The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1769: Super privilege promotion task

Back in the hotel, Cai Ruichen's brows did not relax.

Tonight's contact with the little girl and Chen Wei's family gave him the feeling of opening the door to a new world. His personal realm seemed to be sublimated, and many unclear things seemed to become clear all at once.

The predecessor that the overlord once said, Cai Ruichen naturally connected him to Chen Wei's family, I am afraid there is only this kind of explanation.

It's just that there are some things that Cai Ruichen still can't understand because he hasn't got a deeper contact.

"The base, the base cars of other worlds, can you contact?" Cai Ruichen thought for a while and asked the base.

"There is only one way to establish a connection between two different bases, and that is the alliance, which shares all intelligence and resources with other base vehicle alliances, and the connection can naturally be established." The base simply replied.

"Does the base have this function?" Cai Ruichen was the first time he had heard that the base had the function of an alliance, and couldn't help asking.

"The base has many functions, but some functions are completely useless in the base itself, so the commander was not told." The base said.

Facts have proved that the base does not know a lot of things, just like there are other base vehicles in another time and space, the base is completely unclear.

It was Cai Ruichen's step-by-step confirmation that the base understood and accepted the fact that another base vehicle existed at another moment.

In fact, this kind of performance of the base is not surprising at all, because the base itself does not have the same thinking as humans. No matter how smart it is, it is only an advanced artificial intelligence system that assists the growth and construction of commanders and military command. Integrated intelligent system.

For matters that are not within the scope of the base and within the scope of their duties, the base cannot give any advice or help to the commander. For outside exploration, the base’s database needs the commander to complete.

When Cai Ruichen determined that there were base vehicles in other time and space, the functions and systems related to the base itself were activated.

And these are not controlled by the base itself. Unless the base has the same omni-directional thinking ability as humans, its calculations and thinking mode will not escape the rules set by the system from the beginning.

This is the limitation of artificial intelligence, and it is also the main reason for Cai Ruichen to use artificial intelligence system with confidence.

As for the alliance, Cai Ruichen is very interested in this matter. The ultimate enemy of the future that the base has depicted time and time again is indeed putting him under a lot of pressure.

At the same time, in contact with the overlord, as well as the brothers and sisters encountered today, Cai Ruichen understood that not only did he know, but the other two base vehicle owners he knew also faced almost the same difficulties.

The enemy’s enemy is a friend. What's more, Cai Ruichen has already introduced him as a confidant in his heart in the contact with the overlord. He has the same responsibilities and destiny, and the same fortunes. There is no conflict of interest at all and the same. Nothing is more reliable than such an ally.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen also saw from Chen Wei's family's obviously respectful and polite tone that the other party wanted to form an alliance with him was also very strong.

Each needs each other, once the time is really up, the alliance is just a sentence.

And Cai Ruichen himself knows that the reason why the three parties have not had a formal contact now is most likely because his strength has not yet become stronger.

It’s not that Cai Ruichen is ignoring himself, but reason makes him very clear that in the world, the strength of the Middle East Federal Guard is indeed very strong, but in the face of even two commanders who have owned base vehicles for a longer time, they must seek allies. For opponents of, his current strength is still too weak.

It has been nearly ten years since he owns a base car. As his strength has grown step by step, Cai Ruichen has never felt that he is strong. Instead, because of the passage of time, the more he feels his inner urgency.

It was a sense of urgency to face an unknown powerful enemy, eager to make oneself stronger.

Otherwise, Cai Ruichen does not need to be so strict with the garrison. The growth of the garrison is also an increase in strength. Cai Ruichen needs to use all available means to strengthen his own strength.

No one is more eager for the improvement of strength than Cai Ruichen now, and it is too eager.

"Base, hasn't the new mission appeared yet?" Cai Ruichen asked the base again after closing his eyes and thinking for a long time.

The high-level authority was obtained, but the base did not announce the new missions in the first time, especially the promotion to higher-level authority missions. This made Cai Ruichen quite anxious.

The fastest way to increase strength is to obtain greater authority from the base. Only in this way can the level of strength be increased again, rather than relying on accumulation over and over again.

"Super technological authority requires the commander to get more resources. If the commander really wants to see the mission, the base can be opened to the commander."

The base’s answer was simple, and Cai Ruichen was even more simple: "I want to see how difficult it is."

As soon as Cai Ruichen's voice fell, he heard a slight vibration from the miniature console in his wrist, and the promotion task of super technology authority appeared.

The task of upgrading the super technology authority: the daily fixed capital income of the base exceeds one billion.

Task time requirements: two years.

Task reward: industrial workshop, ore refiner, copy factory, recycling station.

Additional rewards for missions: the commander will be rewarded for completing the privilege promotion within 18 months, and the US base vehicle and Soviet base vehicle will be rewarded. If the mission is not completed for more than 18 months, the reward will be forfeited and the US and Soviet base vehicles will never appear .

Note: When the U.S. base vehicle develops to the end, an exclusive special unit-flying mech will appear

Note: When the Soviet base vehicle develops to the end, there will be an exclusive special unit-Super Kirov Airship.


The first time he saw the task, Cai Ruichen was a little speechless. It was the first time he saw such a task.

Before, he even wondered whether the promotion mission given by the base would allow him to kill the bear or Uncle Sam, or trample Europe with iron hoof, but he never thought of the requirement to be promoted to the super mission. , Unexpectedly return to the most fundamental needs, instead of letting oneself expand.

Combining all the tasks of the base, Cai Ruichen really did not expect that this time the task would look like this.

At first, from the first mission to own a town, Cai Ruichen, who now owns the entire Middle East world, always thought that the next mission of the base was to let him control a state, but he did not expect that this mission was unexpectedly No force is needed, just let him increase the resource income of the base.

"The country that the commander currently owns, the land and population he controls, have all reached the requirements of super authority, but the income of resources is far from meeting the requirements. With strong strength, population territory is only one part of it. Population is the resource of war. Land is the space of war, and economy and resources are the blood of war.

Only with huge resources can it support an army that has always been powerful, recruit more soldiers, produce more weapons of war, and withstand the huge consumption pressure of war.

Commander, you are not short of sites or populations, but you lack the resources to meet these sites, populations and needs. "

After the base announced the mission, it did not forget to explain to Cai Ruichen.

Cai Ruichen can fully understand the explanation of the base, and he also knows his current shortcomings, that is, the speed of development and construction is a bit slow, but this has nothing to do with resources.

This is something that Cai Ruichen can’t understand. The current daily fund income of the base can fully meet all the needs under the high-level authority and the work of increasing fund income. He is also constantly expanding and developing from the earth to outer space. The plans were all carried out in an orderly manner.

The billions of capital income is not Cai Ruichen's bragging, and it is not difficult to achieve it.

"But what I need most is not the increase in capital income, but the faster development efficiency, the efficiency of recruiting soldiers, the efficiency of developing construction units, and the efficiency of production." Cai Ruichen said to the base.

"This problem does not lie with the base. Commander, what you have achieved has already shocked the base, but commander, you still have some chances that you did not grasp, and you did not draw special units in advance. Every special unit can let you The development efficiency has doubled. Unfortunately, you have a good relationship with the super unit, but you have no relationship with the special unit."

"When will the special units open?" Cai Ruichen asked the base, quite speechless.

"Super technological authority, all units except individual super weapons will be open, including special units." The base replied affirmatively.

"That's fine, I will complete the income of one billion funds as soon as possible."

For this task, Cai Ruichen can be said to be the most stress-free one, because it can be completed without starting a war or shed blood.

But this does not mean that this task is not difficult at all, because the daily fixed capital income of the base vehicle is only one-third of the base requirement.

In other words, he will increase the efficiency of fund income tenfold within one and a half years.

You know, the capital income of more than 300 million yuan a day is the result of the past ten years, and the next one and a half years will increase the efficiency of the previous ten years by three times. This is not an easy task.

However, Cai Ruichen does not have much pressure in his heart. The reason is very simple. Now, of the capital income of 300 million yuan a day, 200 million of which came last year, all come from space.

It is not very difficult to complete a daily income of one billion funds in the next year and a half.

The income of one billion funds per day is a number that is huge enough to scare people. If you know that the cost of a super ship is only 500 million funds, that is, one day's capital income, you can build two super aircraft carriers. Up.

Calculated on the basis of the highest production efficiency of the current base, to meet the fastest and most efficient production every day, only 500 million funds per day can be satisfied.

In other words, once the daily capital income exceeds 500 million, Cai Ruichen can keep all units and all production of the base at the highest efficiency every day.

All the units will not be left behind, and there is no need to sequence production, just mindlessly keep producing to meet all the needs.

"I like tasks like this."

This task is one of Cai Ruichen's favorites among all the tasks of the base, not only because he doesn't need dead people, but also because he has found the clearest path to development next.

Previously, Cai Ruichen had been arranging Africa in order to prepare for the next mission given by the base. As a result, it was not necessary for the mission. Instead, the space program became the key to the completion of the mission.

Of course, what Cai Ruichen likes the most is the reward of the task. After completing it in one and a half years, he will be able to get two special base vehicles at once, or the base vehicles of the United States and the Soviet Union, which can be called the most luxurious reward in history.

And Cai Ruichen also saw that as long as this task is completed, all special units can be obtained directly, without **** extraction, no need to look at the face, and all special units will be opened.

For Cai Ruichen, who has never drawn a special unit, let alone the excitement.

Of course, if you want to get these benefits, the task has to be completed. If the task cannot be completed, then nothing is needed.

Although there is no punishment for failure in the task, Cai Ruichen himself is very clear that once the task fails, there is no need for punishment at all, and he has no chance.

Two years later, it was the time agreed with the overlord. At that time, I am afraid it was not that the base did not give itself a chance, but the enemy did not give it a chance.

Therefore, whether the task is punished or not, for Cai Ruichen, it means life and death, and it must be completed.

"Natasha, help me sort out all the space programs."

After calming down, Cai Ruichen pressed the communicator and ordered Natasha.

"Commander, the big boss is here." Natasha's voice came.

"Let him come Cai Ruichen thought about the income of funds and wanted to discuss something with the big boss.

The big boss walked in, and the first sentence to Cai Ruichen was: "Did you find the little girl?"

"She has gone." Cai Ruichen said.

The big boss was a little surprised when he heard this, and asked: "Did you let her go?"

"Her family came to pick her up, so naturally they want to let her go home." Cai Ruichen said naturally, and did not explain too much, and did not want the big boss to continue to inquire, and said directly: "In the field of space projects, I have A project hopes to start with my hometown."

Upon hearing Cai Ruichen's words, the big boss immediately put aside the little girl's affairs, and all his attention was turned to the space project.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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