The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 805: Mutant arsenal

At this moment, let alone Cai Ruichen felt abnormal, everyone felt abnormal.

Obviously, even if the front is not a deep abyss, it is probably no different from Longtan Tiger Cave.

Before Cai Ruichen could respond to this voice, Tan Ya, who was next to Cai Ruichen, said directly: "Commanders should not take risks."

Cai Ruichen shook his head. He had some thoughts in his heart at the moment. Looking at Wu Jie at the front and Yuriko beside him, he also had some thoughts of his own.

"Who are you?" Cai Ruichen did not respond to Tan Ya's suggestion, but shouted loudly at the end of the passage.

"The distinguished guests are all at the door of the house, do I still need to order someone to invite them? But my subordinates are all rough people, for fear of neglecting the guests."

Hearing this, Cai Ruichen said to everyone cleanly: "It seems that we can't go anymore. It can be regarded as a meeting between the two armies before the war."

Seeing Cai Ruichen's reaction, no one else said anything, even if it was Longtan Tiger's Den, they weren't muddled.

Moreover, in the present form, to put it bluntly, I am afraid they cannot make a choice either.

With Cai Ruichen's instructions, everyone began to move forward, but this time the speed was not as fast as an enemy chaser to avoid excessive physical exertion.

Among the crowd, Cai Ruichen's expression is the most relaxed, although he is very clear that it is his underestimate that caused all the consequences, and it is also the result of his overconfidence.

However, now that things have reached such a point, it is even more important not to consider mistakes, nor time for reflection, but how to turn an unfavorable situation into advantage.

Under the protection of everyone, he turned on the mini-console and entered text to connect with the base. He did not choose to speak so as not to be heard by the other party.

On the satellite map, through the positioning of the base, Cai Ruichen's virtual map screen in front of him is marking that he and others are moving in the direction of Baghdad.

Seeing this, Cai Ruichen is absolutely certain that the person who just spoke is definitely a mutant in Baghdad. As for whether it is the king of that mutant, I will know later.

After turning off the map, Cai Ruichen thought carefully, and immediately sent a few commands to the base.

In this channel, he couldn't directly contact the troops at all. He could only rely on the mini-console in his hands to directly transmit the order to the base, and let the base relay it.

No matter where the base is, any soldier of the Red Police Corps can be contacted at the first time. The neutrino communication technology of the base will hardly be disturbed, even if the power supply is insufficient.

After getting the reply from the base, Cai Ruichen felt more or less relieved. Even if it was Longtan Tiger's Den in front of him, he now had the courage to break through.

Although the pace of everyone is not as fast as before, it is not very slow either.

When the total travel distance was almost 50 kilometers, the passage came to the end because brighter lights appeared in front of the passage.

At this point, almost everyone is on the highest alert.

Among the crowd, I am afraid that Cai Ruichen's performance is a little lighter, his face hardly has any obvious change.

When everyone walked out of the passage, they were almost stunned by the scene in front of them.

This is a huge underground space, almost invisible at a glance, and the entire underground space is full of various heavy industrial equipment.

And in this huge underground world, mutants and humans can be seen everywhere.

Those humans are all suffering from malnutrition, and they are in charge of using the industrial equipment inside under the supervision of mutants.

The place where everyone is located is on a raised platform slightly higher in the underground space, and the industrial equipment is all under this platform.

The industrial equipment below are all smelting industries, and there are also many armors and weapons made of alloys on the side.

Obviously, this is the arsenal of mutants.

Cai Ruichen didn't expect that all of this was actually like this. He originally thought it was Basting who transported the made mutant weapon and armor to the mutant.

Unexpectedly, the place where mutant weapons and armors are made is in the mutant's lair.

No wonder the survivors in the Baghdad security base have disappeared so many. The tens of thousands of survivors in the huge military factory in front of me are probably only a part of them.

Because as soon as he entered, Cai Ruichen clearly smelled a strong smell of blood, which was the smell of human blood, not the mutated blood smell of mutant people.

The smell of human blood is very strong, and it lasts for a long time in such a huge underground space. It suppresses any other smell. The number of humans who die here is definitely not a small number.

In this regard, Cai Ruichen is not surprised at all, except for those mutants above level 4, the general mutants are all beasts.

And human beings around these beasts are like old cat pillows, and there are several mutants that can stand it.

The survivors killed by these mutants in this military factory in front of them will definitely not be less than 100,000.

All of this is the result of cooperation between humans and mutants. As for whether Bassett knows about such things, Cai Ruichen is no longer in the mood to think.

In his eyes, Bassett is no longer human.

Although he also wanted to build an army of mutants, he would not allow normal survivors to be food for mutants.

The only time it was for the cannibals to experience the feeling of being swallowed.

In his view, in the wasteland world, only people with uncompromised humanity can be called humans, and the rest are mutants.

In his eyes, the cannibals are no different from the mutants, and the fellow Bassett is no different from the mutants in his eyes.

To deal with mutants, his aim is not to change anything, that is, to fight to death resolutely and never give the opponent any chance.

For the arrival of Cai Ruichen and others, the mutant here is obviously well prepared.

On this front platform located on the wall of the underground space, on both sides of the platform, and on both sides of the half-air passage of the elevated platform extending from the platform to the center of the underground space, all four mutants stood neatly.

These four-level mutants are all wearing uniform short dress uniforms. Behind them, they all carry a sword. They are not like the four-level mutants in the underground parking lot wearing hot weapons. .

There was a row of four-level mutants on each side, all of them raised their heads and chests straight, and their heights and figures were all the same.

The feeling given to Cai Ruichen is like a military parade, but also a demonstration against him.


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