The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1780: The Great Crisis of the Red Police Corps

"Who is this guy?"

Seeing that Cai Ruichen was done, Lie Yan frowned and said.

The previous contest between the two made the three superheroes quite surprised. In addition to the overlord of the wasteland, there is such a master, which is really shocking.

"It's just a drugged dick." Cai Ruichen didn't take Rahn to heart at all. Although he was also very strong and could not be dealt with by an ordinary superhero, he had not yet fully valued it.

Compared with the forces behind Rahn, Rahn became insignificant.

Even if Larne was injected with the potion, there were not a few people who could defeat him in the entire Red Police Corps.

One of them is Ralph, whom Cai Ruichen has always valued. Once Ralph becomes furious, even Cai Ruichen is deeply troubled. If Rahn faces Ralph, Ralph only needs a punch to get Rahn couldn't stand up.

The other two are naturally Wu Jie and Qin Chen. These two were originally non-human beings. Once transformed, Cai Ruichen is not necessarily the opponent of the two.

In superheroes, everyone faces Rahn face to face with a five to five point probability to be able to kill such an opponent on the battlefield.

After all, on the battlefield, it will not be like today, where the two face to face each other, relying on strategy and means.

In the situation just now, if Cai Ruichen hadn't wanted to vent, Rahn would have died under his sword.

Among the Red Police Corps, talented people appeared in large numbers, especially after the appearance of the gene mutant, the high-end combat effectiveness of the Red Police Corps was not improved a little.

That is a more perfect follow-up growth, just like Natasha, who has grown a lot over the years.

The defeated generals, naturally, needless to say, no one will remember the defeated. What made Cai Ruichen a little bit offended was the man behind Rahn.

Cai Ruichen has a little impression of the name of Rahn, and the so-called nuclear explosive dirty bomb is still dominated by Rahn, which makes him deeply doubt whether it is really a nuclear dirty bomb or is it Something more dangerous.

But no matter what it is, it must be prevented from being detonated. As for the Indonesian government, Cai Ruichen believes that it is impossible for Larn to really negotiate with the Indonesian government, or in other words, it is impossible to really follow the way negotiated with the Indonesian government. To finish.

The only possibility for this matter to go through the Indonesian government is that Laen and others need to use some channels of the Indonesian government to hide and transport the thing.

Once the thing arrives in the area where it can be released, I am afraid that the Indonesian government will not be happy or unhappy at that time.

"Let’s search here carefully and we will return to Jakarta immediately."

Cai Ruichen waved his hand and walked directly to the outside of the cave. He could be sure that the dangerous thing must no longer be in the cave.

And he also fully believes in the last words of Rahn. It is not that he believes that people are about to die, but that he is more willing to believe that Rahn specifically asked himself to return to Jakarta, it is best to die under the hands of things. So what he said is most likely true.

That thing, I am afraid that it has really entered the territory of Jakarta, no matter what it is, something taken out of the hands of people like Larn will inevitably bring about a devastating disaster.

Whether it is a dirty nuclear bomb or something more terrifying, the final result is absolutely earth-shattering.

Super MiG, landing in the valley, Cai Ruichen, Natasha and Lie Yan returned to Jakarta for the first time, leaving Boris here in the cave, waiting for the arrival of the troops.

At the same time, Tanya in Jakarta also received a warning from Cai Ruichen for the first time. It is very likely that the thing has entered Jakarta.

If that thing is placed in the jungle, it is really a needle in a haystack, but in Jakarta, the situation is completely different, because there is a mind detector in Jakarta.

The mind detector was fully activated, searching every suspicious object in Jakarta, but the result came out immediately, and no dangerous source was found.

Mind detectors are only a kind of detection for biological hostility, and cannot detect bombs, which are thoughtless and lifeless. All targets in Jakarta that were aggressive and hostile to the Red Police Corps have been destroyed.

Therefore, the entire city of Jakarta is very clean and there is no trace of the enemy at all.

When Cai Ruichen returned to Jakarta and got this result, he suddenly frowned. He still believed in his judgment. The biggest basis at this moment is that after he entered Jakarta, his heart has been shrouded in a lingering intensity. A sense of crisis.

This feeling was like facing a completely irresistible opponent, a strong sense of crisis, and even gave him the idea of ​​leaving the city for the first time.

It was just this idea that was immediately suppressed by him. In and near Jakarta, there are not only tens of thousands of Chinese and Middle Easterners, but also hundreds of thousands of coalition forces between the two countries. At the same time, there are millions of lives in the city. , He couldn't go away.

Jakarta in the dark is not quiet. Vehicles and civilian vehicles from the United Nations and many international rescue organizations come and go on the streets of the city, carrying a lot of supplies. Jakarta at night, there is no light control, it seems There is not much difference in peace.

Cai Ruichen was in the headquarters, unable to stay even for a moment, and the anxiety in his heart became more and more intense, as if someone had put a sharp blade on his neck and could cut off his throat at any time.

What made him depressed was that he clearly felt that the danger had come to his side, but the mind detector had found nothing.

There is only one explanation for this result, and that is the extremely dangerous bomb. Even the person who transported him didn't know what it was.

Secretly let a person who didn't know the situation was transported to Jakarta, and then detonated in the city. In this way, even the transporter did not know, and there was no hostility towards the Red Police Corps, so the mind detector would naturally not be able to detect it.

"Set up cards throughout the city and search for every car, even if it’s the Red Cross. All soldiers wear radiation protection suits, and at the same time order patrols to carry large radiation detectors. Search every street."

After giving instructions to Tan Ya, Cai Ruichen left the headquarters directly. He did not listen to Tan Ya and others' persuasion, and had no intention of leaving Jakarta at all.

Cai Ruichen, who left the headquarters, wandered over Jakarta without any purpose. The Super MiG fighters slowly circled Jakarta at the slowest speed.

For various excuses in the city, the soldiers of the Red Police Corps also began to add a large number of guard posts, and all vehicles on the road began to undergo the most rigorous inspection.

At the same time, anti-chemical vehicles have also begun to appear on the streets of the city to check for harmful substances and radiation signals.

The actions of the Red Police Corps were not unpleasant. A large number of vehicles in the city soon stopped in front of the checkpoints. All vehicles must be inspected. The inspections of those trucks were also very careful. All the goods were unloaded and checked out one by one.

Riding on the Super MiG, Cai Ruichen suddenly felt a deep heart palpitations as he approached the center of Jakarta. It was a feeling of being face to face with death.

Cai Ruichen, who believed in his sixth sense, followed his feelings and directly locked a checkpoint near the center of Jakarta.

The soldiers at this checkpoint are inspecting a container truck with the International Red Cross logo. On this truck, there are several International Red Cross staff accompanying them. In front of the checkpoint, these Red Cross staff seem to Protests are being held against the soldiers.

What makes Cai Ruichen deeply disturbed is the container truck from the International Red Cross.

Without hesitation, Cai Ruichen directly controlled the Super MiG fighter and came to the top of the checkpoint.

At the intersection, the staff of the Red Cross and the soldiers and protesters on the checkpoint were immediately interrupted by the super MiG flying in the sky.

This super fighter is no stranger to the world. Of course, what is not strange is the shape of this super fighter. As for the others, the outside world can only rely on its own imagination.

The Super MiG came to the intersection and attracted the attention of all vehicles at the intersection. Almost all the drivers got out of the car and looked up at the Super MiG fighter that came overhead, and they all took out their phones and took pictures.

The Super MiG slowly hovered to the middle of the main road at the intersection, stretched out the docking bracket, and landed smoothly.

The nose cockpit directly, together with the armor on the abdomen of the nose, slowly landed. Before the cockpit landed steadily on the ground, Cai Ruichen had already jumped off the cockpit.

No one thought that Cai Ruichen would personally appear in this place, including the soldiers of the Red Police Corps who set up a jam at the intersection, as well as the level 4 staff of the vehicles around and the few Red Cross staff.

Cai Ruichen, who came to the intersection quickly, was not in the mood to take care of other people, and came directly to the staff of the Red Cross.

The staff of the International Red Cross who were protesting against the soldiers of the Red Police Corps just now looked at Cai Ruichen who walked in front of them, all of them stunned, and they didn't know what to say.

"What's in the car? Where did it get here?" Cai Ruichen asked in an interrogating tone as soon as he walked over.

If it’s these soldiers, these ICRC people have long since stopped doing it, but Cai Ruichen is completely different. He is not only the most important leader of the Middle East Federation, but also the most important donor of the International Red Cross. If you are welcome, Cai Ruichen has taken great care of the International Red Cross in recent years.

It is as if the container truck in front of us belongs to the property of the International Red Cross, and this heavy truck is a future heavy container truck presented to the International Red Cross by Cai Ruichen. Last year alone, the future heavy truck company gave it to the International Red Cross. The Cross will have one hundred heavy trucks of this kind that can carry up to 80 tons.

"Mr. Cai, there are all expensive medicines in it. It was in the evening, directly airlifted from Moscow airport to this airport, ready to be sent to the Jakarta International Red Cross branch to rescue the injured civilians."

Among the Red Cross, one of them should be a white leader, and said to Cai Ruichen hurriedly.

"If there is no time to explain, open the container door and hurry up." Cai Ruichen said and walked directly to the back of the truck. The Red Cross staff member who just answered Cai Ruichen also hurriedly followed. The drivers around, all of them Very curiously surrounded.

Seeing this, Cai Ruichen immediately ordered the sentry at the intersection: "A hundred-meter cordon."

When the soldiers at the checkpoint heard the words, they immediately took action. The soldiers hurriedly dispersed and drove the curious people away to far away places.

Cai Ruichen didn't take care of these people. He went directly to the door of the container. The staff member didn't even put a fart and opened the door of the container obediently.

With the opening of the container door, the light inside the container naturally turned on, and the container was full of large boxes with the word medicine written on it.

Among these large boxes, there was a fully enclosed alloy cabinet, which immediately attracted Cai Ruichen's attention.

At the moment when he saw this large alloy cabinet, Cai Ruichen seemed to see the **** of death, with a feeling of extreme danger that made his whole body stand upright.

"Immediately remove the fixing bolts of the container. I want the medicines in this carriage. If you are short of medicines, go directly to the Middle East Federal Guard Field Hospital for supplements."

After Cai Ruichen finished speaking, he saw several members of the International Red Cross. Before he could react, he shouted: "Unlock the fixing bolt and close the door."

This time, everyone also reacted. They did not understand Cai Ruichen's nervousness, but they were very quick and unfastened the fixing bolts that fixed the container.

Cai Ruichen immediately returned to the Super The Super MiG came directly to the top of the container, and put down a huge magnetic suction cup, which attracted the entire container. The MiG engine uttered a roar and lifted directly into the air. It only took a few breaths of effort to disappear in everyone's eyes.

Cai Ruichen, who left Jakarta with the container, also turned on the Super MiG's infinite jamming device to shield all signals, and immediately ordered the base: "Open the French base vehicle's hyperspace transmission array."

The French base vehicle on the floating island fortress will directly open the hyperspace teleportation array. As soon as the Super MiG arrives at the floating island fortress, it will directly enter the French base vehicle and follow the ejection track directly into the hyperspace teleportation array. In the blink of an eye, the Kung Fu Super MiG, together with the container, was immediately transmitted to the wasteland world.

Cai Ruichen, who had just arrived in the wasteland world, took off once again, and took the container directly from the hyperspace teleportation array to fly away from the base, flying into the wasteland sky that is about to enter the cold winter again.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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