The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1807: Candid the wasteland world to my hometown

Li Lan?

The seven most powerful people in the hometown present are extremely certain. Before this, I had never heard of such a person, and Cai Ruichen had no so-called seniors at all.

But Cai Ruichen's introduction so solemnly, not to mention the fact that he came from the Middle East Federation in the middle of the night, it was definitely not a joke.

Therefore, the seven people did not mean to underestimate each other, at least this person can sit on an equal footing with Cai Ruichen, and is respected by Cai Ruichen, so he must be no ordinary person.

After introducing each other, everyone was seated, and the sumptuous and exquisite food was immediately placed on the table, which made people move their index fingers.

"How can there be no good wine at this time?" Everyone was seated, and the big boss said, "Xiao Li, go and get my precious bottle of Moutai."

Xiao Li, the secretary of the big boss, heard the words and was about to go out. At this time, the overlord next to Cai Ruichen opened his mouth and stopped: "I brought two bottles of 80 years old Maotai, or just drink mine?"

When everyone heard it, they were all a little surprised. The high-age Moutai that is now spread outside in the hometown is rare. They are all super-rich collections. Wherever they are willing to drink, even if there are seven of them, they would like to get a bottle. Difficult, every bottle is an incomparable baby.

No one would reject this proposal. Cai Ruichen clapped his hands, and the two guard soldiers who followed them knocked in, put the gift box they brought on the table, and left immediately.

When the good wine was on the table, Cai Ruichen said: "I don't have his channels, and I can't get any high vintages for a long time, but I also brought a little bit of thought. These are two bottles of daughter red. As for how many years old, I It's not very clear, and I didn't do any identification, so I just came over."

Hearing this, the overlord around him laughed happily, and said to everyone: "My brother is very humble. I know how much the two bottles of red daughter red. In terms of the vintage, my two bottles of Moutai are not as long as one bottle of red daughter red."

Looking at the four bottles of wine on the table, the big boss glanced at Cai Ruichen in surprise, and asked curiously: "You used to rarely drink, why come here today and bring four bottles of wine yourself? Is there a happy event?"

When the big boss said this, Cai Ruichen nodded very simply, smiled and said: "Today I encountered two good things that are worth drunk. As for what good things are, I can't explain them now."

Qianhe and Hua Meixue made Cai Ruichen's heart extraordinarily relaxed, as if all his worries had been wiped out.

Originally, Cai Ruichen planned to have a good drink with the overlord, but when it comes to the active preparations in this world’s hometown, the overlord suddenly became interested and wanted to meet the big boss. Therefore, Cai Ruichen directly called the big boss. Boss, only then did today's scene happen.

The two had been preparing to drink together for a long time, and they were naturally brought here.

The big boss naturally welcomes Cai Ruichen's arrival, and how can he also thank the Future Technology Group for the great help he has provided to his hometown in the past few months, let alone in the middle of the night, even in the early morning, he also gave up his life to accompany the gentleman.

"Since you don't say it, then I don't ask. I can see you so happy, and I am also happy for you." The big boss didn't want to ask the question after hearing the words, but changed the topic and asked: "You Come here today, not just to find me to drink a bar!"

"Of course, I mainly want to introduce him to everyone." Cai Ruichen glanced at the overlord and said.

The big boss immediately set his sights on the overlord and asked, "I don't know what this Mr. Li does? Do you also work for the Future Technology Group?"

The overlord shook his head and said: "My origin is not clear in a few words. I am considered solitary in this world. The relationship with Cai Ruichen is a friend and an ally."

Except for the relationship with Cai Ruichen, the overlord did not say any valuable information at all, but the reason Cai Ruichen agreed to bring the overlord over today is to talk about some things.

"Brother, let's pour the wine ourselves." Cai Ruichen said before the big boss and others could speak.

The big boss is a sensible person, and immediately went out to all irrelevant personnel in the banquet room.

Soon, there were only nine people at the table in the banquet room, and I heard Cai Ruichen say to everyone: "Everyone, I believe you have been very puzzled up to now, why I have to persuade the big boss to change the national strategy and move from development to development. To the state of active preparations?"

Not to mention the other six people at the scene. Even the big boss is still at a loss. There is no reason to say. Everything is based on confidence in Cai Ruichen, but the fate of a country, 1.3 billion people Life and death are all kidnapped based on trust in Cai Ruichen. Every time he thinks of this, the big boss is also uneasy.

The seven people present are all aware of the pressure they will face in the future. If there is no reason enough for them to persist, it is really difficult to continue this state of preparation. After all, the internal and external pressure is too great.

Hearing Cai Ruichen's words, all seven people on the scene nodded, and no one said anything, quietly waiting for Cai Ruichen's following.

"The reason why I told the big boss to invite you all over on the phone is to explain this matter specifically. In fact, I am very hesitant. Do I really want to tell you? And if I tell you, I will tell you. Why do you start?" Cai Ruichen is still a little hesitant, and when he comes here, he doesn't know where to start.

When Cai Ruichen's voice fell, I heard the big boss say: "Whatever you think you can say, just say it!"

"Exit my mouth today and enter your ears. No eighth person can know, otherwise no one knows what will happen." Cai Ruichen nodded and said seriously to the six people around the big boss.

These six people all nodded very seriously. They understood this consciously, and they knew more clearly what Cai Ruichen would spend on saying that it must be related to the life and death of the family and the country, and should not be careless.

"There is time. We can drink slowly, speak slowly, let you watch a short video first, and then continue talking."

Cai Ruichen's voice fell, and the elf flew directly out of his pocket, and a huge virtual screen was projected from its eyes, which was displayed on the side of the dining table. The picture soon appeared on the virtual screen.

On the screen, there are the withered sky, the clear and green earth, the broken city, the highway full of car wrecks, the sloshing mutants, the ruins with bare steel bars...

There was no narration, only all kinds of pictures that seemed like purgatory on earth, and then a city surrounded by a tall city wall appeared. On the wall, there were fully armed soldiers and various large-scale military equipment.

Behind the wall are rows of heavy artillery and missiles. Busy logistics personnel are transporting a large number of boxes to the wall. The 100-meter-high wall is completely a military fortress, and various defensive weapons are as numerous as cows.

Behind the gate of the wall, tanks and armored units are ready.

Seeing this, the seven people present were very surprised or surprised.

They could see that the soldiers and soldiers inside were all soldiers of the Federal Guard of the Middle East, and their weapons and equipment were all active equipment of the Federal Guard of the Middle East.

Those tanks and artillery are also familiar models. Depending on the equipment and equipment models of the soldiers, they were the main force of the Middle East Federal Guard several years ago.

What surprised them was that in the tank unit, they all clearly saw that some of the equipment was very similar to the Type 99 main battle tank, but it seemed more advanced, and it seemed to be the same as the latest type of Type Nine currently being mass-produced in China. Nine main battle tanks are similar.

This picture quickly returned to the fence. On the fence, there was a tower that should belong to the headquarters. From a higher perspective of God, a very prosperous metropolis appeared. The tall fence directly encircled the city. stand up.

Soon Cai Ruichen appeared in the picture. Next to him were Natasha and Tan Ya, as well as several senior generals of the Middle East Federal Guard. Cai Ruichen in the picture all looked at the wall surrounded by the wall. city.

And the really shocking scene appeared, the camera zoomed in, a large number of mutants who just appeared in the opening of the film appeared in the metropolis, and the fierce battle scene appeared immediately.

This is the scene of the battle between the Red Police Corps and the mutants under Qianhe's command in the Wasteland World. Using the editing method, the entire battle process was compressed to only half an hour.

During this half an hour, everyone at the table did not speak, even without moving the chopsticks, watching the scene in front of them with all their attention.

It's just that everyone has different feelings in their hearts.

The place in the picture is too unfamiliar. What are the monsters that resemble people? Is it movie special effects?

The huge Roshan can even ignore the main guns of tanks, and those tall humanoid monsters can't even use guns and bullets.

When the picture ended, everyone recovered from the picture. They knew very well that if this was just a video circulating on the Internet, everyone would only think that the special effects were good.

But on such occasions, it is impossible for Cai Ruichen to let them watch a short film composed of computer special effects. But if this is true, when and where it happened, there is no such scene on earth.

"Everyone, how do you feel?" Cai Ruichen asked everyone when he saw the screen ending.

"Mr. Cai, is this true?" someone asked immediately.

All feelings are based on whether this is true or not. There is no feeling of false nature. If there is any, then Cai Ruichen is joking.

"Naturally it is a real thing. I don't need to let you clear the scene and then invite you to watch a small movie!" Cai Ruichen nodded and said.

"Then where did this happen? Are the humanoid monsters on the screen Resident Evil?" someone asked.

When Cai Ruichen heard the words, he did not immediately answer, but instead asked: "I believe you have always wanted to know the answers to all the questions about the Ji Tuyi Island incident!"

After hearing this, everyone nodded naturally, thinking about the Tuyi Island incident, only Cai Ruichen was the insider, and the outside world believed this.

If Cai Ruichen was just an ordinary person, he would have been controlled long ago, and naturally there are countless ways to torture him to speak.

However, Cai Ruichen's identity is impossible for anyone to force him, and the outside world can only be curious, waiting for Cai Ruichen to say it one day.

"The hijacking incident is real. It's just that the guy who hijacked the passenger plane is a bit special. Their real purpose is actually for me, and I also caused the passengers on the passenger plane." Cai Ruichen took a deep breath and took the whole hijacking incident that day. Said it again in detail.

"How did the enemies on Jituyi Island appear? The scale should not be small." the big boss asked.

"It is indeed not small. It is an amphibious landing force, with a heavily armed marine battalion, with large landing craft and frigate ships." At this point, Cai Ruichen paused and continued: "The way they appear is called hyperspace. Send."

When everyone heard their complexions changed obviously. If it wasn't for Cai Ruichen, if it wasn't for Cai Ruichen's impression that Cai Ruichen had always given them, they would definitely drive out the guy who said these words as a lunatic , This kind of words to any reasonable person, it is impossible to believe.

However, the intellect of the few people present kept telling them that Cai Ruichen had no reason to lie here, and the Jituyi Island incident was indeed too impossible, and they had ruled out all the impossible, the only possibility left. , Even if it is absurd, I can only believe it.

"That was just a small-scale hyperspace invasion. I still remember that at that time, an international surveillance project in North America once detected a suspicious gravitational wave, but the data was fuzzy and it disappeared immediately, so there was no Attention, but I can tell you that the detected gravitational wave data is the signal generated by the influence of gravitation in the process of hyperspace transmission." Cai Ruichen explained.

"What about the world in the picture just now?" the big boss asked very seriously.

From the content of the short video, it is said that Ji Tuyi Island, on the other hand, Cai Ruichen has almost said the answer, but it is not clear that everyone does not dare to guess.

The overlord who has been listening to Cai Ruichen's words, after hearing the words of the big boss, he said: "That is the world I live in, a world that has completely fallen, and nearly seven billion people in the world have all undergone mutation, a bit similar to science fiction. Among the zombies in the film, the survivors in the world have not even reached five million."

Hearing the answer from the overlord, all the seven people present fell silent. Reason made them very reluctant to believe, but there was a feeling of having to believe in their hearts, which was very contradictory.

It seems that everyone knows that there are no ghosts in the world, but there are real ghosts in front of them, and at the same time they can't believe it.

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