The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 823: Loan 2 trillion to build Iraq's new defense

Modern warfare is more a systemic confrontation. It is impossible for a mercenary company to confront a country, let alone a world hegemon like the United States.

Therefore, although the combat effectiveness of the security company in the future is very strong, in the eyes of the Americans, this is not surprising.

The Iraqi army that Americans really care about, this army is what the United States needs to watch out for.

A mercenary company of thousands of people has its own navy, land and air forces, but the scale is not enough to make the United States vigilant.

But Iraq is different. Future Technology Group is vigorously supporting the reconstruction of Iraq, and it is also rebuilding troops. This matter has not only become the focus of attention in the Middle East, but also a place that the United States has always cared about.

The Iraqi Defense Force of hundreds of thousands was reduced to 100,000 within a month. The large-scale purge in the military has even wiped out the entire Iraqi defense force system.

No officer above lieutenant colonel can die, and all officers and generals above lieutenant colonel were sent to the military court.

From this, it is enough to see that the current Iraq is superb in its military development.

No country, no matter what dynasty, no matter it is an emperor, dare not do this.

But Iraq did just that, and it has not caused a mutiny in the army, and eliminated three-quarters of its troops, and almost no country dared to do so.

Iraq is so capricious. From the outside world, Idris's courage is simply terrifying.

And no one dares to underestimate the streamlined Iraqi army, and the United States is no exception.

The 100,000 original Iraqi army, together with the two ace reloading divisions, the Marlin Division and the Tikrit Division, previously established under the creation of the Future Technology Group, are enough to make many countries not dare to underestimate it.

This also means that Iraq has also begun to take the road of better troops. With its huge and bloated force structure, under modern warfare, what it brings is not an increase in combat effectiveness, but a reduction in combat effectiveness.

No one would say that such a major disarmament in Iraq is ruining its own defense industry.

Because everyone understands that with the support of the Future Technology Group, Iraq’s current 100,000 troops will soon be armed with weapons and equipment, all third-generation main battle tanks, and various third-generation fighter jets. .

At that time, the combat effectiveness of the Iraqi Defense Forces will not become weaker due to the reduction in the number of soldiers, but will be stronger.

This is also the simplest truth. Almost everyone thinks that with the help of the future technology group, the Iraqi government will arm the streamlined troops as soon as possible.

However, this idea just appeared in everyone's mind. The Israeli Ministry of Defense made a decision that surprised everyone.

According to the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, the streamlined 100,000 Iraqi Defense Forces units will be demarcated from the Iraqi Defense Forces combat sequence and become local garrison forces. The Iraqi Defense Forces will formally establish the National Guard Force Command.

The 100,000 troops will be reorganized into six garrison divisions and become the garrison troops under the combat organization of the Iraqi Defense Forces, which is commonly known as the second-line force.

As soon as this news appeared, almost everyone thought that the Iraqis were stupid.

If the troops with a small number of 100,000 people are delineated into the mainstream battle sequence, that does not mean that the main combat force currently owned by the Iraqi government is only 40,000.

But soon, the Iraqi Ministry of Defense announced again that the Iraqi Defense Forces would be reorganized, with the Marin Division and Tikrit Division as the main combat forces to form a new defense force combat organization.

The new Iraqi Defense Forces combat organization includes the Iraqi Air Force, Iraqi Navy, Iraqi Army, and Iraqi Missile Force.

When this news first appeared, the Iraqi Ministry of Defense also stated to the outside world that in order to ensure that the Iraqi Defense Forces have the power to protect the Iraqi people as soon as possible, it would propose a proposal of more than 200 billion US dollars to the Future Technology Bank of the Future Technology Group, totaling 20,000 Billion Iraqi dinars for military loans.

The entire loan will be used by the Iraqi government to purchase weapons and equipment for the Iraqi defense forces and garrisons.

The procurement project for this loan includes the rebuilding of two armored divisions with rapid response, as well as an air assault division and an airborne unit.

As for the navy, the Iraqi Navy will purchase two multi-function destroyers with a displacement of 6,800 tons, as well as four sea scorpions and a fast integrated supply ship.

The navy will also establish Iraq’s first Marine Corps capable of amphibious operations, with only one reinforced battalion for the time being.

The Air Force is the key procurement target for this loan. More than 60% of the two trillion Iraqi dinars loan were allocated by the Air Force.

In order to encircle its national airspace sovereignty, the Iraqi Air Force will purchase 220 third-generation fighter jets at once.

At the same time, there are subsequent weapons and equipment for various fighter jets and pilot training costs.

The entire huge procurement plan also took into account the costs of the Iraqi garrison and the national police and security forces.

The loan and the arms purchase contract were completed in a very short time, and the public announcement was only the result of this matter.

Future Technology Group plans to complete all military purchase orders in Iraq within three years.

Such a large military order is almost the re-arming of a country’s national defense and military forces. The completion of such orders within three years has given the world a more obvious understanding of the military industrial capacity of Future Technology Group.

After all, it does not seem that an ordinary country can produce such a large number of weapons and equipment in such a short period of time.

Especially with more than two hundred third-generation fighter jets, if the Iraqi Air Force is fully equipped with combat effectiveness, it will be enough to overwhelm many European countries.

And as soon as these news appeared, it was enough to make Americans jealous enough. Idris did not seem to be a calm person.

Iraqis, who have suffered from war for a long time, are more aware of the need for a strong national defense. Almost no Iraqis has objections to such a large-scale loan of armed forces from the Ministry of Defense.

Only a strong national defense has the ability to resist the enemy outside the country, and only in this way will it prevent the flames of war from rekindling on the land of Iraq.

This is a manifesto of the development of the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, and it is not the long-cherished wish of every Iraqi.

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