The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 815: 0Crane's Fear

Qianhe, who was far away in the base, performed even more exaggerated this time. He almost jumped up from the seat. The incredible look on his face was no weaker than Cai Ruichen.

Even on Qianzuru's face, there was a devilish expression.

Before Yuriko killed so many mutants in seconds, she could still understand how much, after all, Yuriko had also understood it, and she knew very well that Yuriko definitely had the ability to kill herself.

Therefore, when Cai Ruichen went to Baghdad to meet the king before, Qianhe was not worried about Cai Ruichen's safety.

And she watched the whole process through the sight of a large number of mutants, and she was also very fascinated by Cai Ruichen's performance.

It was only Yuriko's outbreak that made her feel deep fear, especially at the moment when Yuriko was completely violent, the breath radiating from all over her body could be felt even if she was in the base without any means.

As for Yuriko, Chizuru really has nothing to say, even if Yuriko has always been wary of her, she knows very well that she will never treat Cai Ruichen or worry about what Yuriko will do to herself.

Therefore, she quickly felt relieved.

But she didn't expect that before the power that was shocked by Yuriko had passed, she would see the scene of Cai Ruichen almost being killed, making her almost pale in an instant.

She even wanted to set off at the first time, she must kill the king and avenge Cai Ruichen.

Even if she knows very well, if she is singled out, she can only barely deal with the king, and it is still difficult for her to kill a combat type 7 mutant like the king.

After all, if Wang escaped, she would not be able to catch up.

The ensuing turn of events astounded Qianhe once again. Wang was killed in a spike like this, and he didn't even have the ability to resist and struggle.

Against Yuriko, Qianzuru felt that he still had a certain resistance, but facing a guy who could easily kill a 7th-level combat mutant, Qianzuru felt that he didn't even have a chance to survive or escape.

However, she really didn't believe that there was such a powerful man in this world, especially that guy who looked completely human.

A human being can actually kill a seventh-level combat mutant with the power of his body. Qianhe felt that she was beginning to lose track of this world.

She didn't know that such a guy existed at all, and even all the mutants in the world did not know that there would be such a perverted guy.

Otherwise, it will definitely cause the fear of all the top mutants in the world, and at that time, they will definitely do everything possible to kill such humans.

Instinctively told Qianhe that it was best not to pass such news out, because this man seemed to be in the same group as Cai Ruichen.

She was afraid to attract the attention of the top mutants from all over the world to Cai Ruichen, and even herself would be exposed by then.

However, she was also afraid of the identity of this guy.

Qianhe believes in her own vision that Cai Ruichen will be a strong man in the future. She has never felt such a perfect existence in any human or mutant.

Even this mysterious guy is not as perfect as Cai Ruichen looks.

She believes that if she and Cai Ruichen are combined, the descendants born will definitely surpass all humans and mutants, because she is also the most perfect.

And she is also the most perfect for all the top mutants in the world, so she is very afraid of being exposed to the world of mutants.

These instinctive information has always made Qianhe be careful and careful, even with Cai Ruichen, she dare not say too much.

If it weren't for the fear of Cai Ruichen, she would not tell Cai Ruichen about the mutants in Baghdad.

Qianhe was very worried about this mysterious man...

Cai Ruichen looked at the king who was about to kill himself a millisecond ago in disbelief, and he was directly broken his neck after a millisecond.

At the moment when Wang was killed in a second, Cai Ruichen could even feel Wang's unwilling emotion and the same unbelievable look.

A fighting type 7th-level mutant was killed in seconds, and there was no room for resistance. This...

For a time, Cai Ruichen had mixed feelings. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe that there are people in this world who can kill the 7th-level mutants of combat type in a flash.

The man in front of him gave Cai Ruichen the feeling that even Wu Jie, who was completely transformed, could not be an opponent.

And last night, I actually wanted to test such a super abnormal, Cai Ruichen just thought about it, and felt afraid for a while.

"Remember, you owe me a life."

The mysterious man let go of the king who had become a corpse, then turned around, calmly looking at Cai Ruichen with a shocked and said.

Cai Ruichen was not eager to answer, but calmed down his inner emotions. At that moment, his heart was very confused.

The man in front of him was so terrifying, he even wondered if this guy was a human being.

In other words, is this guy in front of him a more advanced mutant, just like Qianhe, no longer different from humans.

However, until now, Cai Ruichen has not felt any dangerous feeling from this guy, and even if he didn't see this guy in his eyes, he would not feel the existence of this guy.

The most important thing is that he can't hear the heartbeat of such a guy at all, as if this guy actually has no heart at all.

"Who are you?" Cai Ruichen took a deep breath, looked at the man's gaze, and asked.

"What I am currently doesn't matter to you." The man shook his head, and his attention shifted directly to the little Lolita in Cai Ruichen's arms.

And Yuriko, who had never reacted to anyone, showed a slight smile when she saw this man.

This reaction of Yuriko made Cai Ruichen feel novel.

However, besides the novelty, it is more puzzled, Yuriko has never smiled at anyone.

But he just showed a smile to this man. Although the smile looked more like a simple greeting, it was also the first time for Yuriko.

This mysterious man also smiled and nodded to Yuriko, as if thinking of something, shook his head with regret, and said with a sigh.

"Very cute little loli, in fact, I always wanted to have a little loli of my own, but unfortunately...I am afraid that I will not be able to achieve my wish in my life, but I finally saw it today and I am satisfied."

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