The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 801: The imprisoned president

ps: Yesterday I came back from get off work and slept in a hurry for a few hours. I woke up at about 11 o'clock. I was planning to break out, but at 6 o'clock in the morning, only six chapters were written. I'm not very energetic, and I feel sleepy before dawn.

Six more is not much, but there are not too many. Can you give me some support and encouragement?


When the three people in the elevator watched the giant like a tank rushing towards them, they were all covered with mutant blood. The hideous face was almost like a wild beast. The middle-aged man was directly scared to the ground. .

The two soldiers beside him instinctively pointed their guns at Qin Chen for the first time, and pulled the trigger frantically.

When one of the soldiers squeezed the trigger, he didn't forget to quickly press the button for closing the elevator door, and at the same time, he pressed the button for an unknown number of floors.

And the bullets fired by the two weapons all hit Qin Chen's front, but the sharp bullets, when they hit Qin Chen’s skin, seemed to hit the superalloy, and could not penetrate the surface of the Hulk. On the skin.

At the moment when the dense bullets hit the skin, under the huge impact force, the bullets were squashed to almost flat, and then fell on the ground.

With the dense bullets, Qin Chen completely ignored the bullets and jumped directly to the elevator door.

At this time, the elevator door was about to close, and one of his hands happened to be caught between the two elevator doors, and the elevator doors opened naturally.

When the three people inside looked at the giant at the elevator door, they almost lost their last will to resist.

The middle-aged man who was limp on the ground. When Qin Chen got into the elevator's head, his crotch was even more wet.

Seeing this scene, Qin Chen clearly showed mockery on that big face. Immediately under the fear and screams of the three people, the three guys who were almost scared to death were dragged out of the elevator and directly still on the body of the third-level mutant.

After Qin Chen finished his work, Cai Ruichen almost moved here while he was playing, and a little smile appeared on his face as he looked at the three obviously frightened guys.

now. Qin Chen replaced Cai Ruichen and cooperated with Wu Jie's final strangulation of these mutants inside.

"Who are you?" Cai Ruichen did not pay attention to the two soldiers who were obviously only guards, but instead focused on the middle-aged man in suit and leather shoes.

"I...I..." The middle-aged man who is still undecided. After seeing the huge mace in Cai Ruichen's hand, he couldn't speak.

However, Cai Ruichen didn't have time to listen to this guy's stammering, waving the mace in his hand. Directly smashed a guard next to him into mud.

"Can you speak now?" Cai Ruichen killed someone indifferently. Continue to smile and say.

Facing the sudden murder, he saw that poor guy turned into a pool of flesh under the mace, and the middle-aged man became incontinent again.

For a while, he didn't know how to answer, but when he saw that Cai Ruichen was a little impatient, his extreme fear made him blurt out in an instant: "My name is Chen Wenbin, I am the secretary of the Iraqi government of Brazil."

"What about you?" Seeing the middle-aged man answer in time, Cai Ruichen looked at the other guard. Asked.

"I'm just a guard, I don't know anything..." The guard was obviously frightened. When I saw Cai Ruichen asking himself, he was asking for mercy.

However, Cai Ruichen didn't give him any chance to beg for mercy. With a light wave of the mace, he smashed the other half of the guard's words and the entire upper body into fleshy flesh.

"I don't know anything, what's the use of keeping you." After killing the second guard, Cai Ruichen murmured specially.

This murmur, coupled with Cai Ruichen's seemingly harmless, but vicious behavior, made Chen Wenbin almost frightened.

He hurriedly cried and said: "I know everything, I can say everything, please, don't kill me..."

"I didn't bother to ask about things before, I just want to know what you are doing here?" After seeing this guy's reaction, Cai Ruichen directly threw away the mace in his hand and asked.

"I went to the secret room to meet the imprisoned president. This is what Basili asked me to do. I am just a servant and have no choice..." Chen Wenbin replied quickly and did not forget to beg for mercy.

"Take me to the secret room. If you dare to play tricks, I promise you won't even have time to regret it." Cai Ruichen grabbed Chen Wenbin, who was limp on the body of the mutant, and said.

Although Chen Wenbin's footsteps were soft, but at such a critical moment of life and death, he also resisted his fear and hurriedly walked towards the location of the secret room.

As for playing tricks, he doesn't have the courage, even though he is by Bassett's side, he is well-informed.

But a killer like Cai Ruichen, a human being can actually afford such a big mace, and kill a third-level mutant, just like killing a chicken, he is definitely the only one he has seen in his life.

Moreover, he was quite aware of the weight of the mace. It was a full five hundred and fifty catties. This terrible guy in front of him could swing with one hand easily, and he didn't even blink at killing people.

Even if he was given a hundred courage, he didn't dare to play tricks in front of such people. What's more, there was a tyrannosaurus beside him, and a humanoid monster who was not afraid of bullets. Even if he had the courage, he was shocked at this time.

Chen Wenbin, who dared not resist any resistance, led Cai Ruichen to the secretary.

The so-called secret room is actually an independent warehouse in the underground parking lot, just a small warehouse.

After Chen Wenbin opened the warehouse door, there was a strong musty smell inside, as well as many other flavors.

In the dark warehouse, it was extremely quiet, and Cai Ruichen could barely hear the faint heartbeat from inside.

And this heartbeat is very slight, even if he doesn't listen carefully, he can hardly hear it with his keen hearing

When Chen Wenbin turned on the light inside from the outside, at the end of the empty warehouse, on an iron bed without any bedding, a man had his hands and legs handcuffed to the edge of the iron bed. He was as thin as wood, almost looking Without any blood, a long-term malnourished appearance almost became a humanoid skeleton.

Moreover, the limbs that this guy was handcuffed were not leaned on his wrists and ankles like handcuffs, but sharp iron tools directly penetrated his palms and feet, and the other end was welded to the iron bed.

On the ring that penetrated the palm of the palm and the palm of the foot, it was completely pitch black, surrounded by necrotic skin and flesh, turned out, with disgusting pus, and looked very miserable.

Even if Cai Ruichen was decisive, he would not use such a means of imprisonment on a person. Obviously, the people here, for this person, although they don't want him to die, they are cruel.

No wonder the heartbeat that I heard before was so weak, Cai Ruichen admired his will to survive for the guy in front of him to be able to live to the present.

If I changed to an ordinary person, I am afraid it would have been dead for a long time. (To be continued.)

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