The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 917: 0 crane who can't lie

When Cai Ruichen returned to the base, the Baghdad security base was completely messed up.

And this person also handed the Baghdad safe base to Al Yeser, and asked him to deal with the current Baghdad safe base.

After Basit and the mutants all died in the underground space, the panda has directly published a large amount of evidence of Basit and the mutants in the Baghdad security base.

As a non-stop secretary, Chen Wenbin also showed up to prove all this.

Such news directly caused chaos up and down the entire security base in Baghdad. Because of the published evidence, the news that hundreds of thousands of survivors were sent to Baghdad by Basit was also exposed at the same time.

This also directly caused the internal strife in the Baghdad security base, especially the soldiers with their families, almost all of them could not sit still.

After the announcement of the list of those Basit supporters, gunshots began to be remembered everywhere in the Baghdad security base.

The troops on the periphery of the base also rose up.

The supporters of Basit all adopted a high-pressure policy in order to avoid losing power or being shot to death by riot soldiers.

But these policies completely ruined their last chance.

A large number of soldiers, under the leadership of many officers who were not involved, all launched coups one after another, and battlefields were everywhere.

Faced with such a chaotic situation, the Red Police Corps, after watching the excitement, waited until the fighting in various places had almost subsided, and then began to take action.

The lost senior leaders, the soldiers at the Baghdad security base who had no idea why they fought, faced the five powerful clusters of heavy soldiers, and had almost no idea of ​​resistance.

There was no order from the top to make them resist. When they saw the densely packed tanks rushing over, listening to the shouting of persuading to surrender, most of the soldiers took the initiative to put down their weapons.

An almost bloodless battle ended in just one day.

It’s just that these things are not the focus of Cai Ruichen’s attention. The Red Police Corps is now full of talented people. It has already eliminated most of the senior mutants in Baghdad. The next operations to unify Iraq can also be handed over. Leave it to the people below.

After all, the next work is not too difficult, the only thing needed is time.

The time required by the base is still surplus.

After returning to the base by a peacekeeping transport plane from Baghdad, Cai Ruichen put Yuriko, who was sleeping in his arms, on the bed in his room, and then went to find Chizuru.

When facing Wang, there was a lot of information worth noting, especially Wang's sentence that time is running out, so Cai Ruichen had to care.

At that time, Wang was about to win him, saying this sentence, originally to increase the weight of the win, Cai Ruichen also believed that there was no need for Wang to say a vain thing to increase the bargaining chip.

Cai Ruichen believes that Qianhe must know certain things, but like many problems related to mutants, Qianhe has never told himself.

Originally, Cai Ruichen didn't intend to embarrass Qianhe, but for some things, he could only go to Qianhe for consultation.

When he came to Qianhe's side, Qianhe was sitting in her room in a daze, and even with her strength, she did not find Cai Ruichen approaching.

It wasn't until Cai Ruichen called her that she saw that Cai Ruichen did not know when she came to her.

Qianhe, with a pensive appearance, put away all his emotions when he saw Cai Ruichen, and showed his beautiful side to Cai Ruichen.

"Qianhe, what were you thinking about just now?" Cai Ruichen asked curiously, where he was usually, Qianhe didn't even need to ask, and he would know the first time.

It was the first time that he saw the desperate look like this, and Cai Ruichen clearly felt that Qianhe was emotionally unstable.

Qianhe shook his head, watching Cai Ruichen's eyes flicker, and then he seemed to think of something, and then a little blush appeared on his cheeks, and he said with a little twist: "I'm thinking about you, brother."

Qianhe does not lie, but forcibly changes his style to explain this more clearly.

However, Cai Ruichen didn't say anything. He didn't want Qianhe to be too embarrassed. After all, Qianhe was really good to him. It is definitely the luck of any man to have such a woman like him in this life.

If it were not for Qianhe's identity, Cai Ruichen believed that he, like any man, could not be indifferent to a perfect woman like Qianhe.

No normal man can maintain a normal male-female relationship with a perfect woman who likes him.

Cai Ruichen thought that he also liked Qianhe quite a lot. If it weren't for the identity of Qianhe mutant, he would definitely not be able to control himself now.

It is also because of this that Cai Ruichen has always had a feeling of owing Qianhe a lot, and also wants to make up for Qianhe’s love for him in other No plan to expose Qianhe’s lies Cai Ruichen also believes that if Qianhe is willing to tell himself, he doesn't need to ask him at all.

It was as if Qianhe took the initiative to tell him about the mutants in Baghdad, which directly avoided a huge crisis in the Red Police Corps.

"I came here this time. I want to consult you about one thing. The king of Baghdad is dead. Before he died, he wooed me and said one thing, that is, there is not much time."

Having said that, Cai Ruichen took a deep breath and asked Qianhe very seriously: "Do you know that time is running out, do you mean it?"

What was beyond Cai Ruichen's expectations was that Qianhe was very naturally bewildered. For Qianhe, who had never been good at lying, such a natural performance was almost the answer.

Obviously, there is no need for a formal answer, Qianhe does not understand what Wang said.

Sure enough, Qianhe shook his head and said: "When time is running out, I don't know what it is."

There are many things that can be related to a sentence without beginning and end, but there are also many things that cannot be related.

But Cai Ruichen absolutely didn't believe it, the Wang was talking nonsense, and it must have known something, but unfortunately, the Wang died so simply.

"Then it's okay, I think you are in a bad mood, take a good rest, and you will return to that world tomorrow." Cai Ruichen said, and left Qianhe's room directly.

Seeing Cai Ruichen's back, Qianhe seemed to relax.

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