The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 824: Iraqi economic model

Cai Ruichen’s exclusive office area on the 180th floor of the Future Technology Group’s headquarters is surrounded by spacious offices and high floor-to-ceiling windows. The prototype of a super city is being built around the world's tallest building.

Nearly half of the construction work of the Future Technology Concept Park outside the headquarters of the Future Technology Group has also been carried out.

The subsequent general works are expected to be completely constructed within two years.

Today, the town of Marin is already one of the busiest places in Iraq and even the Middle East. There are luxury cars everywhere. Every day, you can see many tourists visiting the future largest city in Iraq to witness this The process of building a city step by step.

The high-speed rail to the port of Basra has been open to traffic for some time. In the dual-line high-speed rail, almost every fifteen minutes, there is a high-speed train to the port of Basra to transport a large amount of cargo to the port for loading.

In flat Iraq, the minimum speed of high-speed rail is also maintained at 350 kilometers per hour. It does not take two hours from Marin Town to Basra, plus the stopping time of several stations.

High-speed transportation has given Iraq a completely different economic development model.

Although today’s Iraq is a waste of money, it has undergone the most fundamental changes compared to the previous Iraq’s economy.

The Future Technology Bank has almost become the biggest boost to the development of Iraq. With factories built in Iraq, the Future Technology Bank will also open doors for those who are willing to start a business and have good projects.

Cai Ruichen is very clear about building Iraq. It is very impractical to rely solely on bases to improve all walks of life in Iraq.

Only letting Iraqis learn how to get a better life is the most fundamental direction to change Iraq.

Now Iraq is like a huge gold mine. Cai Ruichen is the investor. He owns the entire gold mine. Then he summoned a large number of workers to mine here. The workers settled down around the gold mine and gradually formed a gathering area, or a small town.

For example, after one year. The profit of the entire gold mine is 10 million, and Cai Ruichen will choose to give 50% to all miners for this 10 million. Give them good enough benefits.

In this way, these miners have enough sources of livelihood here, and after deducting the daily living expenses, there will be a certain share of money left behind.

With the increasing number of workers. Cai Ruichen used the remaining 5 million to invest in the town where these miners live. Build infrastructure here, build schools, farmers’ markets and supermarkets.

With the development of gold mines, the size of the town will become larger and larger, and a large town will soon be formed here.

As the population increases, Cai Ruichen will continue to increase investment in small towns and build real estate with the proceeds from the gold mine, so that workers who can almost afford a house will be able to afford it. Able to buy a house here.

With the benefit of the gold mine, Cai Ruichen supported these workers. It also raised a market.

But if you only distribute the proceeds of the gold mine to the miners every year, you will only find that the money can only become less and less, because there is no market for investment here. In the end, the money can only be invested in other places. It means that you can only invest overseas.

If the people are rich, the country will be strong. Cai Ruichen doesn't need a country that is poor and the gap between the rich and the poor is huge, because such a country will only get poorer, but a country with a very high per capita income will definitely have money.

This is Cai Ruichen's idea of ​​developing Iraq at this stage. First of all, it is to make Iraqis rich. Such richness is definitely not relying on dead income such as natural energy.

Rather, it requires a combination of industry and technology. Traditional industries are facing a dilemma of shrinking. Cai Ruichen has no plans to build traditional industries across Iraq, because that will most likely lead to the collapse of the entire country in the future.

What he has to do now is to outsource a large number of parts and components of Future Technology Group's main products.

Give those Iraq that loves adventures and dare to try a chance to create more jobs in Iraq.

These are the most fundamental ways to improve the situation in Iraq. Although such outsourcing has increased costs to a certain extent, it can enable Iraq to achieve economic recovery faster.

Now Mirae Technology Group has funds to provide entrepreneurial loans needed by Iraqis, and it also has enough industrial equipment to build factories.

That's right, all individuals who want to set up factories or companies and all loan payments must purchase necessary equipment from Future Technology Group.

This is another profit cycle, and for such conditions, any Iraqi who wants to start a business will not refuse.

Because Mirae Technology Group's industrial equipment is absolutely world-class, and even many countries want to buy the precision instruments of Mirae Industrial Corporation over high, but Mirae Technology Group has never planned to sell it.

Now, as long as Iraqis with enough ideas, once the loan is completed, depending on the situation, even the world's cutting-edge ultra-precision top machine tools like the five-axis five-link machining center can be bought.

However, in a short period of time, few Iraqis dare to purchase such advanced ultra-precision CNC machine tools. Because even the most favorable price, but also old and expensive.

However, if you want to become an outsourcing company of the Future Technology Group, you must have a lot of ultra-precision machine tools similar to the five-axis and five-link machining center, otherwise you can't even think of being favored by the Future Technology Group.

At present some Iraqis have begun to try, especially those clans with a certain amount of wealth, have begun to prepare to cooperate with the Future Technology Group in this regard.

The so-called starvation of the timid and the brave, although the initial investment of a qualified outsourcing company is nearly tens of millions of dollars, it still cannot stop many Iraqis with ideas.

However, advanced numerical control equipment and high-precision instruments cannot be used by ordinary people within a few days of study. Many equipment involves computer programming and the use of their respective software.

Fortunately, the vocational and technical school established by the Future Technology Group very early, specializes in training skilled workers in various high-tech positions.

The workers trained are also sufficient for the employment needs within a certain period of time.

In the future, various schools that have sprung up all over Iraq will soon completely change many traditional things in this country.

I am afraid it is because of the changes in Iraq that many traditional beliefs are gradually disappearing, so that the United States can be more or less assured of Iraq and choose to support Idris. (To be continued.)



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