The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 799: Male God Xiao Cai

At this moment, in the underground parking lot, Wu Jie and Qin Chen were all surrounded by a large number of third-level mutants. Although the two were very efficient in killing, they were unable to support Cai Ruichen.

Seeing that the giant mace was about to hit his head, Cai Ruichen took a step back. The mace almost rubbed the tip of his nose, hitting the place where he was just standing, and smashing a large pit.

Cai Ruichen, who was not what it used to be, didn't even change his complexion. At this moment, all the muscles and nerves in his body were all running at high speed.

Before the third-level mutant waved the mace in his hand again, Cai Ruichen gently pressed one hand on the mutant's arm holding the mace.

The arm that didn't seem to use much strength pressed against a mutant human's arm with thick thighs, like arms and thighs wringing the wrist.

It is said that the arms can't squeeze the thighs, but here, the small arms firmly suppressed the thick thigh arm.

After taking the base potion for more than two years, Cai Ruichen still has the same body as before. It seems that the muscles on his body have become well-proportioned. In fact, his current muscle strength is absolutely terrifying.

He who can wrestle with Ralph is also enough to exceed the scope of normal human strength.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen's senses in every part of it are strengthened, especially the strong sixth sense, and the sensitive response of every nerve in the body, which is the most valuable.

Compared with the perverted superheroes in the Red Police Corps, Cai Ruichen may be considered normal, but compared to ordinary Red Police Corps soldiers, he can now be called perverted.

The third-level mutant is no longer enough to threaten his existence, even if he is wearing armor or holding a weapon.

Suppressed the mace that the third-level mutant was about to wave again. Cai Ruichen's other hand instantly grabbed the mutant's grip on the other's palm, directly grasped the opponent's thumb, and then forced it back.

With a clear bone cracking sound, the third-level mutant grabbed the thumb on the mace's palm and was directly broken by Cai Ruichen. but. For the third-level mutant, this is no harm at all.

However, a mutant whose body function is still similar to that of a human in many places. At the moment when the thumb is broken back, the other four fingers are also directly opened.

When breaking the thumb, the mace naturally loosened from the mutant's palm, Cai Ruichen decisively grabbed the handle of the mace, and the other hand also released the suppression of the mutant's arm. Hold the mace in both hands.

At the moment when this third-level mutant came over with another arm. When it was said that it was too late, he clenched the mace with both hands and swiped it suddenly. The mace that was as tall as his body instantly swung, directly hitting the body of the third-level mutant.

The third-level mutant who was more than four meters high was directly knocked out by the powerful force of the mace, hitting several third-level mutants behind him.

And at the moment. Cai Ruichen seemed to have found something funny, and weighed the nearly two meters long in his hand. The mace, which weighs no less than five hundred jin, looks very comfortable.

In fact, this is the first time that Cai Ruichen has faced a Level 3 mutant, and the first time he played against it, it gave him very good confidence.

And last night, seeing that mysterious man's strength that seemed to crush everything, he felt tremendous pressure.

As a man, he is very eager to have the powerful strength that is even better than that of that man. The appearance of facing everything is calm and calm, which makes him very envious.

If he had such power, what would be the mutants in Baghdad?

He didn't even need the Red Police Corps to take action, he felt that he could be rounded up.

The most important thing is that in this world full of crises, personal strength may seem flashy, but it is also extremely important.

Especially in the future, there will be a mysterious and extremely powerful enemy that the base speaks of. While developing the Red Police Corps, a little more strength of oneself means more strength.

To put it ugly, even if the Red Police Corps really cannot contend against the so-called enemy in the future, if it possesses absolute strength, it will also have a certain degree of self-protection.

The most important thing is that if you want to get this kind of power, you don't mean to be foolish, but the base has given him such an opportunity.

Cai Ruichen is naturally impossible to waste such an opportunity. Maybe in the future, it is not a dream to fight for justice.

However, speaking of everything, Cai Ruichen strengthened his physical fitness and strength, and only hoped that he would have more chances to survive in the future.

Holding a mace that was bigger than his own body, it weighed five hundred jin, and he didn't seem to weigh much in his hand.

Looking at the dense third-level mutants in the underground parking lot, Cai Ruichen showed an excited smile on his face.

However, he did not rush to move, but leaned the mace in his hand against the wall behind him, then took off his coat and shirt, revealing his tight-fitting vest.

The white tight-fitting vest was tightly attached to his body, drawing out all the muscles of his upper body.

With a body of 185 meters, he has wider and stronger shoulders than ordinary people. Although there are no big muscles like bodybuilders, every muscle is very even.

The whole person is full of muscle There is no excess fat on the body, compact and powerful, although it does not give people the feeling of Kongwu, but it gives people a sense of strength, not inferior.

With Cai Ruichen's resolute face and sharp gaze, it can definitely kill any girl in the fantasy stage of adolescence.

If the pictures at this time were filmed and spread to the Internet in the present world, Cai Ruichen would already have a very high fan popularity, and I am afraid it will skyrocket again.

In this face-seeking world, a super rich like him, coupled with a figure that can kill all sportsmen and models in seconds, no woman can resist him.

And such a figure, in the wasteland world, is just a little better.

However, next Cai Ruichen's violent side, I am afraid that all the beauty of all women's fantasy will disappear.

Holding the mace, Cai Ruichen rushed directly into the circle of Wu Jie and Qin Chen. He waved the mace as if he were fighting monsters in the virtual reality world of the base, and madly moved towards the mutants around him. Fierce attack. (To be continued~^~)

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