The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 803: Go straight to the nest

"The guard left two teams here to protect the imprisoned person inside, and wait for the medical unit to come over and treat him as soon as possible."

Cai Ruichen took Chen Wenbin and left the secret room. When facing Natasha and others who were coming and the guards, he ordered: "Others, come with me."

After Cai Ruichen gave the order, he directly said to Chen Wenbin: "Take me to see your Baste, right away."

Chen Wenbin, who didn't dare to resist at all, nodded hurriedly. He had already seen that the other party was definitely here.

Coupled with the ruthless character of Cai Ruichen by his side, he dare not even look at Cai Ruichen.

After re-enacting the combat order, hundreds of Guardsmen, all of them continuously entered the Baghdad security base from the underground passage.

However, in the next battle, these guards are not needed at all, because Cai Ruichen wants to meet the Bassett.

Bringing Chen Wenbin into the elevator, Qin Chen and Wu Jie, who had turned back into human form at this moment, also put on their clothes again, and followed him with Natasha and others.

The elevator moved up quickly and stopped directly on the 28th floor.

"The twenty-eighth floor is where the headquarters is located. Bassett is there now." Chen Wenbin said hurriedly, and walked out half a body ahead when the elevator door opened.

A smooth corridor outside the elevator doors, the corridor has only one door exit, and no other stairs or windows.

At the exit of the corridor, two heavily armed soldiers guarded the place.

At first, when the two guards saw Chen Wenbin, they didn't react, but when they saw a large group of people they didn't know were following, they were about to cross-examine Tan Ya.

In her hands, it was not black ebony and white ivory, but two silenced automatic pistols, two shots directly, and the two guards were killed mercilessly.

The two guards didn't even have a chance to make a sound. Fall directly on his back. On the wall behind the two guards, a lot of blood and brains were sprayed.

Chen Wenbin, who was walking in front of the team, was startled, but his reason did not dare to make any noises, and he did not dare to stop.

At this moment. Cai Ruichen reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said in his ear: "Observe. You will never die."

Seeing these people's attitude towards Cai Ruichen, Chen Wenbin was very clear about this guy who didn't blink. He is the speaker of this group of people.

And from these people's respectful attitude towards him, he felt it. Cai Ruichen's identity is probably extraordinary.

Hearing Cai Ruichen's words at this moment, Chen Wenbin couldn't help speeding up a little bit. It's better to die than to live. He didn't want to say goodbye to this colorful world.

Everyone followed Chen Wenbin all the way and quickly walked towards the commanding position. All the personnel who appeared along the way fell under Tan Ya's gun.

Soon everyone came to a place where the gate was closed, beside the gate. There was a small sign with the words Command.

Without Cai Ruichen's voice, Chen Wenbin opened the door consciously.

It was just beyond everyone's expectations that there were not many people in the command post inside.

A few guards didn’t know anything about the situation, so they were killed by Tan Ya in the first place. The remaining civilian officers and some obvious government officials didn’t know what was going on, so they were swarmed into the Red Guard Corps. All the soldiers were surrounded.

In the entire command center, only one person's face remained unchanged, but when he looked at Chen Wenbin, his wink was a little bad.

And Chen Wenbin barely dared to make eye contact with the other party. He hung his head and gestured at Cai Ruichen with a wink. At the middle-aged man, he tilted his head.

Cai Ruichen didn't care about the cowardly Chen Wenbin. After the guard took control of the situation inside, he walked towards the middle-aged man opposite.

"Who are you?" The middle-aged man, Bassett, looked at Cai Ruichen, who was walking towards him, and asked.

"Are you Bassett?" Cai Ruichen didn't answer the other party, but asked rhetorically.

"I am, who is your excellency?" Bassett asked again looking at the young man in front of him.

"Originally, today we should sit in a certain place in this building and have a negotiated agreement between the two sides, but we didn't expect that this way of meeting is really interesting." Cai Ruichen said with emotion.

"Are you the supreme leader of the future base?" Bassett looked at the young man in front of him and asked in disbelief.

"Except for me, there is no one else." Cai Ruichen nodded and said.

After hearing Cai Ruichen's identity, Chen Wenbin behind him, his face flashed with hope. He never thought that this terrifying guy in him would actually be the leader of another base.

However, when he thought of Cai Ruichen's promise not to kill him, he completely relaxed.

My life is saved.

"That's really scary for the next generation, but I don't understand Mr. Cai, which one is this singing?" Baste said calmly.

In fact, he knows the current situation better than anyone else. The situation before him is already under the control of the young man.

However, he didn't have any room for resistance. Under his command, there were more than 100,000 elite troops, and he still had a bargaining chip.

"Which one came out, don't you see it?" Cai Ruichen asked a little amusedly.

"Are you able to come here, aren't you afraid that you can't get out? There are hundreds of thousands of troops around me, even if you kidnap me, what can you do?" Bassett said without flinching.

"I did plan to talk to you face to but I didn't expect that the leader here would wear the same pants as the mutant, so I had to modify the plan."

Cai Ruichen shook his head and said with some regret: "As for your hundreds of thousands of troops, in my opinion, there is no threat at all. I can come here and leave safely. What's more, I have no need to leave now. , After all, you are in my hands."

"Boy, you are too naive! Don't you see that I don't look scared at all?" Bassett suddenly laughed and said arrogantly.

This laughter made Chen Wenbin suddenly think of something, and he hurried to remind Cai Ruichen.

For him who has made a choice, now he can only be alive with Cai Ruichen, otherwise if he falls into the hands of Basit, it will definitely be a dead end.

However, before he could speak, Cai Ruichen said calmly, "Aren’t you relying on mutants? It’s just that you think they can save you, or you think that the fifth-level mutant Can kill us?"

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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