The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1809: 0Crane's first experience

Say goodbye to the big boss and others. When boarding the Super MiG and leaving, the overlord sitting next to Cai Ruichen said to Cai Ruichen: "You are sure they will believe your words. After all, what you said is for ordinary people. , It’s a bit shocking."

"I'm not sure, but I still need to try. I just hope to save as many people as possible in the future." Cai Ruichen said.

It is one thing that the Red Police Corps needs to be horns with each other in the future. Cai Ruichen's true thought is that in the future, he will save the lives of his compatriots as much as possible, and avoid the complete destruction of his hometown.

"Don't say it, those words come out of your mouth, the effect should be okay, I think those people, even if they have doubts about you in their hearts, should make wise choices." said the overlord.

"I hope so." Cai Ruichen nodded and activated the Super MiG, ready to return to the base.

At this time, the overlord on the side said: "I won't stay in this world for too long. Will you have time in the next few days? Would you like to accompany me to walk around the world."

Cai Ruichen glanced unexpectedly at the overlord next to him, and said, "Okay, where do you want to go?"

"I'll talk about it tomorrow, but I suggest you change your outfit and dress up. I guess you will be very eye-catching wherever you go." said the overlord.

"No problem." Cai Ruichen raised the corner of his mouth and added: "Would you like to bring the guy? After all, it is more convenient."

Hearing this, the overlord suddenly laughed. He knew that Cai Ruichen was a sensible person, and he really made it through at one point, and said, "It's okay to bring a few more people."

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements. I just promised my sister-in-law and grandma, I will accompany her well, just together." Cai Ruichen also said with a cheerful smile.

Although I don't know where the overlord wants to go, Cai Ruichen has a desire for destruction in his heart.

There was nothing all the way, and in less than twenty minutes, the Super MiG had landed in the base.

Cai Ruichen arranged the suite on the top floor of the Future Technology Building for the overlord to rest. It is located on the top floor of the Future Technology Headquarters, at a height of one kilometer, overlooking the bustling Marin City.

Tonight's Marin City is also destined to be very lively, and I am familiar with the Middle East world of the Chinese New Year. This day is as lively as Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.

According to the Constitution of the Federation of the Middle East, citizens of the Federation of the Middle East enjoy 18 statutory holidays each year. For these three holidays, the statutory holidays are all five days.

Especially on the New Year’s Eve of the Spring Festival, in order to imitate the Chinese, it has almost become an important day for family reunion in the Middle East, and this custom is changing the younger generation and is deeply rooted in the hearts of young people.

All this is only because the supreme leader of the Middle East Federation is a Chinese. When the people completely believe in a person, all the words and deeds of a person seem to be a golden rule.

Cai Ruichen did not try to change the folk customs of the Middle East world, but he will not stop the new customs that the people accept voluntarily, and conform to the people's will.

As Cai Ruichen who changed all of this, this year's New Year's Eve can be said to be the happiest time in his life.

Hua Meixue, who had always been concerned about her, was not only safe and sound, but also gave him a son. A super unexpected double happiness came to the door. If coupled with the happy event of the base's further enhancement of authority, it could be said to be a four happy event.

However, in Cai Ruichen's view, today should be the arrival of five joys. Each of these five joys is worthy of careful recollection in the future, eternal memories.

The bustling Marin City, the quiet base car, when Cai Ruichen returned to the third floor of the base, it was surprisingly quiet inside, and there was no one in the room of Natasha and others.

Cai Ruichen didn't care. Maybe they all went out to relax on this kind of day. It was already early in the morning in their hometown, and at this time in the Middle East time, the most lively time in the city.

With endless fireworks and laughter everywhere, Cai Ruichen went straight back to his room.

A few minutes later, Cai Ruichen was already lying in a private bath that was comparable to a small swimming pool. In the circular bath, the clear pool water exuded the mist, allowing Cai Ruichen to relax naturally.

Just when Cai Ruichen was about to close his eyes and enjoy, with a light movement of his ears, there was an extremely slight footstep outside the bathroom. If it weren't for Cai Ruichen's super-strong hearing, he would not hear the sound of the foot touching the ground blanket and pressing down the fluff. .

There can be no outsiders in the base, and Cai Ruichen didn't care. He closed his eyes, enjoying the comfortable water temperature, and relaxed.

The sound of footsteps came to the bathroom door, opened the bathroom door gently, and someone walked in barefoot.

Cai Ruichen did not open his eyes either, because under normal circumstances, Natasha would walk in at this time, and his bathroom door was never locked.

"I thought you were out shopping with them." Cai Ruichen said, closing his eyes, picking up the towel beside the bath, reaching out and handing it to the visitor, and then sat up from a semi-lying position, freeing his back and the bath behind him. Affluent space.

The visitor took the towel and walked across the bath. The whole person was soaked in the water, and he gently wiped Cai Ruichen's back with the towel.

"Why are you so gentle today?" Cai Ruichen just said, feeling that the strength of wiping his reserve has increased a bit, and then he nodded and said: "The smell on your body is also a little different. You changed your perfume again. ?"

At this point, Cai Ruichen suddenly felt something wrong. He opened his eyes and quickly turned around. What caught his eyes was a blushing Chizuru sitting in the bath without a trace. I wonder if it was the water temperature in the bath or because of shyness. Chizuru's smile was extremely red.

The majestic Double Peak was nearly half of the water surface, and the catkin holding the towel was suddenly turned around by Cai Ruichen, and he didn't know where to put it, hanging on the water and couldn't be retracted.

Looking at this face of thinking day and night, Qianhe whimpered and shouted: "Brother!"

With the scene in front of him and Qianhe’s brother, Cai Ruichen felt that his heart had melted: "Why are you?"

Hearing what Cai Ruichen said, Qianhe lowered his head shyly, and Yingsheng whispered: "Sister Natasha called me. She said you really need..."

What can Natasha say?

Cai Ruichen was very clear about this. Before Qianhe could finish her words, Cai Ruichen interrupted her in a hurry, stood up and turned her back to Qianhe, and said: "If you come, you will be at peace, continue to help me rub your back! "

Qianhe heard this and saw Cai Ruichen turning around again. Without his gaze, she suddenly felt more natural. The little hand holding the towel, gently rubbed Cai Ruichen's back again, rubbing every scar on his body. .

I don’t know how long it has passed. Looking at Cai Ruichen who was still motionless, Qianhe recalled Natasha’s words echoing in his mind. He gritted his teeth, put down the towel in his hand, stretched out his hands, and his whole body clung to it and hugged tightly. Caught his back.

Cai Ruichen's heart and liver trembled, half of his body turned back, and his eyes were the face of Qianhe with a springy face. He didn't deliberately reveal the amorous feelings, and his slightly smirk was already very attractive.

He smelled the scent of her body, turning his body completely, holding his hands on her shoulders, feeling the soft and smooth powder muscle, slowly descending, crossing the dangerous curve of her proud peak... Heartfire The burning is getting more and more prosperous.


Feeling Cai Ruichen's restless hands, Qianhe's eyes are like silk, bright light flowing in his eyes, and his voice seems to be coquettish and more seductive.

She suddenly put her arms around Cai Ruichen's neck hard, leaned her neck up against it, and put her fragrant and smooth little tongue directly into his mouth.

Cai Ruichen did not resist or refuse the slightest, and for a while he could be described as afflicted.

It can be said that Qianzuru who doesn't understand anything can only hug him instinctively. The delicate skin touch is like pearl milling, so that Cai Ruichen's whole body burns, and the tip of his tongue is out of control, so that she can do her best. Twisted and twisted in the mouth, hot and damp, tusk, hands suddenly stretched out, holding them up from both sides, kneading like dough.

Qianhe was trembling and panting in his ears. His body moved forward, and he lifted Qianhe from the bath and walked towards the room outside, letting the drops of water drip like pearls... …(Declaration, this chapter is not in full version!)

It was two hours after the rain disappeared, and Qianhe's amazing physique, the whole person was lying weakly on Cai Ruichen's body like mud, panting lightly, flushing all over, and the lingering rhyme remained.

"Why did you leave that day?" Cai Ruichen asked Qianhe, lying on his back on the bed.

"I am worried that they will hurt my brother. Qianhe knows that he is wrong. Don't be angry, okay?" Qianhe turned pale when he heard the words, and hugged Cai Ruichen tightly with both hands, as if he would leave.

"I have never been angry, but have always been worried about your situation." Cai Ruichen sighed and said.

"I know, I have always known that my brother is always by my side when I am most dangerous. Every day I can feel my brother by my side, can smell your body, can feel your mood... …" Qianhe kept nodding desperately, rubbing his cheeks against Cai Ruichen's chest.

"As long as you can come back to me, it will be the best return to me, otherwise, I will let all mutants be buried for you." Cai Ruichen said.

"Even if I die now, I won't leave you." Qianhe looked extremely firm, and said: "I have felt it, clearly felt that the crystallization of my brother and I is budding."

"Does this still have this ability?" Cai Ruichen asked curiously when he heard this.

Qianzuru nodded and said, "I have a very clear feeling. I have a foreboding that our future child must be a super amazing person."

"Speaking of, the first time we met, you wanted to have a baby with me. Why on earth?" Cai Ruichen asked curiously.

He has never forgotten that when he first met with Qianzuru, Qianzuru's first word was that he wanted to have a baby with him.

Cai Ruichen was very immature at the beginning, and has always worried about the identity of Qianhe mutant. As for now, even if the virus carried by the mutant is injected into Cai Ruichen's body, once those viruses enter Cai Ruichen's body, they will be instantly immune to Cai Ruichen's body. The function is directly killed.

Otherwise, no matter how beautiful Qianhe is, how could Cai Ruichen accept it.

As for species, if Qianhe is not a human being, Cai Ruichen believes that he is not a human at all. After all, there is no human body that can reach his current level.

Speaking of it, Cai Ruichen now thinks that Qianhe and himself are actually quite good matches, after all, they are not normal people.

"Because my brother is very attractive, I can't resist this attraction at all, and I have a very strong intuition. If I can be with you, our future baby will be a truly perfect person." Qianhe is serious. And said seriously.

"You are so confident?" Cai Ruichen asked silently.

"It must be." Qianzuru nodded firmly and said.

"Then I am really looking forward to it." Cai Ruichen nodded slightly and said in Qianhe's ear: "Does it still hurt?"

Qianhe's face turned red instantly when he heard the and shook his head gently.

"Then try harder and increase the probability."


In the early hours of the next morning, when Cai Ruichen got up, Qianhe was still lying limp on the bed, and a touch of Yin Hong on the bed sheet made Cai Ruichen very happy.

Dressed neatly, when I walked out of the room, I saw that Natasha and others were already sitting on the dining table, looking at Cai Ruichen's gaze, each of them seemed to be talking.

There was only one person, pouting, looking at Cai Ruichen's gaze, full of resentment.

When Cai Ruichen was still immature, he ignored the ambiguous gazes on the table, and sat next to Yuriko, who said I was very upset, and touched her two long ponytails. , Said: "Yuriko, can I take you out for a few days?"

When Yuriko heard the words, her face was still full of innocence, all the clouds disappeared instantly, and she smiled and nodded.

An hour later, Cai Ruichen took Yuriko to the top floor of the Future Technology Building, and the overlord was already waiting for him here.

Seeing Cai Ruichen carrying Yuriko, the overlord was obviously a little surprised, and said: "There is no need for such a big battle!"

"As long as she is happy, she is just like an ordinary girl." Cai Ruichen said.

The overlord nodded, a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said to Cai Ruichen: "That said, I am very much looking forward to today's itinerary."

Cai Ruichen is already quite familiar with the overlord's frequently used sentences, and he can understand it immediately. Today's itinerary may not be too peaceful.

"Where do you plan to go for the first stop?" When Cai Ruichen asked, who was the first to be unlucky?

The overlord bared his white teeth and gently spit out two words: "Japan!"

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