The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1767: Another time and space come

The faint moonlight shone down the mountain stream, one was a mysterious woman and two bodyguards, and the other was Cai Ruichen alone.

From the perspective of the situation, it should have been the crowded party, but at this moment it is extremely cautious.

"I don't know what I should call you. I am just curious about you, and there is no malice. Can we sit down and have a chat?" Cai Ruichen didn't care about the other party, but directly invited him. If the other party is the most interesting Okay, but if he isn't funny, he doesn't mind being rude.

The woman in the middle looked very regretful and refused to Cai Ruichen: "Although I would like to know more about you, I am worried that my father and mother are worried. It is dark and I want to go home."

"Then where is your home? This place doesn't have your home." Cai Ruichen began to move forward and said.

"My family will come to pick me up on time, and please don't stop it. I am here without any malice." The woman hurriedly said when she saw Cai Ruichen walking forward.

As soon as the woman had finished speaking, the two bodyguards standing in front of her spoke at the same time: "Please don't move forward, this young man, otherwise, no matter who you are, we will only be offended."

Cai Ruichen glanced over the two bodyguards, only to realize that the two were actually twins, with a hint of warning in their calm, watery eyes, and their body postures were very professional, and they were expert hands.

Now Cai Ruichen also understands that it is not that his guard is not careful enough, but that he has met a real master.

It's just that he doesn't care about the twins. In the world of normal people, they can be said to be peerless masters. Unfortunately, Cai Ruichen is not a normal human being.

He didn't mean to stop, he continued to walk forward, and said as he walked: "My world is not where you can come and leave. Your family probably won't be able to pick you up."

When he arrived here, Cai Ruichen had already blocked the space here. Once there was a space gravitational oscillation, even the smallest oscillation would have to be stopped.

Within the scope of the base, once the blockade is carried out, it is impossible to transmit in space.

Upon hearing the words, the twin brothers stepped forward two steps at the same time, intercepting Cai Ruichen, and said at the same time: "Offended."

As soon as the voice fell, the two of them simultaneously grabbed Cai Ruichen, but when they clearly saw that the other party did not move, but their hands were empty, they realized that they had encountered an existence that was difficult to contend with, but it was too late. Up.

Easily avoiding the two men's attack, Cai Ruichen's finger also points to a position two inches above the clavicle of the two, with a little fingertip. When Cai Ruichen passed the two, the two big men fell to the ground at the same time and could not move.

The whole process only took a moment. Cai Ruichen and standing in front of the woman didn't do anything to her, but calmly said, "Can we sit down and talk now?"

"You are really amazing. Even Ah Da and Xiao two can't touch you, but you are definitely not my father's opponent. If you dare to do anything to me, be careful that my father will hit you and arrest you. Fart." The woman looked at Cai Ruichen, who was only one body apart, and was not afraid at all. Instead, she showed her little tiger teeth and warned seriously.

"Isn't you supposed to worry about yourself now? Be careful. I'll catch you and beat you first." Cai Ruichen really feels a little bit interesting. This is the first time he has met such a bold and cute girl, and he deliberately joked.

Seeing Cai Ruichen's vicious appearance, it may be that the little girl really scared the little girl. She hurriedly covered her **** with her hands, took a step back and said to Cai Ruichen: "You can't do this to me, we can't do this, you If you really touch me, my father will definitely hit you, and my brother will hit you too...I am still a child, and you really can't hit me, especially my ass..."

Maybe she was really a little scared. The little girl got up a little bit incoherent, tears flickering in her eyes, and her pitiful appearance was really pity for me.

"What's your father's name?" Cai Ruichen asked when seeing the other person so scared, and putting away the idea of ​​playing with him.

"My father's name is Chen..." The girl hurriedly shut her mouth halfway, then turned her head and muttered, "I can't say."

"Then please come to my house to be a guest, and let your father come and pick you up." Cai Ruichen looked at the environment, took the girl's little hand directly, and was about to leave the mountain stream, but he did not expect this little guy It's not easy to mess with, as soon as his hand touched the opponent's skin, a huge electric current was transmitted from the palm of his hand, causing his palm to numb and releasing the opponent.

It seems that after seeing Cai Ruichen eating, the girl patted her little hand and said, "I forgot when I was frightened by you. I also watched with a protective device. Big bad guy, people are not afraid of you anymore. If you dare to scare me again , I'll electrocut you."

After speaking, he grimaced at Cai Ruichen, who looked very cute and cute.

Cai Ruichen didn't respond to her. He glanced at the palm of his hand. The black color was fading. The current, if it were a normal person, would be limp to the ground now, and it might even be dead.

At this moment, Natasha and others, as well as the soldiers of the Forbidden Guard, all came over, instinctively surrounding the girl.

"Don't get close to her. Take these two men to take care of them. They will wake up in three hours. Don't hurt them." Cai Ruichen ordered.

The twins who fainted were taken away immediately, and the sound of aircraft was heard in the sky, peacekeeping transport planes and more banned soldiers arrived one after another. The heavy equipment even directly surrounded all the surroundings, and the surrounding target , Is actually just a little girl under a dozen years old.

And the little girl who surrounded the center was not frightened by the battle in front of her. She didn't even care about any worry or panic. After seeing Natasha, she walked towards Natasha happily. Said to Natasha: "This sister, you are so beautiful, as beautiful as my mother and aunt."

"Little sister, you are also very cute." Natasha smiled back, and then asked: "Can you tell my sister why you came here?"

"I came to see this bad guy, and then I took a few photos and showed them to my sister and my father and mother. Originally, my brother wanted to come, but my father was worried that my brother would be beaten by this bad guy and said that I would definitely come here. I won’t be bullied, and I’m so bored at home, and then I came over.” The little girl seemed to feel relieved to Natasha, she said a lot about it, completely ignoring Cai Ruichen’s somewhat changed face on the side. .

Natasha also caught very important information, and immediately pointed to Cai Ruichen and asked: "Why does your sister look at his photos."

"Because my dad wants to marry my sister to him, naturally I have to see what my future brother-in-law looks like." When the little girl said this, she rolled her eyes at Cai Ruichen and said, "You still dare to beat me. .Share, be careful my dad doesn’t marry my sister to you."

"I have no interest in your sister." Cai Ruichen said with a black face. After uttering her father's surname from the other person, Cai Ruichen has cut off her connection with Hua Meixue. He is currently interested in this innocent girl. , Not very big.

"Then my sister won't marry you, you idiot, you are so powerful, you even... even..." the little girl said arrogantly, but she didn't go on with her words.

Natasha hurriedly gave Cai Ruichen an anxious look, and then continued to ask the little girl: "When will your family come to pick you up?"

"This bad guy has blocked the space transmission, how should I go home? This bad guy is really bad." The little girl said with enthusiasm that Cai Ruichen was a bad guy, and she was bullied by you. Looks like.

Cai Ruichen turned his head to the side and didn't bother to say a word. To this little guy, he really couldn't get any anger.

Seeing Cai Ruichen ignoring her, the little girl became even more angry, but she hadn't kept her angry look for long, and she suddenly smiled and said to Cai Ruichen, "Bad guy, you are in a miserable way. My brother is going to come and beat you. "

When Cai Ruichen heard this, his brows frowned. Just as the little girl smiled, Cai Ruichen also received news from the base that there was a space gravity shock on the border between Egypt and Israel. It was a unique sign of space transmission. In time and space, someone should have come to this world.

Combining the words of the little girl, Cai Ruichen basically understood, and said to the little girl: "Then let's find a flat place and wait for your brother."

Ten minutes later, in the Gobi on the West Bank of the Jordan River outside Jerusalem, Cai Ruichen stood beside the little girl, waiting for the goal.

The target that appeared over time, from the moment it appeared, it rushed directly to the little girl's position, quickly.

Cai Ruichen has also been tracking the target. He slowly opened his eyes when he noticed that the radar was approaching here. In the airspace where they were, a jet aircraft appeared, similar to a peacekeeping transport plane, with a golden dragon sprayed on it. The pattern, flashing lights, landed on the Gobi flat in front of you.

The people on the plane didn't care about the guns of the guards below, and Cai Ruichen also stopped the guards from surrounding the past, waiting for the opponent to get off the aircraft.

Cai Ruichen did not have any waiting. After the aircraft landed smoothly, the cabin door opened immediately, and a tall young man walked out of it. After seeing the little girl, he smiled kindly and said: "I knew you must not I will come back smoothly. When I see the space teleportation fails, I just set off."

The man who stepped out of the aircraft focused all his eyes on the little girl. In addition to caring, he also had a taste of gloating points, as if to say, let you be naughty again and suffer.

After hearing this, the little girl stopped doing it immediately, and said, "Brother smelly, your sister has been bullied. You still don't teach this bad guy, this bad guy, and even threaten to beat my ass."

At this moment, the man turned his gaze on Cai Ruichen. After looking up and down for a while, he showed a smile and walked towards Cai Ruichen.

Cai Ruichen’s guards were a little bit eager, and they were immediately stopped by Cai Ruichen. They let the man walk in front of him, and after being watched at close range for a few times, Cai Ruichen said, “I’m straight. Yes, hobbies are normal. I can't stand your gaze."

Hearing the words, the man scratched his head and said, "I'm very sorry, the first time I saw a real person, I felt a little gaffe. You must be your Excellency Cai Ruichen?"

"Yes, you are?" Cai Ruichen nodded and asked the other person back.

"In the next Chen Wei's house, from another earth in time and space, I apologize to your Excellency for my sister's impolite behavior and cause you trouble." Chen Wei's, the man who came to pick up the little girl, bowed to Cai Ruichen and said apologize.

As the saying goes, you don’t hit the smiley, let alone the other person’s politeness, Cai Ruichen is naturally unable to pursue anything, let alone he has not been angry at all, replied: "You are too polite, come from afar, it’s me. Bad greeting."

"We were too presumptuous. We should have notified you in advance, but the timing was wrong, and my sister was too naughty. This time she insisted on coming over to take a look, plus my mother wanted to see your photos. Let the little girl come here, I hope you don't mind." Chen Weijia said.

When Cai Ruichen heard the words, it was also very clear that it would be endless if this continued, and he said: "I don't know how you know me?"

"I'm very sorry about this. Due to the explanation of my father and another senior, I can't say too much to you, but please believe that we have no malice towards you." Chen Weijia said sincerely.

"Your father's name is Chen?" Cai Ruichen thought for a while and asked.

"I followed my father's last Chen Weijia said.

"I'm curious, how did you know my existence?" Cai Ruichen continued to ask.

"In fact, we have known your existence many years ago, and we can often hear your name from my father's mouth, and also said that we need your help, and you also need our help. Others I am not very clear about the matter." Chen Wei's family pondered for a moment and replied.

"I understand, do you want to stay for a cup of tea and let me enter the friendship of the landlords?" Cai Ruichen did not continue to ask, inviting.

"I'm still waiting for us to go back. I won't bother this time. I will definitely find an opportunity to discuss with you in the future." Chen Weijia took his sister's hand and said goodbye to Cai Ruichen. When he was about to board the plane, I turned back and said: "You don't need to record the coordinates, because the world that was transmitted for the first time is an unmanned planet."

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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