The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 798: Meaningless equipment

The thick armor on the mutant is all made of alloy materials, and the thickness reaches the level of armored vehicle armor.

It can withstand direct attacks from heavy machine guns, and it can also withstand all light weapons attacks.

However, such armor was as soft as the tofu product in front of the Hulk transformed by Qin Chen and the miniaturized Tyrannosaurus transformed by Wu Jie.

These seemingly majestic armors, under the attack of the two men, are no different from the paper ones.

This made Cai Ruichen, who watched this scene from afar, couldn't help shaking his head. Qin Chen, who was transformed into a five-meter-high Hulk, was almost at the top of the underground parking lot. Facing the densely packed mutants, he could hit it with one punch. Fly a large group.

And those so-called armors, in front of Qin Chen's big fist, did not even have the ability to resist.

With a punch, the entire helmet and the mutant human's big head all flew out directly.

But Wu Jie's attack was even more efficient and perverted. Although he didn't incarnate the appearance of two hundred tons, even a miniaturized Tyrannosaurus, the sharp blades on both forefoot were terrifying enough.

His tail, covered with spurs like blades, also swept a large swath, and no mutant was able to get up after taking such an attack.

Every one of the attacks is implemented on the mutants, and almost all ends in blood and blood.

And the two of them didn't even have a defense against the encirclement of all the mutants. Facing the attacks of these mutants, neither of them could see any wounds.

The defensive power of the Tyrannosaurus is hard. The weapons in the hands of the mutants slashed on the Tyrannosaurus, and they all made a sound of steel collision, often with flashing sparks.

And the heavy green fur on Qin Chen's body possesses good damage absorption and elasticity, even if it is a real knife, it is the blade of a mutant. He couldn't leave any wounds on his body, only a white knife mark, but he quickly recovered.

For ordinary people, these are like nightmare mutants, under the two abnormal characters Qin Chen and Wu Jie. It's like an ant. No threat.

Facing the densely packed third-level mutants, the two of them rushed into the flock of sheep like tigers coming down the mountain, each biting one by one, grabbing one by one.

What makes Cai Ruichen difficult to understand is that the seemingly majestic armors on these mutants are not much higher in defense than the defenses possessed by the mutants themselves.

It's a wasteful behavior. Might as well put on those ceramic bulletproof armor. More able to resist bullet attacks.

In his opinion, the armors made of these alloys, which looked a little more powerful and heavier, were not enough to protect these mutants, nor were they enough to improve their defense.

As far as the weapons in the hands of these mutants are, in Cai Ruichen's view, they are still relatively threatening.

Originally the mutant was only relying on brute force to attack. If you have weapons now, that's for the troops. It's really dangerous.

And if these armors are worn on the body of the second-level mutant, the defense of the second-level mutant can also be raised to almost the same level as the normal third-level mutant.

As for whether mutants have so many alloys to make armor, even the second-level mutants are popular, Cai Ruichen is not clear.

However, he believes that mutants do not have the basis for developing industry at all. Obviously, these armors are all made by humans.

Just as he was planning to build the mutants under Qianhe, he also chose to use the war experience of ancient cold weapons to build all the mutants under Qianhe into a powerful steel army.

But his desired development direction is not to simply put armor and weapons on the mutants, but to integrate the weapons into the mutants and become part of their bodies.

This was when he had reached a deal with the base at the beginning, using a superhero who failed to recruit inexplicably, in exchange for an army of mutants that integrated war weapons into the body.

That superhero was originally a combination of machinery and dogs. Although I don't know why the call-up failed, the base can't give any explanation. Cai Ruichen can't help it, but it's not his character to suffer.

To maximize benefits in everything, this is Cai Ruichen's life motto.

Since the bases all have mad dogs, naturally there must be related technologies that combine biological and mechanical bodies.

Cai Ruichen hadn't thought about replacing his Red Police Corps soldiers with steel bodies, but it was a good idea to replace mutants with steel organs and bodies.

In this regard, the base also agreed, but it is not yet possible, because the current base does not yet have the equipment that can complete the perfect integration of this kind of living body and mechanical body.

After all, this kind of fusion is not as simple as replacing an artificial organ, but replacing a series of combat weapons with human organs.

Even if the body of an advanced mutant is replaced with combat machinery and equipment, there are still great risks and various technical problems.

Therefore, the mutants currently under Qianhe’s command are only undergoing constant devouring upgrades. With Cai Ruichen’s intentional feeding, most of the more than 30,000 mutants under Qianhe’s command have all evolved to level three or two. There are not many mutant people.

The number of Big Meat Mountain has also increased to 20, and Level 4 mutants have also increased by three ~ As long as there is a steady stream of flesh and blood, these mutants can still evolve.

At present, the corpses of the mutants under the recovery operation are used as nutrients for these mutants. If there are not so many corpses in the future, Cai Ruichen also intends to clone those mutant creatures with large weight as food for these mutants.

In short, he wants to create a powerful mutant unit, and this unit does not need to be very large, but every combat power must be very powerful.

As for mutants like this kind who just put on armors and weapons, he really doesn't like it. The only function of such goods is to contribute to him the set of not light alloys on them.

After all, these alloys are also a good income if they are recycled in the ore refinery.

The unilateral killings in front of him continued, and Cai Ruichen was like an outsider, commenting in his heart the pros and cons of these mutants.

Such an abrupt picture quickly attracted the attention of the mutant. A third-level mutant who was relatively close might really be unable to stand it anymore. He swung his hand with a mace that was larger than Cai Ruichen’s body, and moved towards it. He rushed. (To be continued~^~)

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