The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 809: Super Tyrannosaurus


Cai Ruichen's voice was not very loud, but a roar that followed immediately made the entire underground space tremble. At the top of the underground space, a large amount of dust fell in clusters under the huge sound waves.

The roar of the tyrannosaurus caused all human survivors in the entire underground space to hold their heads in pain, and the eardrums of the survivors who were closer were even directly shattered.

Cai Ruichen and others beside Wu Jie didn't feel at all in the thought force cover that Yuriko opened in time.

The mutants next to him, below the fourth-level mutant, were all swaying under the roar, looking like they were drunk.

Both the fourth-level mutant and the fifth-level mutant were okay. They didn't show any symptoms, but Bassett, who was in front of Wu Jie, turned his eyes directly under the sound waves at this close range, like a dead body. Lean back. Two faint blood stains flowed from his ears.

At this moment, almost everyone had forgotten to act, because everyone, including mutants, was shocked by the scene before them.

Wu Jie's body directly disappeared, and an extremely large tyrannosaurus slowly appeared in front of everyone. In the blink of an eye, Wu Jie's huge body nearly two hundred meters long appeared abruptly in the underground space.

The two hind feet like a building directly collapsed the circular platform under the entire altar, causing the big guy's feet to all fall on the ground, directly stepping on a large number of equipment and mutants into meatloaf.

The tall body almost touched the top of the underground space, and it was just keeping its parallel body state.

Tyrannosaurus can easily raise the body, and the body in a balanced state has a height of more than one hundred meters. When it is completely controlled, it is almost one hundred and sixty and seventy meters.

It may be the first time that Wu Jie is completely transformed, and Wu Jie is too excited, or all the dinosaurs like to roar.

After Wu Jie was completely transformed, two huge eyeballs swept the entire underground space like a radar, looking down at the mutants and survivors like ants.

He raised his huge neck, lowered his head slightly, and roared again at the king below, full of provocation.

Before the king below could react, after transforming Wu Jie, after provocatively roaring, he immediately waved his two forefoot and swept away a large number of Level 4 mutants on the round platform that was almost half collapsed. Later, the palm of his hand stopped directly in front of Cai Ruichen and others.

Everyone didn't hesitate, they all jumped on Wu Jie's forefoot for the first time. Before the mutants on the ground approached, Wu Jie had already placed Cai Ruichen and others on his large flat back.

Wu Jie, who has completely transformed, has completely transcended the Tyrannosaurus species restriction, although its overall appearance looks very much like a Tyrannosaurus magnified more than ten times.

But on his body, there are thick scales, which are like armor on a pangolin, layered on top of each other, and the surface is very smooth.

A huge head, a mouth that seems to be able to swallow everything, it is covered with densely packed huge teeth, and the tongue is also covered with sharp objects like barbs. Just looking at it, it is kind Feeling shuddering.

Two horns soaring up to the sky grew straight from his head, and from these two horns along the back of the head to the neck and down to the tail, there were two rows of tight and long bone spurs. These bone spurs They all stood up arrogantly as if they were Spinosaurus.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen and others were staying on Wu Jie's back, looking at the bone spurs several meters long on each side. Even if they knew that this behemoth at their feet was a member of the Red Police Corps, they couldn't help but feel a little bit angry. The fear.

On Wu Jie's back, it was like a natural position. The gap between the bone spurs on both sides could protect the people inside, and it was like the battlements of the city wall, allowing people above to shoot at people below.

But even those high-level mutants would be unable to attack this behemoth over a hundred meters high.

It was the first time to see the person who Wu Jie completely transformed, and it was so shocked that even the mutant was no exception.

Even their king, seeing this super monster suddenly appeared in front of him at the moment, he was shocked.

From the bottom up, I'm looking at a powerful killing monster, especially the three long sharp blades protruding from Wu Jie's two extremely slender forefoot, which are nearly 20 meters long with flashes on them. Sharp cold light.

Even the king couldn't help taking a step back at this moment. How did this guy appear in front of him? It doesn’t know, but it can feel the violent aura emanating from this monster in front of and the extremely dangerous

The feeling is not an illusion.

Such a super monster, Wang himself thinks that even if the opponent does not move and lets himself kill, he can't kill himself.

Perhaps only high-level special mutants can compete with such a big guy.

But when he saw that Cai Ruichen and others had all escaped to this monster, Wang had no time to think too much: "Offensive."

Two simple words are enough to make all the mutants go crazy, and all the mutants in the entire underground space rush towards Wu Jie.

It's just a small mutant, in front of Wu Jie's huge body, it actually seems to see ants crawling.

However, Wang had no better choice, and the talk with Cai Ruichen collapsed, so he could only find a way to keep Cai Ruichen here.

Even if the monster in front of him looked very difficult to deal with, the king didn't have any intention to give up. Ants often killed elephants, not to mention mutant ants.

Under its command, there are millions of mutants, and it's not that there are no powerful special mutants. Even though the loss of a lot of mutants, they can't let the opponent leave.

The underground space instantly turned into a battlefield. Tens of thousands of survivors, looking at the mutants next to them, all abandoned themselves and attacked the inexplicable Godzilla. They all had no time to think. All the swarms ran away.

At this time, if you don't run, wait until when, the result left is death.

On Wu Jie's back, Cai Ruichen watched Wu Jie swiftly waving his two forefoot and tail, quickly killing all the mutants who approached in an instant, but there was no sense of relaxation in his heart.

Killing the Quartet's domineering, does not change the current predicament, after all, the opponent's high-level mutant has not yet started.

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