The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1808: Hometown trust

To be honest about the existence of another world in his hometown, Cai Ruichen finally decided after careful consideration.

The situation in his hometown is different from the Middle East Federation. Cai Ruichen can do anything in the Middle East Federation, but the big boss can't.

Cai Ruichen also knows that if there is not a reason that can convince everyone at the top of his hometown, the persistence of the big boss is not enough.

If you can thoroughly convince everyone at the top of your hometown, the situation will be completely different.

In fact, Cai Ruichen also needs the help of his hometown. The Federation of the Middle East controls the Middle East and borders Pakistan. It is not too far away from his hometown. With the completion of the first vacuum high-speed rail, there are also several vacuum high-speed rails in the future. The line connects two countries.

This will shorten the efficiency of mutual support between the two countries and has a strong strategic purpose.

The hometown has a large population, rich strategic resources, and a huge roundabout depth. What's more, Cai Ruichen also wants to help his hometown. At least he can make his hometown fully prepared so that he won't even encounter a powerful enemy invasion when he does not even have time to react.

"You guys, I know it's difficult for you to accept this kind of thing at once, but it does exist, and there is a lot of evidence that directly shows that enemies from different dimensions have already entered our world." Cai Ruichen said in a deep voice again: "They have always stirred up the situation in this world, such as the attack in the United States and several assassinations against me, which have a great impact."

Having said that, Cai Ruichen paused and asked the big boss: "Do you remember that early in the morning, I suddenly went to Jakarta to intercept the Red Cross truck?"

The big boss nodded and naturally remembered this incident. Although it has been a year since that incident happened, the big boss has never forgotten what Cai Ruichen said to him early that morning.

"In fact, if I didn't arrive in time that day, there would be no chance of survival for the tens of millions of residents in Jakarta and the hundreds of thousands of troops on both sides." Cai Ruichen said very solemnly.

Everyone knows that Cai Ruichen can't do meaningless things for no reason. That matter has always been speculated by the outside world, but no one can think of it. In that compartment, there is a super weapon that can kill thousands of people instantly.

The big boss didn’t know until now. Looking at Cai Ruichen’s serious look, in retrospect, he instinctively felt scared, and asked, “Are there nuclear weapons in there?”

"It was a nuclear bomb full of biological and chemical virus weapons. After the explosion, it would surround a large area at an ultra-fast speed and land a heavy rain with a strong deadly virus. Therefore, it is called a biochemical dead rain storm. This is a kind of Quite terrifying weapon.” Just after Cai Ruichen's voice fell, the little elf floating on the side played the process of shooting the explosion of the rain storm.

Of course, everyone on the scene saw the exploding container, the dark clouds that appeared quickly, and the emerald green ground was instantly dark under the green rainstorm, the vegetation died instantly, and the mutants within the rainstorm range rotted into bones at a speed visible to the naked eye. Let the seven senior leaders of the hometown present all sweat in their foreheads.

"This thing is so terrible?" The big boss said with a very ugly expression.

"According to our sampling and analysis of the virus remaining at the explosion site, as well as the analysis of the ground and air, the sustained damage time caused by this virus will be at least ten times that of nuclear radiation. The land, for at least one hundred thousand years, no living thing can survive. This terrible virus can kill all organic matter. As long as humans touch the skin or breathe, they will not escape death." Cai Ruichen nodded and said .

"If there is such an enemy, isn't the world already on the verge of destruction?" the big boss said solemnly.

"I believe they will not really want a completely destroyed world, because they need our resources and the world, not to destroy this world, otherwise, this world may have been destroyed." Cai Ruichen said.

The reason is very simple. With such a concealed method of the other party, it is only necessary to arrange a certain number of biochemical death rain storms around the world, and it is also very simple to destroy the world.

Obviously, destroying this world is definitely not the purpose of the other party. If it is one's own, then it must be an intention to control the world and plunder the resources of this world, otherwise, why bother.

"You always talk about them, then who are they?" the big boss took a deep breath and asked.

When Cai Ruichen heard this, he shook his head altogether and said: "In fact, we don't know it now, but I believe that it will not take long before their fangs will be completely exposed. By then, it will be a spread to humans. It’s a global disaster."

"Then why do they keep targeting you?" The second boss asked Cai Ruichen aloud.

"Maybe they think that I will be their biggest obstacle to attacking the world, so they want to do everything possible to kill me." Cai Ruichen said.

"Since it concerns all mankind, why not announce it to the public? I believe that if you say it, even if it is still absurd in the world, it can still convince a large number of people, even if it cannot convince other countries. How much can make them vigilant." Someone on the side said.

"I also want to unite the power of the whole world. Unfortunately, I have not come up with any evidence until now. As for these video images, it is impossible to convince politicians of various countries. They will only think that this is purely our conspiracy. Try to plunge the world into a greater crisis."

Speaking of this, Cai Ruichen shook his head helplessly, and continued: "Moreover, those people can hide so deeply in the world here. I believe that it is not that they are all extremely good, but that there are powerful organizations acting as cover. I believe that there are only four major intelligence agencies in the organization that can do this kind of thing. Therefore, I have to suspect that there must be someone in these four major intelligence agencies that is related to these guys, but I have never found any relevant ones. Clues and evidence."

"Then do you have any preliminary suspects?" the big boss asked.

"I have always suspected the CIA because these people have always been active in the United States. Without the involvement of the CIA, it would be impossible to hide it so perfectly. Unfortunately, a senior intelligence agent in the CIA never found anything. Cai Ruichen sighed and said.

This matter has indeed always been a thorn in Cai Ruichen's heart. He also wanted to convince the US government, but he himself knew very well that the two sides had conflicts, and now they are in a game.

It is very difficult for the United States to believe what they have said in vain, and Cai Ruichen also believes that they may have controlled some American politicians. It is too difficult to unite with the United States.

Otherwise, Cai Ruichen doesn't understand the principle of uniting all forces. If it is really possible, he can even unite the world, even if it is to use technology to improve the global military technology level, he will not hesitate.

It’s a pity that things are not that simple. These guys hidden on the earth are extremely hidden. A super bomb can be transported to Jakarta from the United States. It is still on the truck of the International Red Cross. If the bomb is from New York is transported to Huaxia Kyoto, and the entire Huaxia Kyoto has long since become a dead city.

It is very difficult to do this by relying on the ability of those people alone. It is very likely that the assistance of the U.S. authority can make it so easy. At the same time, there are also channels from the Indonesian government.

This allowed the tens of thousands of elite spies in the Red Police Corps all over the world to find no clue.

There are still many things that make Cai Ruichen have to be wary of other countries. The only thing that makes him feel at ease is his hometown, so he can only unite with his hometown.

Otherwise, if it is such a simple thing, then why should he light up the lamp and waste wax and announce it directly to the world.

In fact, if it is Cai Ruichen and intends to invade a world, it is best to disturb the world situation, prevent the world from uniting from the beginning, and do everything possible to provoke contradictions among the nations of the world. , To prevent the possibility of the nations of the world uniting.

Cai Ruichen also believes that these people who are already lurking in this world must have such a purpose.

Cai Ruichen's response is also very simple, that is, not to say anything at all, but to find ways to improve the military level of each country as much as possible.

There is no need to provide direct help. All countries need to always have a great sense of crisis. All countries will naturally increase their armaments and enhance the combat effectiveness of their troops.

Promoting an arms race among countries around the world and improving the defense capabilities of all affairs are Cai Ruichen's way of dealing with the future.

Of course, if there is a national government colluding directly with the enemy, Cai Ruichen can only admit it.

At least Cai Ruichen still believes that once the enemy of the future appears, I am afraid that he will not need allies in this world, just like a boxer. Does it need the help of a newborn baby?

In Cai Ruichen's view, once the ultimate enemy appears, it is probably the countries that will suffer first. They will first stand firm, and then take their own vigorously.

No matter what kind of tactical strategy the enemy adopts, Cai Ruichen has only one way to deal with it now, that is, to adapt to the changing situation.

The people at the scene also heard deep helplessness from Cai Ruichen's tone. They are not ordinary people, and they can clearly understand various situations at the height and angle.

However, they are different from Cai Ruichen himself in that they also realize Cai Ruichen's selfishness, because including the big boss, they have such selfishness.

People do not punish themselves for their own sake, but they can be applied at the level of family and country.

If there are really invaders and they invade the world, those who are prepared can deal with it calmly, but other countries may suffer. Once the invaders can be defeated in the future, then...

In fact, although Cai Ruichen himself did not admit it, when considering problems, he naturally inclined to inner emotions. It seemed that he did not consider selfish decision-making, but actually included the inner selfish factor.

"How powerful do you think the enemy is?" The big boss asked Cai Ruichen after pondering for a long time.

"It will be an existence that no country can resist alone." Cai Ruichen thought for a while and replied. The vague answer was not that he didn't want to say it, but that he didn't know it.

"My suggestion is that if one day you can hold the ironclad evidence in your hand, you should still make it public. After all, your lips are dead and your teeth are cold." The big boss thought for a while and suggested.

"I naturally know that if there is direct evidence, I will try to unite all the global forces as much as possible. After all, this is related to the life and death of all mankind." Cai Ruichen nodded, and then said: "I'm just afraid we have not looked for it. Time for evidence."

"We still have a few years of peace?" The big boss asked with a heavier heart upon hearing this.

"The best estimate is that there should be two to three years, but maybe the enemy will appear in the next second." Cai Ruichen said solemnly.

"It seems that soldiers can only come to cover up the water and soil." The big boss shook his head helplessly after hearing and said.

"So you should continue to speed up preparations for a full-scale war, reserve materials for war preparations, food reserves, speed up the running-in of troops and new weapons and equipment, and war may break out at any time." Cai Ruichen proposed.

The big boss nodded when he heard the words. Now he doesn't hesitate much, and said: "From next month, we will continue to speed up and recall more veterans."

"As for the prevention of civil air defense projects, it is best to spread a large amount of war-related knowledge in the country and conduct air defense exercises on a certain scale. Considering the social stability, we should not be too anxious." Cai Ruichen also suggested.

"I only hope that the people can understand." The big boss nodded and said with emotion.

"Try our best to guide public opinion and stabilize people's hearts. At least we can't cause chaos inside ourselves." Cai Ruichen said.


The next two hours were spent discussing related issues. After all four bottles of liquor were drunk, Cai Ruichen and the overlord both stood up and left.

Bring the overlord to get to know the big boss and others, to establish a preliminary foundation for future cooperation, and at the same time achieve the goal of getting the hometown to prepare wholeheartedly.

After the two left, none of the seven left. The news that Cai Ruichen brought was too shocking. Even if it was over, the seven still couldn't adapt to such an astonishing fact.

"Should we really believe what Cai Ruichen said?" In the long silent banquet room, the second boss asked everyone with hesitation.

"The other is credible. I believe that Cai Ruichen will not harm us. At least for now, when the Future Technology Group provides us with various advanced technologies and equipment without reservation, what Cai Ruichen said is completely credible. , In other words, we can only believe in him."

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