The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1768: Big spoiler, big spoiler, big spoiler

In countless universes, countless time and space, countless worlds, here is also called the earth.

It's just that this earth is a bit different from the earth where Cai Ruichen is located. This world is extremely clear, and there is no trace of pollution or war.

The prosperous city is surrounded by dense forests. The city is full of plants and vegetation. The air in the city is full of vacuum pipes. On busy highways, all cars can't see exhaust emissions.

This is a pure world, a world where there is almost no pollution. It belongs to the paradise for human beings and all things in the world. There are even flying pterosaurs occasionally in the sky. Deep in the primitive jungle, you can hear the roar of Tyrannosaurus rex. The sound shocked thousands of birds.

In ancient times, the emperor’s crossing from the port to the city of the emperor’s capital, the prosperous high-rise buildings were like dense woods, covering the entire land. The center of the capital was a royal court that was not covered by the outside world, and there were no tall buildings and no barriers.

In the royal court, there are many palaces, high-level silver brazing, seven steps, one pavilion, eight lines and one palace, with thousands of mountains and landscapes outside, and a splendid hall inside.

The furnishings in the palace are exquisite: it is really ivory as the bed, brocade silk as the curtain, tassels and hooks, embroidered golden tents.

There are maids in the court, one by one in Xia and neon clothes, clouds and pearls, beautiful and unparalleled, pink water is like a canal, and the breath is like a cloud.

The rocks are high, towering, and the water is flowing.

There are terraces and pavilions on the upper side, and a pavilion on the bottom of the water pavilion. There are mountain climbing corners on the left and right, and super hand porches.

Jade and copper inlays, flowers and stones as roads, mountain tigers climbing walls, and vines around trees.

The Yudai Bridge and bamboo barriers protect the bank, and the Crescent River flows with clear waters, which is endless, just like the crystal world, with the wind of the fairy mansion.

In the palace, in the Forbidden City, in the pavilion on the waterside, two men with extraordinary temperaments are listening to the sound of nature quietly together, sipping a cup of tea, and feel content.

"Some days I didn't bother to come here, you still enjoy life so much." Just listen to the younger man.

"I live a life, but my life is really long enough. If I can't learn to pass the time, it would be too cruel to me." The man who spoke at the side seemed to be in his early thirties, and was a prime time in life. The tone was old-fashioned, as if he had lived for hundreds of years.

"I think you are too energetic." The young man seemed to have thought of something and said jokingly.

"It's too charming, and your sister-in-laws like children very much, so..." The older one explained a little embarrassingly, and then said: "I'm not like you, I have always been the one."

"No way, I want to have a second one every day, but I have never been pregnant. I was able to be pregnant with one at first, but now I can have one. I am very satisfied," the young man said.

"The probability of one in ten thousand does not mean that one in ten thousand times can be successful, but every chance is only one in ten thousand. This kind of probabilistic problem may be 100%. It may be zero percent, which is bad," said the senior.

"You are now full of children and grandchildren, and your sister-in-law and you have been like a vigorous young man for a hundred years. It is really enviable." The young man said.

"Everything comes at a price. To live without being old and not to die is a violation of the reincarnation of heaven, so I ligated myself." The older man said.

Outside the pavilion, there was a slight sound of footsteps, and Hua Meixue in a plain long skirt slowly walked over. The slightly bulging abdomen made the young man on the side a little speechless.

The man stood up, smiled at Hua Meixue, quickly took out a small box from his pocket, and said to Hua Meixue: "Presumably this is a younger brother and sister, that little brother is really a blessing. , There is a confidante like you."

After speaking, the man pushed the box in his hand forward and placed it in front of Hua Meixue, and said, "This is a small meeting ceremony, please accept it, otherwise your husband will definitely call me stingy in the future."

Hua Meixue didn't know this man, she looked at the older man, and the older man said, "Come on, he and my son-in-law, who I haven't met, have known each other a long time ago."

"Thank you." Hua Meixue accepted the gift from the other party, slowly sitting in the pavilion, and asked her father: "I still want to return to him, I hope you will allow it."

"I said that in the days to come, his side is very dangerous. If I hadn't been paying attention to you last time, I am afraid that you have been used as a bargaining chip to threaten me and your husband." The older man said bitterly.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want his father to be by his side when the child was born." Hua Meixue shook her head and insisted.

"Child, as a father, I am sorry for you." The older man sighed and said: "It's not that my father is cruel and doesn't want you to meet each other, but your existence will not bring him any benefit. On the contrary, it will cause trouble for him. Those who arrest you will never give up any opportunity to threaten me and your husband."

"Don’t worry, brother and sister. I believe you can understand the danger. Once the space-time teleportation cannot be traced, no one can determine where you will be. That will be the greatest danger. It has not been a few years. I hope you can Wait and endure.” At this point, the young man paused and continued: “But you can rest assured that I have already started to establish a communication link between the two spaces. When I get to your husband’s world, I will definitely pay in person. give him."

When Hua Meixue heard the words, she nodded helplessly. She could understand what they said. She has learned a lot here these days. Everything in this world makes her very strange and familiar.

From momentary unfamiliar to familiar family members, familiar with everything in this world, familiar with one's own identity, familiar with one's own parents, and familiar with this world and more.

Her father is the master of the entire world. All humans in this world are under her father's rule. All planets in the entire solar system have become new immigration choices for mankind. This is a technology that is extremely advanced and everywhere. They are all magical places.

And her father, who had ruled the world for a hundred years, looked like he was in his early thirties, but he was actually 150 years old.

At the same time, she also learned one of the most important news, that is, her husband, Cai Ruichen, belongs to the same category as her father.

The reason why my father modified his memory in the first place was to wait for Cai Ruichen to appear.

Hua Meixue didn't blame her father, but was very grateful that she met Cai Ruichen and became Cai Ruichen's wife.

She can also understand the current separation, just for eternal reunion in the future, but the love is like a tide, and it is difficult for her to control herself not to miss or return to her husband.

Today's proposal was rejected by her father again. She was not angry or sad, because her own reason was also very clear, and what her father said was reasonable.

She could understand the several spatial teleports that came back along the way, as well as the problems facing the world.

The troops have defended the space-time defense line for almost a century. Everyone in the world is fighting hard to resist the enemy. The soldiers on the front line are fighting **** battles every day. The tens of billions of humans in the entire world are still unremitting. In battle.

Time and space defense, that is a world that has been completely destroyed by war.

Hua Meixue had never been to a place that she remembered only after returning home. It was a purgatory. The smoke of war covered the entire planet. There was no day and night in that place, because the smoke was everywhere, blocking the sun. , The whole world is in the state of winter, everything is dead, only the armies are facing each other, it is an endless battle.

Countless soldiers stepped forward and died generously with faith in order to keep the flames of war away from this world.

The beauty of this world is extremely costly. It has been exchanged by countless souls in the past century, and my brothers have gone to the front line one by one, and some have never returned. My father has no better choice. .

For a hundred years, his father has always been a white-haired person giving a black-haired person. Under the seemingly calm surface, no one can understand his sadness.

Whenever he thinks of this, Hua Meixue feels particularly heavy, because his husband seems to have the same mission as his father, guarding the human world and ensuring the continuation of mankind.


Outside the pavilion, there was the sound of footsteps again. Chen Wei's family walked over with their sister. When they saw the young man, Chen Wei's family bowed slightly and greeted the man: "Senior, you are here."

"After many years, the young man has grown up. Seeing how you look like, has also been enlisted in the army?" When the young man said here, he glanced at the elder beside him, his tone a little heavy.

"Yes, senior, I will not shame the royal family, let alone fall into my family style." Chen Weijia said very seriously: "I will defend my homeland with my name, and I will die without regrets."

"You can't do this, can your sister-in-law still agree?" The young man asked the older man, looking at the resolute color in Chen Wei's eyes.

"My son has no cowards, and your sister-in-law and I will respect their choice." The older man said solemnly.

At this moment, everyone can feel the invisible sadness emanating from the man. As the emperor of the whole world, he sends white-haired people to black-haired people every few years, and his children are on the battlefield. None of them came back.

However, he could not refuse the choice of his children, because the soldiers who rushed to the battlefield were all the children of their parents, and he could not keep them, nor could he keep them.

He was raised by his parents, he could not be selfish, nor could he be selfish. As a great man, he is the same as everyone in this regard.

There is no warmth in the big home, which is beyond his control. Many times he really wants to be selfish, but he can't do it.

The mourning hall is full of children. As a father, there is nothing more saddening than this.

Therefore, he wants to end this war faster than anyone else.

Just ending the war is not easy, so he needs helpers and more colleagues to fight against the common enemy.

"Have you seen him?" Hua Meixue asked expectantly at the two people in front of her.

"Sister, take a look." The little girl raised the camera in her hand and said proudly: "Not only did I see it, but I also took pictures."

"Let me see if he has lost weight, without me, is he eating those convenient foods casually, is he busy every day until late at night, and is there any injury..." Hua Meixue looked longing and worried. He took the camera and looked at the lens shot on the camera, his eyes were a little moist, and he muttered, "He's thinner..."

"This kid is really a bit thinner, but he looks healthier. There are still two years left in the eight years. My hands are starting to itchy now." The young man clenched his fists, looking forward to it. Said.

"He looks very energetic and worthy of my daughter." The elderly man beside him smiled and said with satisfaction.

"This guy is a little bit carefree. On the wasteland side, he hooked up with a woman there. It seems to be Qianhe." The young man said with a curled mouth.

"Qianhe, she is very nice, I don't mind." Hua Meixue said lightly.

"Those are also poor people, innocent guinea pigs," the older man said.

"Once the opponent completely completes the fixed teleportation array, those people estimate that it will be worthless. Under the iron hoof of the war, everything will be destroyed." The young man said a little heavy.

"How many years are there?" the older man asked.

"I'm afraid time is running out, and I don't know if it's too late." The young man said, and continued to ask: "The fourth person you mentioned, is there any contact?"

"Not yet. I can't completely determine his location at the moment, but we can rest His development speed is very fast, and I believe I will be able to find the coordinates of his space soon."

When the older man said this, his face became a little serious, and he said, "I don't know how those guys noticed it. I noticed that they are also looking for the fourth person. Once the fourth person has not developed If we get up and are found, I'm afraid we will be too late if we want to rescue."

"I am not worried about this. The advancement of technology from generation to generation, from you to me to Cai Ruichen, each generation of technology is improving and progressing. I believe that the technology tree obtained by the fourth person will be more complete than us. Without building a large fixed teleportation array, those guys can't destroy the fourth person at all."

When the young man said this, he smiled slightly and continued: "Their plan for Cai Ruichen was not unsuccessful once, but was killed so much that he lost his armor and armor."

The older man also smiled when he heard the words.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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