The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 808: Level 7 mutant

As Wang slowly walked down the stairs of the altar, Cai Ruichen also took a serious look at the king for the first time.

It has to be said that under normal circumstances, the higher the mutant is, the more handsome and beautiful.

The king in front of him looked a bit like a middle-aged human, but he was definitely a mature man with a very temperament.

Not to mention that he has a perfectly proportioned face with Chinese characters, his facial features can definitely be called handsome and uncommon, quite a kingly style.

The appearance of walking is like a dragon, not much worse than those real emperors.

It is the purple hair, which looks a little weird from Cai Ruichen's aesthetics. Maybe those who like to kill Matt style would like this style.

However, while admiring the surface, Cai Ruichen cared more about the level of such a guy, and then glanced at the miniature console on his wrist.

At this moment, on the mini-console, the level of Wang was directly displayed, a level that surprised Cai Ruichen, but there was no accident at all.

This king is actually a seventh-level mutant.

The reason for this unexpected level was that he didn't even see the existence of a sixth-level mutant here.

Not surprisingly, he had anticipated that this king would be either level 6 or level 7, but it could not be level 8.

Because a mutant like Qianhe, if he were really a war madman, with the current combat effectiveness of the Red Police Corps, there would be no possibility of confrontation.

However, the seventh-level mutant is already terrifying in Cai Ruichen's eyes. I'm afraid that Natasha's black star can't snipe the seventh-level mutant.

The most important thing is that the king in front of him gives Cai Ruichen the feeling that it is not a purely controlling mutant like Qianhe, but a fighting mutant.

The whole body went down, giving him a violent feeling, he was definitely a fighting madman, belonging to the general who was beheaded in front of the battle, rather than being a military division.

A seventh-level combat mutant is another thing that has been seen for a long time.

At the same time, it also added a lot of pressure to Cai Ruichen. After all, if he were a commander-type mutant, his physical combat effectiveness would be relatively weak.

But a 7th-level combat mutant, the individual combat effectiveness is probably not much worse than Qianhe. Enough to fill the gap of a level.

However, Cai Ruichen felt relieved when he thought of Wu Jie, Qin Chen, and the existence of Yuriko beside him.

What he is more worried about now is that when he saw this king, Yuriko, who had always been hostile to Chizuru, did not show obvious natural hostility.

Although Yuriko is the most terrifying existence that has erupted in the Red Police Corps, her abilities are too unstable.

The base even stated that it should not be overly expected that Yuriko will be useful.

It's just that Yuriko's performance has always been very good when facing Chizuru. In many cases, Cai Ruichen has ignored Yuriko's shortcomings.

Now, in such a situation where the enemies are waiting, Yuriko has always seemed to be okay, so Cai Ruichen didn't know what to say for a while.

He can only hope that if there is a fight, Yuriko will not be too cheating. At any rate, you have to help other people, otherwise even if you protect him alone, it won't help.

When Cai Ruichen was thinking about it, Wang slowly came to him, and Wang's deep gaze had already scanned him over and over again.

"I admire your courage and courage," Wang said calmly.

Cai Ruichen's mouth curled up and responded: "You can get me such a short distance, and I also admire your courage and courage."

"Why?" Wang asked in a puzzled way.

Cai Ruichen said: "Just before, I was as confident as you, but I let the cooked duck fly. Fortunately, he took me here, otherwise I will regret it.

You are so self-confident now, self-confidence can take me down, don't you worry, we people will kill you, let all the mutants in Baghdad become confused because the dragons have no leader, and then I will completely eliminate them. "


Wang Wenyan, as if he had heard a funny joke, he just laughed and looked at Cai Ruichen's gaze, a little bit more disappointed.

"It seems that I need to change my impression of you. I didn't expect you to be such a person who can't see the situation so clearly." Wang shook his head and said with some regret.

The current situation is like what Cai Ruichen looked like before standing in front of Bassett.

At that time, Basit’s cunning rabbit three caves ended up slipping away from Cai Ruichen’s eyes.

However, this is not Cai Ruichen's territory, and there is no way for him to retreat.

So far, Cai Ruichen has not taken escape from here as his main thinking.

"Then I advise you not to change it. Don't think I'm talking big, otherwise you really don't have a tomorrow." Cai Ruichen said in a playful tone.

Cai Ruichen's words changed the expressions of the ten fifth-level mutants nearby, looking at Cai Ruichen's gaze, killing intent.

To see the appearance, it only takes Wang a wink, and they will tear Cai Ruichen to pieces in the first time.

Wang’s performance was much more normal, but the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a sneer, and asked Cai Ruichen: "Do you know why you can still stand in front of me now?"

"Ask for advice?" Cai Ruichen said.

"You are very lucky. I intend to give you a chance, a chance to play for me. As long as you and I join forces, not to dominate the world, but there is absolutely no problem in becoming a hero. Because the opportunities and time left for us are not much. "Wang said very seriously.

Upon hearing the opportunity and cooperation, Cai Ruichen suddenly pointed to Bassett a bit amused, and said, "Is it like a running dog like him?"

As soon as he saw Cai Ruichen pointing to Bassett, Wang also looked back. When looking at Bassett, his eyes showed contempt without concealment, and then turned back to Cai Ruichen and said: "How can he compare with you, if you want to, You are under me alone, and we can fight together."

"But I am more interested in the time and opportunities you mentioned." Cai Ruichen didn't know what the situation was, but it didn't sound like a good thing, so he said directly.

"After we start to cooperate, you will naturally know." Wang said directly.

"But what if I don't cooperate?" Cai Ruichen said.

"Then you are all going to die." Wang said quietly.

"Everyone will die, but I'm sorry to tell you that you can't see my death." Cai Ruichen's mouth curled up and suddenly shouted to Wu Jie: "It's a complete explosion!"

Without any hesitation or hesitation, at the moment Cai Ruichen called out, Wu Jie broke out completely this time.


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