and the blood flowing out.

Without waiting for the sniper to be proud, a clear gunshot sounded across the street. Barrett in the window on the fifth floor exploded in an instant, and the sniper’s body organs sprayed blood all over the room. .

On the roof opposite the six-story civilian house, a heavily armed infantry picked up a sniper cannon and moved quickly, not forgetting to ask his comrades about the situation.

The shot just now was very dangerous. If it was shot on the head, the penetrating ability of the Barrett sniper rifle was enough to injure the lives of soldiers in individual armor. Fortunately, this shot was shot on the chest. Half of the bullets were stuck in the armor. The soldier inside was not injured to the heart, but under the huge impact force, the soldier inside was unconscious.

Heavy infantry is not invincible. The bazooka and anti-material sniper rifle carried by individual soldiers can threaten the survival of heavy infantry on the battlefield.

War has never been a child's play. With the disparity between the forces of the two sides, it is difficult to determine the winner with a single move.

However, the heavy infantry were not fighting alone. One minute after they successfully landed, there was a loud rotor sound in the sky, which was the sound of a helicopter flying at low altitude.

Between the floors, seven or eight armed helicopters surrounded them. There was no need to think about it. All the Indonesian National Army soldiers already knew that they were enemies and not friends, because they didn't even have a transport helicopter that could take off.

The arrival of the armed helicopter fleet has relieved a lot of pressure on the heavy infantry. The Indonesian National Army soldiers hidden in the building have doubled the pressure.

The helicopter's powerful fire-strike capability has made the building unsafe. The powerful aircraft cannons, with a burst of firepower, are what scares soldiers the most.

With the cover of armed helicopters, the heavy infantry also began to organize a cleanup team to clean up all the buildings near the National Bank one by one to eliminate the hidden enemies.

Israeli soldiers have long seen the terrible ability of heavy infantry to fight in houses. The Indonesian National Army is no exception. Under microwave radar scanning, the fragile concrete can not stop the weapons in the hands of heavy infantry. It's better to say it's a war than a a one-sided massacre.

Gun smoke filled the entire street, and gunfire sounded in every building. Five minutes later, a transport helicopter of the Army Aviation Corps transported a large number of terrorist robots to the battlefield. The fighting became even more intense for the Red Police Corps. It's easy.

For the Indonesian National Army Infantry Regiment, a complete failure is only a matter of time. The bank's assets worth tens of billions of dollars will also fall into the hands of the enemy.

This is an irreversible tragedy. Of course, if Indonesia is not lucky enough to feel that the wealth inside can be transported out of it, perhaps this is not the case.

However, in any country, I am afraid that the ending will not change. After all, not everyone has the courage to actively destroy the tens of billions of dollars worth of wealth, not to mention the Indonesian National Army also needs this money to maintain its future. The long war.

It's just that it's too late to say anything, and the heavy infantry has gained a foothold around the International Bank. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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