The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 806: Cai Ruichen is pretending again

It has to be said that the deterrence demonstrated by the king of the Mutants of Baghdad has fully achieved the effect.

The two rows of mutants that extend to the end of the entire mid-air passage add up to no less than 400.

And obviously, these four-level mutants are all carefully selected, otherwise it would be impossible for every fourth-level mutant to have the same height and body shape.

Four hundred fourth-level mutants were taken out at once, not to mention four hundred, even if it were one hundred, Cai Ruichen was deeply shocked.

After all, he hadn't seen so many mutants before, and even adding up all the four-level mutants he had seen was less than one-tenth of what he saw.

The most important thing is that the four hundred mutants in front of them are definitely not all of the four-level mutants here.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen felt tremendous pressure.

With the combined strength of two hundred at least four hundred fourth-level mutants in front of him, it was enough to inflict heavy damage on the Red Police Corps.

The power of the mutant is simply unreasonable.

And in the entire Red Police Corps, including superheroes, few people can have the strength to fight a fourth-level mutant.

There are naturally superheroes. Wu Jie and Qin Chen are also perverted level guys. Among the remaining ordinary heroes, Tang Zuwang and Zhang Xuchen may barely be able to threaten fourth-level mutants.

The general, the Great White of the Zhanxiong, and the giant eagle can also deal with the fourth-level mutants.

Among the remaining non-heroes, those who can deal with the fourth-level mutants are Ralph and Lianna. As for Clark, they are not the opponents of the fourth-level mutants.

And all the guys who can deal with fourth-level mutants add up, there are not many. And most of them can only be singled out or entangle a fourth-level mutant.

As for the large-scale crushing and second killing of Level 4 mutants, there are only Natasha and Tan Ya from long distances, and Yuriko, Wu Jie, and Qin Chen who burst out.

Originally, Cai Ruichen planned to come to a monkey grandson to make trouble with his sister-in-law. Now it seems that this purpose is somewhat difficult.

I glanced at the information from the base, and didn't know how this underground space was built. It was actually located 60 meters underground, and the space could not see any pillars supporting the top, and there was no reinforced concrete reinforcement.

But in this underground space, there is no sign of collapse. On the contrary, it seems that this underground space has existed for a year or two, and it has always been stable.

This information is not good news for Cai Ruichen. After all, it also means that it is not easy to leave here.

Just as Cai Ruichen's thoughts were turning fast, the previous voice rang again: "Dear guest, why are you so late?"

When his thoughts were interrupted, Cai Ruichen had the intention to look towards the place where the sound came from.

At the end of the half-empty passage opposite them, in the center of the underground space, on a tall building resembling an altar, a golden throne was placed.

On the throne, a guy who was almost the same as a middle-aged man among human beings, only had long purple hair that smelled of killing Matt in the countryside.

At this moment, the man's eyes were also looking at him, the two eyes paired for the first time, and the atmosphere in the air seemed to be condensing.

It's just that Cai Ruichen obviously didn't want to look at each other, his eyes quickly swept across the altar.

Under the altar, on the round open space at the end of the half-air passage, stood a group of mutants that resembled African blacks, almost ten or so.

In addition, beside the ten fifth-level mutants, Bassett was among them. This guy, looking at Cai Ruichen and others, was quite proud.

Cai Ruichen looked at the other person's face, without any timid appearance, nodded to everyone around him, and walked directly along the half-air passage.

Along the way, Cai Ruichen could almost feel that the eyes of all the fourth-level mutants on both sides were focused on him.

But the other people around him all seemed to not exist.

The unique blue gaze of the fourth-level mutant is extremely stressful for normal people, and such gaze is not one. If you are an ordinary person, I am afraid that you will directly scare you.

Especially the killing intent from these four-level mutants is enough to make normal people feel cold in their hands and feet.

Although these four-level mutants on both sides did not show any intention to attack, they were no less than the means used in ancient times to create pressure on enemy envoys.

It's just that none of this works in Cai Ruichen's place, and he doesn't even feel the killing intent deliberately radiated by these fourth-level mutants.

With only a few hundred meters of passage, Cai Ruichen seemed to be walking in the courtyard. The first time he came to the platform, he said to Bassett, who was gloating and complacent: "I should Thank you, or I won't be here yet."

When this sentence came out, the smile on Bassett's face instantly solidified. At this moment, he saw almost all the mutants around him, all looking at him.

His face also changed immediately. When he was about to say something, Cai Ruichen didn't give him a chance, but took a look at him with interest, and turned to face the ten neatly standing fifth-level mutants next to him, pointing to Brazil. Specially said: "It is one of you who carried him here!"

Speaking of this, Cai Ruichen moved to the front of one of these ten fifth-level mutants with great interest, looked at its face, and said, "Speaking of your speed, it's really not slow, I really want to You, if you hadn't run faster, I'm afraid you would have died in Tikrit."

This fifth-level mutant heard Cai Ruichen's words and snorted a little uncomfortably. If it hadn't been specially ordered by the king, it would now wish to unscrew Cai Ruichen's head directly.

However, when it thinks of the guy in front of him who can still pretend, it will not laugh later, and it feels a lot better at once.

The two armies will not be cut to fight, but if the opponent's king, a character who can directly determine the victory of the war, even a person with a good reputation will not be able to miss such an opportunity.

It seems to have seen the picture of its own king breaking the neck of this hateful guy directly.

There is no need to care about a dying person, it comforts itself.

Cai Ruichen saw that this guy didn't react at all, and didn't continue to struggle.

These simple words just dilute the atmosphere of killing here. At this time, Cai Ruichen and Wang formally face each other.


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