The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 807: Wang's thoughts

In fact, when Cai Ruichen came all the way, Wang had been staring at him, and his eyes had never left him.

After seeing that Cai Ruichen could still talk happily in such a situation, his eyes became more interested.

It is very curious, where Cai Ruichen's self-confidence, in the face of such a big battle, can still be so calm and calm.

In fact, Cai Ruichen's unexpected appearance made Wang deeply surprised. He did not expect that when he was actively preparing for war, the human head who is currently threatening him would actually appear within his sphere of influence.

This can definitely be regarded as an unexpected gain, this gain can even directly destroy a force that threatens you.

Since seeing the power of the self-explosive truck, Cai Ruichen has always been very concerned about it.

It is very simple to destroy a city, and it can wipe out tens of thousands of mutant troops in an instant.

And such weapons are not the nuclear weapons rumored by mankind. Obviously, the human forces around him have mastered a very deadly powerful weapon.

Originally, it had done a good job of losing a large number of subordinates when it was about to face this enemy. Now it seems that everything is unnecessary.

As long as the leader in front of him is killed, the so-called threat will inevitably disappear. Human beings like to fight for power and will definitely fight for the position of leader first.

This is also true of mutants. Any one must have a leader to stop it. This is the truth as the saying goes that a snake does not have a head.

It feels that this is the best opportunity, as long as it kills this guy, and when the opponent's forces are fighting for power, it will definitely clear the source of danger around it.

Now, Wang felt that he was not in a hurry to make a move. He now admired Cai Ruichen's calmness.

And Cai Ruichen gave it a very comfortable feeling all over the body, this feeling was very strange, and even made it have an urge to worship.

This feeling makes it very confused, because it feels that it is impossible to produce emotions for a human being, let alone the emotion of worship.

It's just that there is no reason for this feeling, it can't figure it out, why is it so?

Fortunately, this emotion is not very strong, as long as you don't think about it, there will be nothing.

But it still gives it a very crooked feeling. From its point of view, human beings are nourishment. As a result, it has the thought of worshipping a human being.

And when it thinks of this direction, the feeling will gradually become stronger, and it even wonders if it will really worship this human being if it has been thinking about this feeling.

Seeing Cai Ruichen's demeanor, it felt that it was a pity to kill such a character.

After all, there are not many mutants at level five, and mutants above level five, whether in appearance or general body structure, are actually not much different from humans.

The only big difference is that the physical quality of mutants and humans is completely the difference between humans and superhumans.

Therefore, Wang still admired Cai Ruichen's sophistication and tolerance. In his opinion, Cai Ruichen was not inferior to his own tribe.

Moreover, for ordinary people, the fifth-level mutants can almost be said to exist like gods, which makes most fifth-level mutants inherently proud.

Needless to say, the king is the undeserved uncrowned king among all mutants nearby.

Even if it weren't for it, it would be impossible for the nearby mutants to have a large number of fifth-level mutants and a large number of fourth-level mutants, all of which can be said to be its credit.

But it is too difficult to evolve into a fifth-level mutant, or compared to the huge base of mutants, the number of fifth-level mutants can be said to be as precious as a legacy from the sea.

Wang's ambition is not small, so it needs a lot of powerful hands to assist itself, but the current progress is really too slow.

And the human being in front of him not only has a powerful physique far beyond that of humans, but also has a group of very powerful subordinates. What he cares most is that this human has a very powerful army.

It is extremely efficient in dealing with mutants.

If the human being in front of him can be used for his own use, or the cooperation between the two sides, the bright prospects produced will make Wang Du very excited.

The most important thing is that the human being in front of him is definitely not an ordinary human, otherwise it would be impossible for an ordinary human to have such a strong physique.

At the same time, Wang also saw clearly about this group of human beings who were all very difficult.

To be able to raise human physique to such a level, Wang also wanted such a technology very much, and this is the ability that mutant humans have not possessed for a long time, that is, invention and creation.

Regarding this, Wang has always been deeply cited as the mutant’s greatest weakness, so from the very beginning, he chose not to kill all If the mutant wants to be strong forever, he needs humans. Kind of invention and creation.

And it would be a great thing if the means to strengthen human physique were used to further strengthen oneself or one's subordinates.

The king now has a rather vigorous mind.

The current situation is also very beneficial to it. If Cai Ruichen does not agree, it can also kill him and eliminate the threats around him.

How to cooperate is also a huge benefit, and it is also an benefit that it can hardly refuse.

Now Wang is willing to give Cai Ruichen the opportunity to make a choice. Of course, it also hopes that Cai Ruichen can make the choice that satisfies him most.

Thinking of this, when he met Cai Ruichen again, Wang did not continue to sit on his throne, but stood up directly, and walked directly toward Cai Ruichen on the stairs that went smoothly under the throne.

On the platform under the throne, Cai Ruichen watched the king walk down with some surprise, and couldn't figure out what medicine the so-called mutant leader sold in the gourd.

In his opinion, it is already a miracle that these mutants can still do nothing.

And this king is also very interesting, he likes to use things like altars to highlight his noble status.

Perhaps, the gazes of mutants and humans are not the same.

However, Cai Ruichen believes that mutants must really like shiny gold things, because the surface of the altar is not only gilded, but the throne is also made of gold, which looks like an ancient emperor.

It's just that he is not the king's courtier, these things are just jokes in his eyes.

It doesn't need to be the same as the mutants around him. When facing this king, he will show the appearance of not daring to look up at the king, so as not to be mistaken for the assassin king.


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