The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 816: My name is overlord

ps: Today's eight chapters are 600 yuan plus more for the "25" students who used Alipay to transfer.


"Like you are so powerful, is there anything in this world that you can't get?" Cai Ruichen instinctively hugged little Lori tightly, for fear that this guy would **** Yuriko away.

However, this man obviously didn't mean to do this, so he glanced at everyone around Cai Ruichen and said:

"In this world, there are many things that are destined to be available to only one or two people, and there are some things that require a great opportunity to have. Unfortunately, I don’t have such a chance. I can see it today. I have such a regret."

The mysterious man said this, without waiting for Cai Ruichen to speak, watching Cai Ruichen continue to say: "Actually, I really envy you a bit, but I also have things you envy, but it is precisely because of this that you and I will not be in this world. alone."

Cai Ruichen didn't know what this man was talking about. He could hear the clouds and mountains, but he could still hear one thing, that is, this man values ​​him very much.

At least this guy who is almost to the extreme, did not present himself in front of him as if he was holding up high, but instead gave him a very close feeling.

Some are similar to seeing a loved one, this feeling is very strange, as if there is a blood relationship with the guy in front of you, or that the souls of both sides can resonate in a certain place.

Seeing Cai Ruichen's incomprehensible appearance, the man did not explain, but turned his face, looked at Cai Ruichen's gaze, with a bit of hatred for iron and steel, and continued:

"But you are still too weak. Up to now, you have only reached this level. This makes me very disappointed."

"Hey! You have to find out, I am not you, what can you be disappointed." Cai Ruichen understood the last sentence, and said with a bit of annoyance.

After all, along the way, Cai Ruichen has worked harder than anyone else every day. Regarding the results he has achieved, no one can match the construction of the Red Police Corps or his personal ability.

But now, after hearing such comments, Cai Ruichen is naturally very upset.

"Well, I forgot. I'm not the same as you, but anyway, you are still too weak now. Even a small 7th-level mutant can kill you in seconds. You say you have something worthwhile now. Proud?" The mysterious man asked Cai Ruichen plainly.

"Then you should go to my base and I will show you what strength is." Cai Ruichen raised his chin and said provocatively.

It's just that this sentence was just said, Cai Ruichen regretted it, because this sentence was completely inconsistent with his character.

For the man in front of him, there is absolutely no need for him to sing for the other party, let alone to set up a venue to invite an opera troupe.

But the words have already been spoken, and he can't take it back. It's just that he doesn't understand why he said such words. Is it because the opponent is too strong and he is not willing to be looked down upon, and then instinctively wants to find face ?

"Young man, your life has just started, but my life is about to reach its most exciting time. In front of me, your achievements are not even worthy of praise." The mysterious man shook his head again, showing no mercy. Hit the road.

"Young man?" Cai Ruichen looked amused at this guy who seemed to be about the same age as him. He was actually selling the old, and directly responded: "Are you very big?"

"At this time twenty years ago, I was still older than you." The mysterious man showed a look of nostalgia and continued: "At that time, I was just like you, full of vigor, confidence and energy. At that time, I, Dare to face all the enemies in the world, now think about it, everything flies too fast, too fast..."

"Twenty years ago, it seems that you are also a man of the world, so I don't know which character you are." Cai Ruichen asked a little funny.

But Cai Ruichen didn't think the other party was bragging. At least he knew very well that the man in front of him didn't have to brag.

"You will understand later, but whether you can truly understand it depends on your strength." The mysterious man said.

"Pretend to be mysterious? Then I don't know what kind of strength to have?" Cai Ruichen asked indifferently.

"Actually it's very simple, when you can become the overlord of the world."

The mysterious man gave Cai Ruichen an answer that was extremely shocking. In the eyes of normal people, this man is definitely a lunatic.

But Cai Ruichen didn't feel that way. He could even feel that this man was not exaggerating at all, and he was definitely not joking.

And from the beginning of the chat, every word of this man is definitely not nonsense, almost every word is very important information.

However, what makes Cai Ruichen wonder who is this guy.

Not only did he show that he knew him well, combined with those words, it gave him a very inexplicable feeling.

"Become the overlord of the are you kidding? Just as you said, even a mere 7th-level mutant can kill me in seconds. Why should I become the overlord of the world." Cai Ruichen's heart moved without leaving a trace. Tentatively.

"It doesn't matter whether you succeed or not, because you cannot become the overlord of the world, you will only be a dead person." The man said calmly.

Although the man didn't say the answer Cai Ruichen wanted to know, this sentence was full of weight.

"Couldn't I be able to guard this one-third of acre and live my life well?" Cai Ruichen said.

"You won't, and..."

The mysterious man looked directly into Cai Ruichen’s eyes and said something very confidently, but then the voice changed and said: “And if you are in a corner, your ultimate destiny will be destroyed. You can only continue to develop and grow stronger. Until the last laugh."

The mysterious man didn’t wait for Cai Ruichen’s reaction, and immediately said: “I just saved your life. I don’t need any kind of help from you. Today, fifteen years later, I will find you. If you weren’t then My opponent, then I will take your life without hesitation and end your power."

"Fifteen years, then you will wait for me to be beaten by me! See if you can be so arrogant and calm in front of me then." Cai Ruichen said with a curled mouth.

"Very confident performance, I know you have been growing, but so am I."

After the mysterious man finished speaking, he laughed, and then turned and left. The speed was so fast that he did not give Cai Ruichen a chance to speak. However, at the end of his departure, he said to Cai Ruichen: "Kid, remember, I am the overlord. , And remember our agreement, it will really be dead then."

ps: In other words, it is estimated that few people know the role of the overlord!

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