The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 821: Appearing cooperation

This kind of private bargaining chip exchange between Russia and the United States is not good news for Cai Ruichen.

In fact, Cai Ruichen has also noticed a little bit about the secret negotiations between Russia and the United States recently.

There are only balances of interests and strategies between the big powers. In many ways, there are actually links between the superpowers.

Russia has enough weight for the United States to reconsider its interests. The United States once said that Ukraine is the core interest of Europe and NATO, and the United States also plans to deploy an anti-missile system in Ukraine.

But now, this strategy has obviously been adjusted, unless the United States is really willing to send troops to compete with Russia in Ukraine on the issue of Ukraine.

But in fact, let alone a formal contest between the two sides, even if it is a conventional military armed conflict, the two sides will not officially break out under such circumstances.

The reason is simple. The interests have not yet reached the point where both parties cannot make concessions. When there is no room, local conflicts may still erupt.

If Syria implements a federal system, it will not be a good thing for Iraq.

Cai Ruichen is very clear about this, but a peaceful Syria is what he needs, and it is also what his hometown wants to see most.

However, looking at the overall strategy from a macro perspective, this is not good for the future development of Iraq. This disadvantage is not Cai Ruichen's worry about what happened to Syria.

Rather, I worry about what happened to the United States. The core strategic interest of the United States in the Middle East is to divide the entire Middle East and disrupt all current situations in the Middle East.

Originally in Iraq, the United States already had a good pawn, that is, the Kurdish Security Zone. If Cai Ruichen hadn't changed the United States' attitude towards Iraq, the plan would be almost perfect.

The division of the Iraqi and Syrian regimes is a major operation by the United States against the Middle East world. The entire manual process is to highlight the Kurdish problems that have spread in every mainstream country in the Middle East.

Then support these Kurds to stand up and mess around. This is the case in Iraq, and the same is true in Syria now.

Even through the exchange of interests with Russia, Russia began to support the Kurds.

In this step, it is not too much to say that the Americans designed the Russians, but it is also the result of the Russians following the water.

Once Kurdish is completely chaotic in the Middle East, the United States will naturally sacrifice Turkey, and then cause Syria and Iran to chaos.

If Cai Ruichen did not show up, then the United States' trick would be to make Syria, Iraq, and Iran, the three countries in a line, to be completely up.

Iran, which has always been relatively stable, is caught in a civil war with Kurdish. Turkey will be no exception. Syria and Iraq will be divided into two or three countries.

This is one of the current US plans under the core strategic interests of the Middle East. The goal is to disrupt the future strategy of Russia and its hometown through the chaos in the Middle East, while also gaining more strategic space and time for itself.

My hometown wants to see a peaceful Middle East world more than anyone else. One of the key points of the One Belt One Road strategy is the Middle East.

It's just that Cai Ruichen's sudden appearance disrupted the American plan and disrupted the layout of any country in the world in the Middle East.

In addition, the United States is now very close to the Future Technology Group, and Iraq is entering a stage of peace.

This has caused the outside world to start thinking about the U.S. strategy again, because in the current situation where nothing is clear, no one knows what kind of adjustment the U.S. has made in its Middle East strategy.

However, through the current situation in Syria and the actual situation in which Kurdish has begun to riot, the outside world can still see that although the US has adjusted its plans in Iraq before, the general strategic direction is not No change.

What is the U.S. strategy for Iraq? This is what Cai Ruichen currently focuses on.

Cai Ruichen actually doesn't trust the Americans very much. Although the Future Technology Group and the Americans are very close, the cooperation between the Red Police Corps and the US military seems to be very effective.

But in fact, the two sides are more understanding of each other, the Red Police Corps is understanding the US military, and the Americans are not understanding the Red Police Corps.

It's just that neither side has broken this point, which is why Cai Ruichen specially installed an external device like a chimney on the all-electric warship.

The purpose is to conceal most of the performance of the Red Police Navy warships, at least to the Americans. Although these warships are a little more beautiful, in the future development of naval technology and equipment, the Future Technology Group has not reached the level and level of the Americans themselves. .

The same is true for cooperation in other areas. The Red Police Corps air force has been equipped with a lot of Black Hawk fighters in this world, but in fact, Black Hawk fighters have never appeared before the world.

Even the United States just knows that the Future Technology Group is still developing a heavy third-generation fighter, but I don’t know, the Black Hawk fighter has already entered the Red Police Corps Air Force service. .

In terms of communication, in order to ensure that their core communication mode is understood by the other party, both parties establish an independent communication system when cooperating.

This method of cooperation was proposed by the Americans. In fact, many systems used by the Americans are not the same as NATO or allies like Japan.

Only when necessary, the United States will use the same system as NATO and its allies to ensure coordinated operations.

The purpose of the United States to independently establish a communication and coordination system is very simple, to prevent its core system from being acquired by the Red Police Corps.

The same is that the Red Police Corps also has its own core command and communication system, and it is naturally impossible to tell the Americans.

In fact, the cooperation between the two parties is often like giving each other a picture of a warship or a fighter plane, and then publishing simple data for the other party to guess.

In such cooperation, both parties are in basic confidentiality needs, and the United States has not been completely assured of an ally like Cai Ruichen.

However, it's just that the current cooperation between the two sides definitely has more advantages than disadvantages. With such a prerequisite, everything else is actually easy to say.

The same is true for the Syrian issue. Cai Ruichen has some thoughts about the United States. Judging from the recent actions of the United States, he still feels that the United States will not easily let go of Iraq, and it is estimated that it will not see Iraq becoming stronger. .

However, even if the Americans have ideas, they will not start in a short time. At least, there is no such energy to deal with Iraq.

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