The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 810: Sniper King failed

The completely transformed Wu Jie, huge body, and unparalleled lethality are a devastating blow to any mutant.

There was no mutant at all, able to withstand a light blow from Wu Jie, only a light wave of his hand, and a large number of mutants died under his sword-like forefoot.

The sturdy feet, each sole covered with scales, are more than ten meters long and several meters wide. When a corner goes down, the entire underground space is like an earthquake.

On the other hand, those mutants who are like ants are like ants in front of Wu Jie, despite their aggressive attack methods, flooding Wu Jie like a tide.

But the alloy broadsword in their hands, slashing at the position of Wu Jie's feet, could only burst out sparks.

The mutant who could only attack Wu Jie's two big soles, could not even damage Wu Jie's fur.

And the mutant who was touched by Wu Jie in any place had no chance of getting injured, and no possibility of getting up again.

Some mutants saw that the weapons in their hands couldn't do anything about the monster's feet in front of them. Many of them gave up the weapons in their hands and tried to rely on brute force to attack.

Even weapons were useless, and it was even more unlikely that Wu Jie would be injured by brute force.

However, Cai Ruichen, who is on Wu Jie's back, did not have any optimistic ideas for such a seemingly optimistic situation.

No matter how powerful Wu Jie is, it is only one person, and here is the base camp of mutants. Over time, if more mutants are allowed to come over, the number of everyone can be accumulated to kill Wu Jie after transformation.

When the number reaches a certain level, the lethality that bursts out is also quite terrifying.

The most important thing is that so far, Cai Ruichen has not seen any fourth-level mutants participating in the attack.

Instead, these four-level mutants and the king quickly left Wu Jie's attack range.

And Cai Ruichen's gaze was staring at that king most of the time. He didn't hesitate to come here personally, isn't it just to kill this arrogant king?


Looking at the mutant people who are gathering together below, Cai Ruichen directly shouted to Natasha: "Kill that guy."

Natasha has placed the black star in the gap between the bone spurs on Wu Jie's back. Don't look at Wu Jie who is constantly killing the mutant underneath, but his back is very stable.

Everyone can hardly feel the strong shaking on this, which provides a good environment for Natasha to kill.

Natasha had been targeting the king all the time, but she did not reveal any murderous intentions just with her eyes.

After hearing Cai Ruichen's shouting, Natasha adjusted the muzzle decisively, almost unable to see the time she was aiming at. The moment the muzzle was aimed at the king, she pulled the trigger directly.

However, at the moment he was pointed at the gun, the king who was watching the entire battlefield still reacted.

At the moment of natural ejection, Wang Instinct quickly moved its position, and Black Star’s bullet came immediately, a fifth-level mutant standing behind the king, who still didn’t know what was going on, his whole body flew out instantly. , When its body fell to the ground, it could be seen that its entire chest burst open and its flesh and blood became a piece of blood.

Such an injury may not be considered fatal to a third-level mutant, but for a fourth-level mutant or higher, the chest and head are both fatal.

Evolution has allowed mutants to begin to possess wisdom and a stronger physique, but this strength is also limited.

With the evolution of mutants, many places tend to approach humans again.

When the first-level mutant is a human being, all bodies that are similar to humans are ulcerated, and the second-level mutant begins to derive a strengthened body. When it is a third-level mutant, the strength of the body structure is further increased, and the body shape is further increased.

But when it reached the fourth level, the mutant's body began to condense again, and the slightly larger body of the third-level mutant was recondensed to the size of a normal human being.

At this time, the various physical qualities of the mutant have reached new heights.

Starting from the fifth-level mutant, the mutant began to evolve internally, and the physical structure and physique on the surface were also slightly strengthened at the same time.

Although Cai Ruichen has not obtained the body of any fifth-level mutant until now, he cannot infer how much the internal body structure of the fifth-level mutant is similar to humans.

However, one thing is certain. There is no heartbeat sound in the fourth-level mutant, but the fifth-level mutant starts to have the heartbeat, and already possesses the same hematopoietic function and metabolism ability as humans.

And this kind of ability is obviously more advanced, and the fifth-level mutants don't need to eat flesh and blood for strengthening at all, and have a new way of evolution.

Starting from the fifth level, it is also a watershed for mutants. Mutants at this level have the ability to reproduce offspring.

It's just that there are too few mutants at this So far, Cai Ruichen has only seen eleven fifth-level mutants.

Ten of them were seen here at once, and the other is still a strange thing.

Therefore, until now, Cai Ruichen has not seen the offspring reproduced by mutants, but one thing is certain.

With the wisdom and abilities possessed by a fifth-level mutant, if they can have the ability to multiply like humans, they will become the new protagonist on earth in the future.

As a human being, although Cai Ruichen didn't want to see such a scene appear, he also knew very well that relying on the surviving humans now could not stop the evolution of mutants.

It has been more than three years since the emergence of mutant humans, and they have evolved to such an extent that humans' evolution over tens of thousands of years is not even comparable to the evolution of people who may only take a few hours.

Moreover, with the wisdom of a fifth-level mutant person, it is entirely possible to learn human technology, and I am afraid that the mutant person's footsteps will not only be the earth.

Although Cai Ruichen didn't want to admit this, he couldn't produce any evidence that could be used to refute himself for something that could almost be said to be true.

What made him feel most depressed was that there were too many unreasonable things in this world, but everything happened in front of him, and it was so reasonable.

Confusion has always existed.

There was a fifth-level mutant in front of him, and Cai Ruichen didn't even have any thoughts of being happy. His goal was the king, not this dead ghost.

A fifth-level mutant, he hasn't paid attention to it yet.

The king in the distance saw the subordinates who were still behind him instantly die, and he felt the shadow of death for the first time, and his inner anger grew even more intense.

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