The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1760: Crazy plan

The war in Indonesia did not affect the normal life and order of the Middle East Federation, but only gave people a lot of focus to discuss after a meal.

However, in the Middle East Federation, there is too much talk about the focus, and this war is not the most concerned.

As the new year arrives, the Middle East Federal Supreme Council of Rights also announced the new year's development plan on time. Compared with the domestic impact, more citizens of the Middle East are more concerned about the country's development and construction policies this year.

This kind of social phenomenon is not unique, but it is also rare for citizens of various countries to focus on the development of the country. This is closely related to the previous wars and hard life of the Middle East Federation.

Moreover, the domestic political system of the Middle East Federation has a huge gap with many countries. In terms of finance, the fiscal revenue of each principality is directly collected to the central government, and then allocated to each principality according to the planned budget every year.

At the beginning of each year, all principalities need to prepare their annual financial budgets before they can apply for annual financial allocations to the Supreme Council of Powers.

And each province and city must submit their fiscal expenditure budget to the Principality’s Ministry of Finance for consideration earlier.

At such a level, the annual fiscal expenditure plan must be carried out almost half a year in advance, especially when the Middle East Federation adopts a democratic election system for all people, all finances need to be completely transparent to the outside world.

How much money you have this year and how much you plan to spend next year on basic people’s livelihood construction will naturally affect the most direct interests of every citizen.

The Middle East Federation is not considered a high-welfare country, even the welfare level of a middle-level country. The reason is simple. The annual fiscal deficit of the Middle East Federation is as high as 100%. This is a figure that is enough to bankrupt the whole world.

Therefore, it is impossible for citizens of the Middle East Federation to enjoy too high welfare, and the fiscal deficit is all filled by the annual income of the Future Technology Group. A large amount of infrastructure construction greatly increases the proportion of the fiscal deficit, but this is also impossible. Cai Ruichen did not have time to build slowly and develop a little bit.

Moreover, the future construction company, which has undertaken most of the country’s infrastructure construction tasks, almost does not need to pay all kinds of construction costs, only labor costs, so the outside world feels extremely terrifying 100% deficit, the actual deficit amount is even 100%. Less than four quarters.

This point is naturally incomprehensible to the outside world. From a global perspective, the finances of the entire Middle East Federation are supported by Cai Ruichen alone. Otherwise, the entire country of the Middle East Federation will be completely bankrupt overnight.

And this is where the whole world admires Cai Ruichen. It is not a simple matter to support a world-class power alone, it can be described as a fantasy.

At the same time, everyone was shocked by the economic growth rate of the Middle East Federation itself. Not counting the GDP occupied by the Future Technology Group, calculate the other gross national product. The GDP of the Middle East Federation for one year has reached the ranks of the world's first-class countries. If you add the Mirae Technology Group, then the economic aggregate has a tendency to exceed that of Japan.

At the beginning of this year, even if it is facing a war thousands of kilometers apart, in the annual budget report of the Middle East Federation, it is planned to allocate 12 billion dinars of the Middle East Federation in the new year’s national infrastructure plan. To continue to improve the domestic infrastructure.

The 12 billion Middle Eastern dinars are worth 1.2 billion U.S. dollars and 15 billion Chinese dollars. No country in the world can get such a huge sum of money.

Even the entire NATO can’t spend so much money, and the Middle East Federation will spend so much money within a year to continue to improve the country’s infrastructure. What a terrible ability this is.

What has attracted the most attention from the outside world is how to spend such huge funds?

It is not a simple matter to spend 1.2 billion US dollars in one year. What's more, the annual fiscal revenue of the Middle East federal government this year is about one billion US dollars, plus various other social welfare and expenditures. The Middle East Federation needs to spend more than two billion US dollars.

The Middle East Federation does not have any intention to conceal this issue that has attracted much attention. The US$1.2 billion will improve the wireless transmission construction work of the Middle East Federation nationwide.

Dismantle all wired power grids in the Middle East Federation, and allow wireless transmission technology to cover the whole country. Starting this year, all non-electric buses, buses, and ships in the country will be replaced, all of which are converted to electric operation.

Every household in the Middle East Federation will enjoy the convenience brought by wireless power transmission technology.

This plan is expected to cost more than two trillion U.S. dollars of expenditure. The plan is to be completed within this year. By then, the Middle East Federation will become the first country in the world to completely use wireless transmission technology, even though other countries have not yet mastered wireless transmission technology. A technology that is reasonably used for power transmission technology.

When this plan came out, it shocked the world, because once the plan was completely completed, it would completely change the way of life of human beings. The 6G wireless network can also cover the entire Middle East Federation simultaneously. All electrical appliances do not need to be specially charged, even Even cars can travel unlimitedly on the roads of the Middle East Federation.

This is a feat of epoch-making significance. What makes the Western world sad is that this technology is not the first to appear in the white world, but in the Middle East world where birds did not shit. How can this not make people jealous.

One person can change a world, and now putting this sentence on Cai Ruichen's body, no one can refuse, because he has changed the whole world.

The war did not stop the blowout development of the Middle East Federation. On the contrary, it was more ambitious. People can really be more maddening than people.

People with a little bit of foresight have already realized that a revolution that will completely change the state of human life has quietly come.

And this is just one of the annual development plans of the Middle East Federation. Another plan with the same huge cost has also caused extremely extensive discussion.

The Middle East Federation will upgrade and build a nationwide super-high-speed vacuum railway, which will completely cover every town in the country.

This plan is planned to be completed within three years, and the capital investment in the first year alone exceeds five trillion U.S. dollars to build vacuum high-speed rail infrastructure.

The vacuum high-speed rail does not require rails, but a completely enclosed vacuum channel, which is all in a vacuum state, allowing the train inside to reach six times the speed of sound in an instant, even twenty times the speed of sound, it is not a problem.

It is definitely not a delusion to travel the entire Middle East Federation in an hour.

Major developed countries in the world have such projects. Even before the UAE joined the Middle East Federation, there were already vacuum high-speed rail projects and they were already under construction.

However, no one country can carry out this plan on a large scale all over the country at one go. Instead, pilot construction, operating income, and then spread to other cities in the country.

But the Middle East Federation is completely different. As soon as the plan is launched, it will start at the same time across the country. It is planned that all vacuum pipeline lines will be laid in two and a half years, and then after six months, they will all be guaranteed to be in operation.

By then, it will only take a few minutes to get from Jerusalem to Baghdad, or even less. Walking out of the city is like walking out of your home, without the hassle of flying.

Even people living in the eastern part of the Middle East Federation can go to work on the edge of the Mediterranean every day. People in the hinterland, who want to see the sea, just step out of their homes.

What really shocked the whole world is that the vacuum pipes of the Middle East Federation covering the whole country will not be built on the ground, but will be built underground like a subway at a depth of 100 meters underground.

The difficulty and complexity of the whole project are enough to cause deep headaches for all countries in the world. It took tens of thousands of kilometers to build in three years. If it were put on other countries, it would be the biggest joke in the world.

However, what is formulated by the Federation of the Middle East is very certified. The most important thing is that the whole world has become accustomed to the rhythm of daily big talk of the Federation of the Middle East. Just speaking of this has already made the whole world Speechless.

At this moment, although everyone in the world feels that this is completely impossible, few people have said it. Because there are too many impossible, the Middle East Federation has already done it. This is just another seemingly impossible thing. It's just a ridiculous plan.

In the description of the plan of the Middle East Federation, it also specifically pointed out that one of the reasons why it was built to a depth of 100 meters underground is for safety, and the other is to maintain the stability of the vacuum environment and enhance safety.

At that time, it will also be linked to the subway stations of various cities, and every station in the country can be directly accessed from the subway stations.

Three years later, the underground of the entire Middle East world will form the world's fastest transportation network, the speed is twenty to fifty times that of airplanes.

This is another crazy plan, a plan that has numbed governments of all countries.

Naturally, the construction of this plan is still the Future Technology Group, otherwise no one can complete such a plan.

After this plan, the Future Technology Group has also received a large number of consultations from countries all over the world, and there is no doubt that they are all focused on vacuum high-speed rail technology.

Every country's government is very clear that the changes brought about by this kind of ultra-high-speed transportation to the domestic economy will be a new economic growth point in the future. There is no doubt about this.

Unfortunately, Future Technology Group does not have too many construction teams to go to various countries to build. It can only meet its own national needs and the construction of vacuum high-speed rail transportation between friendly countries.

At the same time, another news has also been confirmed by the Future Technology Group. A vacuum high-speed rail will also be built between the Middle East Federation and China. The participating country is Pakistan, because this vacuum high-speed rail will pass through Pakistan and then from China. The west is connected to the east estuary.

By then, the freight time from China to the western Mediterranean of the Middle East Federation will be reduced from the original half a month to only 20 minutes, and the transportation cost will also plummet.

This vacuum high-speed railway is also planned to be completed in three years. The entire venue will exceed 15,000 kilometers. It will be connected to most cities in three countries. It is an independent high-speed passenger and freight railway with multiple vacuum tracks side by side. It can transport 10,000 tons of goods.

It was also undertaken by the Future Technology Group. The operating income of the vacuum high-speed rail was also constructed by the Future Technology Group. The share of the Future Technology Group reached 70%, China Xia 25%, and Pakistan 5%.

This is a news that many countries are not at ease. However, the Future Technology Group also said that in the future this vacuum high-speed rail, as long as European countries are willing, will also be directly connected to Europe, and the freight time from the Atlantic to the northern Pacific will be It will be shortened to half an hour.

Even the Future Technology Group also stated that with current technology, even if it is to build a vacuum high-speed rail that runs through the oceans, there will be no technical difficulties. In the future, there will be plans to build a global vacuum high-speed rail that connects the oceans. fifteen minutes.

When this news came out, it also aroused the interest of countless consortia around the world, and also aroused huge attention and interest from global governments. It has to be said that although the future technology group is sometimes hateful, governments of all countries have always felt that they are inseparable. This is the demand inducement brought by technological leadership.

Technology sharing, no one dares to say that now, because technology is wealth, no one has the ability to buy the technology of the Future Technology Group, because the Future Technology Group is not short of money.

In fact, all countries know that even China has no such technology, let alone them.

Therefore, while contacting the Future Technology Group, all countries are also closely investing in scientific and technological research.

A large number of announcements have been made to support domestic enterprises with independent innovation technologies to improve the level of domestic science and technology. How to catch up with the future technology groups as much as possible.

For the citizens of the Middle East Federation, this is naturally a great pride, a great spiritual self-satisfaction.

This year's plan of the Middle East Federation looks extremely crazy to the outside world, but in the eyes of the citizens of the Middle East Federation, they are all proud capital.

The domestic infrastructure is refreshing the original worldview of the citizens of the Middle Eastern Federation every day, making hundreds of millions of people feel emotional every year that technology can still be like this.

In the annual budget plan, there are also plans to build 20 nuclear fusion power stations in the country to supply the electricity needs of the Middle East Federation.

This plan may not be too sensational, but it has made governments all over the world think and fear.

This plan means that the Middle East Federation has found a stable source of helium III, which makes the eyes of all countries unable to help but look at the moon. The helium III on it will be enough for all mankind to use for millions of years.

Does the Middle East Federation already have a way to mine the moon helium III and transport it back?

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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