The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 804: Cooked duck flying

Hearing what Cai Ruichen said, but Bassett still looked confident and confident.

Cai Ruichen somewhat underestimated the guy in front of him who couldn't understand the situation. He thought he was a character, but he didn't expect to be so stupid.

Even if the fifth-level mutant is stronger, with this attitude, can't the other party see that he is not worried about the fifth-level mutant alone?

"It seems that you know a lot, but it is a pity that you should have killed me when you came in, instead of talking to me so much."

Bassett looked at Cai Ruichen's self-confident appearance and said a little bit funny.

As soon as his words fell, the place where he was standing suddenly collapsed, and Bassett followed the falling floor and fell to the next floor.

Without any hesitation, Qin Chen chased after the pothole that suddenly appeared on the ground.

But soon, Qin Chen jumped up again, shook his head at Cai Ruichen, and said, "It's gone."

"how is this possible?"

The cooked duck flew like this, and the smooth cuts around the potholes in front of them showed that it was the method of Baste Cunning Rabbit Three Caves.

However, Cai Ruichen was not too worried. All the troops in the entire Baghdad security base were unable to communicate, and could only use personnel to transmit messages.

He is not worried that Basitel will be able to rush to the troops, otherwise, once Basitian is rushed to the troops, the situation will not be optimistic.

Because the army here naturally obeys the highest commander here, even if the president who has only half life left is pushed out, it will not have much effect.

On the contrary, it is very likely that they will be bitten back. Even if they cooperate with mutants, those soldiers will choose Bassett instead of outsiders like themselves.

As for Chen Wenbin, a secretary in a mere mere words has almost no right to speak. A word from Bassett is enough to determine his fate.

Not to mention the high-level officers in those troops. They are all Bastian people. Even if some people have ideas, they are of no use at all.

With thoughts turning, Cai Ruichen looked at the dark dark room below, too late to say anything. Just jumped straight down.

He did not believe that Bassett could escape the building. The elevator was turned off by the panda a long time ago, the two safety stairs, and the guards all went to guard them consciously. Prevent the guards from the security base in Baghdad from coming up.

So, on the upper floors of this building. All under his control.

The only way for Basitel is to jump directly from the building, but. Unless he has an idea, set aside a parachute. Otherwise it is absolutely impossible.

The floor below the headquarters was obviously an empty dark room, and the surrounding windows were all closed and nailed with steel.

Dark room. There are no doors or windows in the dark area, no lights are installed, and the surroundings are bare.

However, Cai Ruichen doesn't believe that Bassett has just disappeared. There will be other exits for this retreat.

As the others jumped down one after another, Cai Ruichen, who was the first to jump down, had already seen a layer of black cloth covering his feet on the dark ground.

Uncovering it, it was a stairway that continued to lead down. When Cai Ruichen wanted to chase down, Wu Jie stopped him.

"Commander, be careful, I'll go ahead."

Cai Ruichen did not refuse, because no one knew what was underneath. There was a meat shield in front that could make him more assured than Qin Chen, which was naturally the best.

Wu Jie didn't wait for Cai Ruichen's consent, and walked down the stairs directly after speaking.

The stairs are very long, winding all the way down, but there are no entrances and exits, and no ventilation ducts or the like.

Moreover, this staircase was obviously not built for long, and the staircase had not been renovated. The surface of the steel and concrete was exposed and uneven.

Everyone went all the way down, their footsteps were fast, and the echoes of footsteps from below could be faintly heard, mixed with the echoes of everyone's footsteps.

Obviously, the echoes of footsteps below are those of Basit.

"We can't contact our troops, there is electromagnetic interference in it." Natasha, who walked quickly behind Cai Ruichen in the deep and deep stairs, said to Cai Ruichen.

"I don't care here for the time being, he must be caught." Cai Ruichen shook his head. Now there is nothing more important than the catch of Bastel.

What surprised him was that Bassett was just an ordinary person, did he also learn the ability of night vision.

Even if he is considered a superman among humans, he can only see the stairs under his feet.

And Bassett can not only enter the stairs quickly, but can also run so fast, which is simply incredible.

Only now, Cai Ruichen is too lazy to think too much, just need to catch Bassett, all questions will be answered.

Everyone's footsteps were fast, Cai Ruichen carefully counted them, and they had run at least six hundred steps.

At the height of this building, this distance was already located further down the underground parking lot of the building, and it was not until this time that he saw dim light below.

At this time, he could no longer hear the echo of footsteps below, and it was obvious that Bassett had come to the bottom.

Continuing to turn down the three corridors, what appeared in front of everyone was a long passage, and the dim light was shining from this passage.

In the passage, there were clear footsteps.

Wu Jie, who was in the leading position of the crowd, chased directly into the passage that almost just contained his body.

Qin Chen followed Wu Jie, followed by Cai Ruichen. On the flat ground, the speed of the crowd was very fast, plus a slight **** downward, faster than on the flat ground.

It’s just that this passage is very Cai Ruichen has been running at full speed, and has been running for at least 20 minutes, but the passage still has no end in sight.

In front of the passage, one could still hear the sound of footsteps coming from inside.


After calculating the distance, Cai Ruichen did not hesitate to stop the people who were chasing in front.

For nearly twenty minutes, according to their constant speed, this distance is at least nearly thirty kilometers.

But the whole Samarra is just so big, running 30 kilometers straight from the center of the city in any direction, it was out of the range of the city long ago.

And this direction is still southeast, facing Baghdad city. If you continue to move forward, I am afraid that you will face the millions of mutants.

If Bassett escaped to Baghdad, there would be no threat to him.

As soon as everyone stopped, they heard the channel say: "It is great to have a friend from afar, but I don't know if this friend has the courage to come and meet." (To be continued.) New website

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