The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 800: Violent Xiao Cai

The addition of Cai Ruichen, although his attack is difficult to kill the third-level mutants in seconds, but it reduces all the worries for Qin Chen and Wu Jie.

The two of them sandwiched Cai Ruichen on the left and right, and they were responsible for attacking the three-level mutants surrounded on both sides. The rear was handed over to Wu Jie's powerful tail, and Cai Ruichen was used as a sharp knife to form a forward attack formation. The third-level mutants in the underground parking lot were shocked.

The underground parking lot is not small, a large number of third-level mutants gather here, and there are thousands of them.

Thousands of third-level mutants are indeed a powerful force. If they directly enter the center of the troops and cooperate with their weapons, it will be a total massacre.

But now, they have become the targets of massacre. Qin Chen and Wu Jie, who possessed violent attack power, almost all existed like instant kills to the third-level mutants.

The mace that Cai Ruichen waved, although its lethality was not enough, its impact was not small at all.

Every time a mace is swung, it can knock the third-level mutant into the air. The keen reflexes and reaction nerves that have been trained for a long time have made Cai Ruichen almost every attack that will not fail.

Under the rapid killing, the third-level mutants in the underground parking lot are rapidly decreasing.

The four-level mutants in the rear couldn't sit still, and they all surrounded the three of them.

However, their actions did not cause any trouble to the three of them. Cai Ruichen, left and right, and the rear were all blocked.

And the weapons and equipment on these four-level mutants did not threaten Qin Chen and Wu Jie at all.

Although they also used rifles to attack, it was a pity that these were just ordinary bullets, and even Wu Jie and Qin Chen's skins were not broken.

"Qin Chen, kill them."

Cai Ruichen, who was watching the overall situation while attacking, saw that the fourth-level mutant had come around them. Cai Ruichen decisively issued an order to Qin Chen.


Upon receiving Cai Ruichen's order, Qin Chen roared and slammed all the third-level mutants in front of him, and immediately grabbed the fourth-level mutant closest to him. Thick palms. Directly pinched the head of the fourth-level mutant.

At the moment when the fourth-level mutant was about to struggle, the palm of his hand squeezed the opponent's head directly, and the hula thing in the blood ejected directly from the gap between Qin Chen's fingers.

This fourth-level mutant didn't even have a chance to react, and his entire head was directly crushed.

Cai Ruichen had seen Qin Chen's violent power a long time ago, a fourth-level mutant under Qianhe's command. In front of him, they are all the endings of being killed in seconds.

And these four-level mutants in front of them. The same is true, facing the violent existence of the Hulk, there is almost no power to fight back.

According to Cai Ruichen's estimation, under normal circumstances, even a level 6 combat mutant might not necessarily be Qin Chen's opponent.

And if Qin Chen became completely violent, I am afraid that even a seventh-level mutant would be directly torn apart by Qin Chen.

but. The one who was really abnormal was Wu Jie around him, when facing these third-level mutants. Wu Jie, who was in the form of a five-meter-high Tyrannosaurus, was simply easy to kill, and he even felt that he was not interested.

Even the mutants at Level 4 were similar to the ants in Wu Jie's eyes, and they didn't even have any sense of existence.

The fourth-level mutant is more dangerous for the current Cai Ruichen.

Dealing with the fourth-level mutants, Ralph under normal circumstances is not easy to deal with, and now Cai Ruichen and Ralph still have a little difference in strength.

The reason why Ralph was able to quickly kill a fourth-level mutant last time was because Cai Ruichen was captured by the mutant and made him violent, so he had such a record.

However, under normal circumstances, Ralph can still barely deal with a fourth-level mutant, but Clark is a bit short, can only deal with a third-level mutant. When facing a fourth-level mutant, there is almost no fight back. room.

Cai Ruichen, who is between the strengths of Clark and Ralph, must be cautious for the close fourth-level mutants.

He is not so arrogant, he can deal with the third-level mutant, and can deal with the fourth-level mutant.

To be a mutant, every increase in strength brought about by a level increase is almost a geometric multiple of strength growth, especially when it is below the fifth level, the strength gap of each level of mutant is absolutely crushed. The strength gap.

Therefore, even though Cai Ruichen still did not stop his attack on the third-level mutant, his eyes were always on guard against the approach of the fourth-level mutant.

Wu Jie next to him, with the eyeballs on his forehead, has the vision that is similar to the eyes of a fly, and has always been deliberately protecting Cai Ruichen.

Those fourth-level mutants who were close to them thought that using their powerful strength could teach the three invaders a severe lesson.

As a result, after Qin Chen smashed a few to death, the several fourth-level mutants who approached Cai Ruichen were all killed by Wu Jie's two long forefoot.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen accidentally saw that the elevator door of the underground parking lot not far away actually opened.

Inside was a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, with two heavily armed soldiers by his side.

It's just that as soon as these three people appeared, they were all obviously frightened when they saw the scene of the big melee below and the corpses of mutants in a place.

Especially when they saw that a dinosaur was killing the mutants in There was also a big Hulk-like figure not far away, he was putting the body of a third-level mutant with armor. Torn in two. The middle-aged man in a suit almost collapsed directly on the ground.

"Qin Chen, stop the three of them." Cai Ruichen shouted at Qin Chen before he could think about it.

Those third-level mutants didn't attack the three people in the elevator, and didn't even glance at them, as if they didn't exist at all.

In an unusual scene, when Cai Ruichen caught it, he realized that these three people are definitely one of the characters related to the mutant.

There was no need to think about it, and it was natural to intercept these three people's reactions.

Qin Chen didn't hesitate, and now there were less than one-third of the mutants in the underground parking lot, and the parking lot space was much empty.

The bodies of Level 3 mutants are everywhere on the ground, and blood is everywhere in the underground parking lot.

These third-level mutants couldn't stop him at all and rushed towards the elevator. (To be continued~^~)

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