The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 822: The Red Police soldiers defeated the American soldiers

The one who knows himself best is often his opponent.

Cai Ruichen has been studying the interests of each NATO member state, as well as the United States and Russia.

Because these are the enemies that the Red Police Corps will inevitably face in the future, they are absolutely inevitable.

In this world, except for almost every country in his hometown, the Middle East and Europe, almost every country left will be a stumbling block to Cai Ruichen's ambition.

In the face of stumbling blocks, the best way is to destroy them.

Standing on the opposite side of the United States is a fact that absolutely cannot be changed, unless the United States is willing to see Cai Ruichen's rise in the Middle East and then gradually threaten its own global interests.

Although the United States does not see such a threat at present, the focus is still on dealing with Russia and its hometown, but in fact, the United States does not want to see any forces beyond its control in the Middle East.

Cai Ruichen is already on the list, but because of the cooperation, Cai Ruichen has been on the list until the end.

The reason why the United States still trusts Cai Ruichen is only the self-confidence in pure strength. Americans believe that Cai Ruichen can definitely see the situation clearly.

Once Cai Ruichen is untrustworthy, the United States will definitely kill the Future Technology Group with the momentum of thunder, even if the Future Technology Group can really bring greater economic recovery and growth to the United States.

Because national strategy is above everything else, especially global strategic interests. A little economic interest is nothing in the face of long-term strategic interests.

Moreover, the United States has always been jealous of the future technology group's leading global technology.

The United States, which leads global development, has been surpassed one by one in the field of science and technology. It is not superpowers like China and Russia that surpass itself, but a young man or a personal power.

Although the United States has always been indifferent in this regard, in fact, the rise of future technology groups will greatly stimulate domestic consumption in the United States, and it will also bring disaster to a large number of high-tech companies in the United States.

It is not that the United States has not seen it clearly, but the United States is an economic model that has a severe competitive environment and is completely dependent on consumption.

If Americans do not consume for a day, the United States will be tragedy immediately.

Therefore, the United States has always loved and hated the Future Technology Group. Of course, if the Future Technology Group is in the United States, Cai Ruichen becomes an outstanding scientist and founder of Silicon Valley. For the United States, it is an extremely huge wealth.

The United States will once again be ahead of the world in the field of future science and technology.

However, it is precisely this kind of importance that the United States has, and it is also very careful about Future Technology Group.

Since the last time the Israelis specifically published an analysis on the threat theory of the Future Technology Group, although the United States has always shown a very indifferent attitude and still trusts the Future Technology Group, in fact, it still has a certain impact.

Because in the long run, the future technology group will appear in the Middle East, and only one day will not be good with the Americans, then the interests of the United States in the Middle East will be seriously affected.

Even more serious is that once the Americans and the Future Technology Group break, it will be a disaster for the interests of the United States in the Middle East.

The U.S. military, which has worked with the Red Police Corps, submits a Red Police Corps combat effectiveness report almost every once in a while.

Regarding the combat effectiveness report of the future security company, the Red Police Corps, almost every point will be upgraded to the Pentagon. A large number of staff officers will conduct in-depth and detailed research on these reports every time.

The combat effectiveness of the Red Police Corps is absolutely not to be underestimated in the eyes of the U.S. military, because no matter whether it is the execution of combat orders or the words and deeds of the usual contact, all American soldiers have not found anything in the soldiers of the Red Police Corps. Shortcomings.

In peacetime, although these Red Police Corps soldiers often play with American soldiers, have parties or hold sports competitions, the Red Police Corps is no less active than the Americans.

But once entering the state of combat, or when on duty, that rigor makes almost every American soldier a little unbelievable.

Such an army that is forbidden to such a degree, even if the weapons in its hands are backward, it is still a powerful army.

And these soldiers, one by one, had combat literacy. Almost all American soldiers who had contact with the Red Police Corps gave a thumbs up.

Although each of them is not a master of tactics, but the meticulous attitude, coupled with diligent practice, the individual combat literacy of each Red Police Corps, or the combat literacy of small units, has been repeatedly In the confrontation with American soldiers, there are almost few On the other hand, every time a single-soldier or small-scale troop encounter simulation exercise is conducted with the Red Police Corps, the tragedy day of the American soldiers will come, because almost Every time, they humiliated their chief.

In the usual training results, the Red Police Corps is almost always ahead of the US soldiers. From individual combat to armed cross-country shooting, the US troops often have no face.

In these reports, the information from the Middle East on the future security company, although it seems a bit exaggerated, is not at all watery.

Naturally, American soldiers are very reluctant to write that they have lost in their reports to the Department of Defense, but no one rushes to bear the responsibility of lying about the military situation.

Even the Pentagon is getting used to it. If there is a report that the US military has crushed the Red Police Corps, the Pentagon will even make a call to confirm the authenticity of the report.

When these reports are combined, there is naturally a fact that the Pentagon cannot avoid, that is, the soldiers of the future security company have top combat literacy, whether they are individual or team, and any military quality, they have reached the world. top notch.

Even if the Pentagon is reluctant to admit this fact, it has to admit it in front of a report.

However, the Pentagon has just established a file for this, because the soldiers of the future security company are only mercenaries in the United States.

In addition, the Future Technology Group is rich in wealth and is building a 5,000-person mercenary force. Naturally, everything must be the pursuit of the best. It is impossible for the United States to spend so much money on every soldier, and it is not surprising to lose a little. of.

Of course, such a statement is more of just the United States comforting itself.

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