The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

: Update plan this month, ask for monthly pass and reward

Looking back in March, 340,000 words were updated in the 31st day. This amount of updates cannot be said too much, but it is not too small. It is calm and changed every day, and it is worthy of everyone's support.

However, Gorgeous is very dissatisfied with this amount of updates. If it weren't for cheating overtime, it would definitely not update so little.

This is a brand new April, this month, Huali will not work overtime anyway, and Aitemo will be fired and can't control so much.

April is a very important month for Gorgeous. By the end of the month, the total number of chapters in the book will surely exceed 1,000. (If any student once said, 1,000 chapters will be given to the leader!) The number of words will also be increased. More than two million words.

It has only been on the shelves for only four months. From the original 200,000 words to 1.7 million words, the chapters on the shelves have exceeded 700 chapters. I am afraid there are few novels that have maintained such an update speed as gorgeous! At least when Huahua had been chasing books back then, she had never seen such a powerful continuous update.

Moreover, Gorgeous is not a full-time codeword. It is impossible to have a lot of time for codewords every day. All codeword time is almost compressed all personal time and time for eating and sleeping.

It has been up to the fifth month now, and Huali has proven its determination to everyone. So far, such determination has not wavered.

Since the book was put on the shelves to the present, there are too many people to accompany, new faces and old friends, thank you for your company along the way.

Believe me, today’s eighth is just a small appetizer, not even a regular meal.

However, can you hurry up for dinner? Gorgeous is all up to everyone. This month, Gorgeous will be on the classified monthly ticket list. Every ten monthly tickets will be changed. Everyone now has a guaranteed monthly pass.

If there are 100 monthly passes today, there will be ten changes tomorrow, and one hundred and twenty monthly passes will be changed tomorrow. Of course, if there are only dozens of monthly passes, there will be only a few changes.

I haven't asked for a monthly pass for a few months, and Huahua has almost forgotten the passion when robbing the monthly pass list, and the book has never been linked to the monthly pass list.

To be honest, Gorgeous is not reconciled, and is determined to fight it this month. As long as everyone supports us, we have no reason to lose.

Although the classified monthly ticket list is like a cloud and it is very difficult to get ahead, Huali has always firmly believed that we are the most cohesive group.

Let everyone look at it, even the smallest of the books, they still have their days ahead.

I don’t need to say too much. Gorgeous would like to ask everyone, are you willing to vote for the monthly pass for this book?

There is no monthly ticket, so you can get a recommendation ticket. The key point is to let everyone see that the Red Police novel is not unpopular.

Ask for a monthly pass!

Ask for a reward!

Ask for a recommendation ticket!


! (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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