The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1781: Biochemical dead rain storm

A little snow fell, the Super MiG quickly flew up from the Hope Base, carrying a huge container, and quickly rushed into the sky.

The speed of the Super MiG can be said to be the fastest of all aircraft in human history. After leaving the Hope Base, it immediately came to the Wasteland World, the deserted plains of southern Iraq.

Between the sky and the earth, the white snowflakes are about to stain the earth with a white layer, and the tenacious vegetation is still green.

Arriving in this no-man's land, Cai Ruichen decisively dropped the container under the Super MiG.

Cai Ruichen didn't know when the bomb in the container would explode, but staying around for one second would be another second more dangerous.

And the large cabinet inside the container, I don't know what material it is made of, it can actually shield the scanning of microwave radar, and even the base can't scan what is inside.

But one thing is certain, that is, the inside is not a medicine at all. This box appeared from the beginning, it was completely closed, and it was produced as a whole.

The only explanation is that this big cabinet is simply that dirty bomb.

On this journey, Cai Ruichen was not worried about the sudden detonation of the bomb. He also didn't know how the other party set to detonate the bomb.

For the bomb scan, at least one thing is certain, that is, there is no device for timing detonation inside, but a device for receiving wireless information commands.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen has also turned on the strongest electromagnetic interference along the way to indiscriminately interfere with radio waves in the full spectrum.

Under this interference, Cai Ruichen himself could not receive news from the outside world until he dropped the entire container on the barren plains of the wasteland world.

Cai Ruichen also turned off the electronic signal shielding when the huge container smashed on the grassland.

He was not interested in studying the bomb, and his only thought was to let the bomb explode directly so as not to stay as a scourge.

And coming to the wasteland world, not only because I am not afraid of worsening the situation, but also because there are no human beings in this world, and there will be no casualties.

After returning a message to Natasha, Tan Ya and others, Cai Ruichen was not in a hurry, and wandered around the container.

Carrying this thing to the wasteland world, Cai Ruichen also deliberately sees whether the other party can pass the detonation command to another world.

Cai Ruichen spared less than one lap of the container flight, and the super MiG's intelligent system heard a voice: "A strange wireless signal has been detected."

As soon as the voice of Super MiG's artificial intelligence fell, Cai Ruichen saw that the container below exploded, and the imaginary nuclear explosion did not appear.

However, the power of the explosion is as huge as tens of thousands of kilograms of explosives. The high flames rise with the explosion, almost sweeping to the height of a super MiG fighter.

At the same time, Super Mignai also issued a piercing alarm, and the voice of artificial intelligence was full of nervous emotions. He reminded Cai Ruichen: "It is found that highly toxic substances are spreading rapidly, please be prepared for protection."

In fact, there is no need for the reminder of artificial intelligence. Cai Ruichen has clearly seen the large amount of dust and particles mixed in the black smoke that accompanies the explosion.

And Cai Ruichen's eyes were all concentrated in the billowing black smoke.

In a normal explosion, thick smoke rises with the flames. That is a very short time, because the power of the explosion is instantaneous, not continuous damage.

However, although the bomb in the container only made one explosion sound, more than ten seconds passed, and countless thick smoke still swept up below. Not only did it not become thinner due to the continuation of time, but the thick smoke swept up even more. It's thick.

A large amount of thick smoke, with a hint of green in the black, billowed and spread around in the sky.

Where is a bomb, even a nuclear bomb does not have the effect of creating dense smoke like this. Instead, it is more like an endless chimney, but as if it is burning tons of foam continuously, billowing thick smoke, look It looks a little scary.

The smoke swept over for more than three minutes. When Cai Ruichen's face became more and more serious, the sky under his eyes became pitch black.

Thick smoke lifted up and spread, covering a large area of ​​airspace, covering an astonishing 500 square kilometers. This range can completely cover most cities in the world.

If the bomb detonates in the center of Jakarta, the black smoke is enough to cover the entire main area of ​​Jakarta.

Five minutes later, the thick smoke rising from the ground has become very weak, and the range of thick smoke covered has not been further expanded, as if it were a set program, covering a certain range of values.

In the sky of the wasteland, there is no faint yellow color, only the ink-like cloud layer, which is tens of meters thick.

Immediately between this dark cloud layer, lightning kept calling, the positive and negative poles of the cloud layer violently collided, and the lightning bolts almost cut through the entire cloud layer.

Snow falling in the sky disappeared as soon as it touched the clouds.

Along with the thunder, the rainstorm appeared immediately, and seeing the raindrops falling from the sky, Cai Ruichen's face became very ugly. It was not a water drop, but a green liquid, a little viscous, just like a downpour. , The rumbling landing earth.

The Super MiG does not have a so-called nacelle cover, but a sensor equipped with external defensive armor to allow Cai Ruichen to watch the situation outside.

The Super MiG was not under the clouds. When the thunderstorm appeared, Cai Ruichen was already out of the range of the clouds.

The torrential rain almost blocked all of Cai Ruichen's sight, and the rain was all concentrated in the area covered by dark clouds. On the other hand, the thunderstorm came and went quickly.

In less than ten minutes, the sound of thunder had subsided, and the black clouds covering the sky slowly thinned out, and it disappeared completely after the rain stopped.

In the sky, a rainbow also appeared.

On the ground washed by the torrential rain, after the rain stopped, it was supposed to be a vibrant picture, but at this moment, it all turned into a horrible black. The original vibrant vegetation was completely rotted and did not even need to wither.

The green plants have rotted directly, and all the places where the rainwater flows are all dead, covering an area of ​​nearly 800 square kilometers of the entire land, all of them are dead.

The dense vegetation was all rotten and blackened, and even looked directly into the borders of Saudi Arabia. Several mutants wandering along the border, after being exposed to rainwater, also festered and died like those vegetation.

Cai Ruichen swept across this land solemnly. The pitch-black land was completely cut off from vitality. Even the mutants were quickly dying as soon as they approached here.

The place where he threw it was originally close to the Saudi border, and the spreading dark clouds also covered several towns in Saudi Arabia.

There were still some mutants in the town, and at this moment, they all died quickly under this heavy rain.

Such a terrible disaster-level destructive power completely exceeded Cai Ruichen's expectations, or in other words, it was impossible for anyone to predict that there would be such a terrible result.

Even if the Washington catastrophe is put in front of your eyes, it is almost impossible to see. If this bomb exploded in a densely populated metropolis, the devastating result would be no less than a nuclear bomb explosion.

Especially seeing those mutants who slowly decayed and died, Cai Ruichen's heart became heavier, because compared to the instantaneous destructive destruction of nuclear weapons, the lethality of such weapons was even more cruel.

It makes people watch their bodies slowly decay and die. Compared with the death caused by nuclear weapons, the nuclear weapons are almost like angels.

Cai Ruichen had never seen such a terrible consequence, and did not even think about it, that there would be such a terrible weapon.

If he hadn't found it in time and transported it to the wasteland world, I am afraid that Jakarta would have completely turned into a dead city, and more than ten million would be buried under this bomb.

"Base, do you know such a weapon?" Cai Ruichen, riding on the Super MiG, calmed down and asked the base.

"The storm of biochemical death rain, an extremely terrifying extermination weapon, has a more terrifying lethal effect than nuclear weapons. At the same time, it can hardly reverse the changes to the environment and the land. Once it explodes, within 100,000 years, there will be no grass in this place. Fortunately, this terrible biochemical virus will not mutate, infect or spread."

The base’s words were not finished yet. After explaining the terrifying extent of this weapon, the tone of voice was obviously paused, and then he continued to say to Cai Ruichen: “Birth and death rain storm, in the base database, belongs to the category of super weapons. According to the information of the base, the biochemical dead rain storm should be a combined extinction weapon, not a bomb, but nine missiles carrying biochemical dead rain warheads, combined launch, set the radius of coverage of the target, and carry out extinction Sexual blows."

"That is to say, the base has this super weapon?" Cai Ruichen frowned and asked the base.

"There is no such super weapon in the base super weapon list, but there is a relevant record in the database." The base replied.

"This super weapon does exist, but the base does not exist, right?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"Yes, the super weapons in the base super weapon list are all technologies owned by the base, and the technology that the base masters is not the most comprehensive. There are many weapons that can be classified as super weapons, and the base does not have this technology. The commander can also submit it to the base after obtaining the detailed information of other super weapons to enrich the base's science and technology library." The base replied very bachelor.

The meaning of the base is very simple.

And the base is not absolute. All weapon units and production lists are only possible when the base has mastered these technologies.

This is why, many units and construction units of the base are of the nature of scientific research and development, in order to avoid the tragedy of standing still.

In this regard, Cai Ruichen has long understood that the base’s technology will not last a few years for him. Once it reaches the end of the base’s technology tree, the speed of development will inevitably drop rapidly, and in the future, it will only follow the development of technology. The law of development, combined with the wisdom of science and technology, expand the tree of science and technology, and advance development.

"Then who do you think will own this thing?" Cai Ruichen asked the base again.

Whether the weapon is good or bad, it depends on whose hand it is placed in. Compared with the terrifying degree of the biochemical storm, what Cai Ruichen really cares about is who owns such a terrible weapon.

If you want to destroy all mankind with such weapons, it is not very difficult. Putting it in the hands of dangerous elements is simply a nightmare for all mankind.

"The base only knows one thing, and that is that the commander's edge is too exposed. The reason why the base has set multiple permissions to limit the commander and test the commander's ability is only a secondary purpose, and the real purpose is to let the commander Officers can have more time to expand their forces, and the growth of the Red Police Corps also takes time.

If the base does not set the authority to the commander, then I am afraid that even the size of the Red Police Corps is less than 100,000. The terrible opponents you will face in the future have already appeared in front of you because of the enemies you will face in the future. , Can trace the technological traces of the base..."

The base patiently explained to Cai Ruichen, mainly introducing the reasons why the base set authority over him.

The reason for this is simple, that is, the terrible enemy Cai Ruichen will eventually face, and will determine the existence of the base based on the traces of the changes that the base technology has brought to the world.

There is no doubt that Cai Ruichen's existence in this world, the so-called ultimate enemy, has already targeted him, and only then will there be attacks again and again.

"Then should we unblock the base's permission restrictions on me now?" Cai Ruichen shrugged Perhaps the base's words make sense, but for him, there has never been an urgent need to obtain a higher level of authority, because As the base said, he now has no shortage of advanced weapons and equipment to enhance his strength, but lacks time to develop the scale of the Red Police Corps.

"This is a test for the commander. What's more, most of the units in the base are already open to the commander, and the set procedures cannot be changed." The base said simply.

Originally, there was no hope, and there was no so-called disappointment. Cai Ruichen heard that there is no joy or sadness. For him, super technology authority is only a matter of time.

It's just that he doesn't like this passive feeling very much. The truly terrifying enemy is not how powerful it is, but when facing the enemy without knowing what the enemy is, this is the most terrifying.

In Cai Ruichen's view, there are no hurdles in life that cannot be overcome, and no enemies that can never be defeated.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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