The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 802: Chen Wenbin confession

"This person is the President of Iraq?"

Seeing this scene before him, Cai Ruichen is really unable to connect this scrawny and obviously tortured guy with the top human figure like the president.

There are obvious wounds in many places on the flesh and bones close to the bones, and the traces of various tortures and torture instruments are all clearly visible.

Coupled with the use of such cruel means to imprison him, such a person really makes people associate him with the president.

The most tragic head of state is nothing more than the fate of falling behind in a different place. I am afraid that encounters like this are rare in human history.

"He is the president." Chen Wenbin said tremblingly.

"What did you come here for, did he end up with his life?" Cai Ruichen asked with a cold light in his eyes.

Feeling that the surrounding air seemed to fall, Chen Wenbin's inner fear became stronger, and he hurriedly said: "I'm here to ask for the firewall key, not to kill him."

Cai Ruichen was too lazy to question, and took a look at the situation of the tragic president. When he found that it could be saved, he felt relieved.

As the president of Iraq, he must know a lot of information about the world. If this person can survive, he is naturally the best to survive.

"The one who cooperates with the mutant is Bassett?" Cai Ruichen turned around and asked Chen Wenbin.

"Yes, it's the cooperation between Basit and the mutant." Chen Wenbin didn't dare to hide, his head was like pounding garlic. Seeing Cai Ruichen's appearance as I was listening, he hurriedly said everything he knew. Came out.

As the confidant of Basit, Chen Wenbin knew a lot of inside information. When facing Cai Ruichen, he did not conceal anything. He knew everything he knew and said everything.

As early as three years ago, a security base in Baghdad was established. Under the order of the President. After failing to launch an offensive against the mutants in Baghdad.

The mutant not only warned the president who held all the rights to the safe base at the time, but soon sent a high-level mutant who was almost indistinguishable from humans into the safe base.

I went directly to the Bassett at that time, and soon the two sides formally established cooperation, which is in the subsequent development. As the Baghdad security base is built outside the city, there is no support. Soon facing the most immediate survival crisis.

Bassett took the opportunity to propose a resolution to recover Samarra, which was supported by many generals who supported him.

Since the beginning of cooperation with mutants, the two sides have also begun the first step of cooperation. The mutant took the initiative to hand Samarra to Bassett.

That battle was naturally extremely easy. With the help of the mutants in Baghdad, almost no troops were wasted, and the occupation of Samarra was completed.

And Basit, who led this war. Naturally, it has a very high prestige in the safe base, in the next development. Soon it occupied most of the rights of the safe base.

For the president, Bassett did not intend to do what he would do at the beginning, after all, the two are good friends for most of their lives.

During this time. Bassett began to provide mutants in Baghdad with humans as labor, as well as a large amount of resources and equipment.

But some things still couldn't hold the fire. As the nominal supreme leader, the president quickly discovered many problems.

It's just that at first the president didn't know what the secret was in it. He searched for Bassett many times, but was stalled.

But over time, it can be prevarication once or twice, and there is no way to prevaricate many times, the president still develops a lot of wrong.

Naturally, Bassett could not sit back and watch the president to deal with him. He acted decisively first. Not only did he rely on more supporters, the secretly imprisoned president, but also assassinated all his cronies one by one.

The whole process was planned by Basit and executed by senior mutants. How can ordinary soldiers resist senior mutants with the help of inner ghosts?

After controlling all the rights of the entire security base very neatly, Bassett was very careful at first, for fear that the people below would discover something.

But in this era, where is the mood to pay attention to high-level matters, this matter has not caused any disturbance.

It was just that when Bassett was very depressed, at the most critical moment, the President actually shut down the supercomputer of the Iraqi Central Security System and lifted all the firewalls.

The entire Iraqi network system, the central system that was finally rushed to repair after the severe electromagnetic storm of the catastrophe, directly became a decoration.

Many weapon systems have become furnishings because they have lost control of the central network system.

This time, Chen Wenbin came down because Bassett felt the conspiracy of the war and asked him to work hard one last time, get the firewall's key, and restart the powerful defensive weapons of the entire security base.

When Chen Wenbin came down, he directly encountered the killing scene below, and he had the current picture.

Chen Wenbin, who answered honestly, told the whole story. Although many things were missed, Cai Ruichen did not doubt his words.

Although Chen Wenbin is a person next to Bassett, he is only a secretary after all. I am afraid there are many things that the secretary does not know.

For example, how did those mutants find Bassett all at once?

What kind of cooperation did Bassett and the mutants reach?

Now, how are these mutants transported here?

Are there any other senior mutants in this headquarters building

Chen Wenbin is not clear about these issues, but he also explained all the officers and generals who are loyal to Basit and the list.

This list is still very useful for Cai Ruichen.

When things have reached this point, Cai Ruichen will naturally not choose to let the Red Police Corps and the troops at the Baghdad Security Base head-on.

The core point of the entire incident appeared on Baste, as long as this guy is resolved, and the president is alive, there is no need for the two sides to fight each other.

While Cai Ruichen listened to Chen Wenbin's introduction of the final situation, in the underground parking lot, Natasha, Tan Ya and others smoothly passed through the underground passage and arrived at the parking lot according to the instructions.

It's just that everyone was a little surprised when they saw the mutant corpses everywhere in the parking lot. After all, there were mutants inside, and they were still armed mutants. Some of them were beyond their expectations.

However, Cai Ruichen did not give them enough time to be surprised. When they just arrived at the underground parking lot, they gave a new order. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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